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Very weird problem

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OK folks here's one for you.

My unraid server seems to go to sleep during the night for some reason.

The server does not power down but I have no network connectivity. 

I can not access the admin page via web browser and all network access is cut off. Can not ssh either

Of coarse after a reboot I loss the log so I cant see any activity. 

I have ran fix common problems and found no problems. 

I rest the S3 plugin to default (even though I never used it. My board does not support S3) then uninstalled it.

I reset the bios to default just in case. 

It's not a power problem. The server is into a UPS and its log does not show a power down. 

I can not narrow it down so any advice would be helpful. 

Thank you.

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Are you using DHCP or do you have a static IP for your Unraid system?

I encountered issues with DHCP, I don't know why but sometimes the server did not get an IP address and had no network connectivity after booting. As DHCP leases are renewed after some time (normally one day), it could be possible that the release sometimes does not work and the network stops as the Unraid system has no valid IP anymore.

I suspect the timeout for the DHCP in Unraid is too low, but I did not investigate but set a static IP (had a static DHCP lease anyway) and I never had any network connectivity drops since then anymore.

By the way, this started with 6.8.0 and was never before with any older version, my DHCP server of course did not change.

Edited by Addy90
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36 minutes ago, Addy90 said:

I suspect the timeout for the DHCP in Unraid is too low

DHCP renewal time is set on your router, make sure it is one day or longer to prevent unnecessary high amount of DHCP renewal requests.

36 minutes ago, Addy90 said:

By the way, this started with 6.8.0

It looks like the kernel used in 6.8.0 and higher has a different behavior with bonded interfaces.

Bonded interfaces are shortly put down while initializing and this interferes with the concurrent DHCP request.


Several ways to solve this

1. When a single interface (eth0) is used, then disable bonding

2. Use a static assignment and avoid the DHCP race condition

3. A newer version of Unraid will address the DHCP race condition (not released yet)


Edited by bonienl
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2 minutes ago, bonienl said:

DHCP renewal time is set on your router, make sure it is one day or longer to prevent unnecessary high amount of DHCP renewal requests.


I meant the client timeout: https://linux.die.net/man/5/dhclient.conf, not the router lease time.

I thought the client timeout was set to 10 seconds in Unraid during boot, but I cannot confirm now as I have set to static.

Because yes, I have a bonded interface. Now with DHCP enabled on bonded interface, the 10 seconds client timeout were too short for obtaining an IP address. As you say, it is because the interfaces are shortly put down since 6.8.0, this makes totally sense now why I could not get an IP address.

In my case, I did 2. and will wait for 3. 😄


For the original author of this topic, I suspected that as the network connection is lost after some time, it looks like a dhcp client timeout like I had. Maybe it is something else then as you say this issue is only while initializing the network interfaces. This sounds like this should not happen on renewal, but I cannot confirm, maybe the author knows about this... Thanks @boniel for clarification!

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  • 3 weeks later...

*NOT SOLVED* My weird problem is back????

One thing I notice is syslog is not written to cache even though the option is selected in settings. 

CommonFixProblems plugin even warns me about this. Syslog server is on and mirror to cache is checked but no file. 

Maybe hardware.  Going to replace cpu, maybe it fried itself. 

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