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Drive died now only half of my data is showing. All data on the bad drive is not showing?

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I had an 8TB WD Red drive die today with the red X.  Had 4 write errors.  I noticed it was only showing me half of my data from my good drive and none from the dead drive.  I could no longer write to my shares either.  I rebooted unRaid and I could write to my shares again but half of my data still is not showing.  I thought the parity drive was supposed to keep all data regardless of a failure?  I am purchasing a new 8TB tomorrow when it rebuilds will it show all my data again?  I really thought I should be able to access all my data even with a bad drive.  If anyone has some advice please let me know.  Thanks.

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2 hours ago, ViSioN said:

I thought the parity drive was supposed to keep all data regardless of a failure?

The parity drive is not a backup. The concept of parity is pretty much always the same wherever it is used in computing and communications. Parity is just an extra bit that allows a missing bit to be calculated from all the remaining bits.


Disk2 is disabled and the emulated disk is unmountable. But, SMART for that disk looks OK. Best approach is to try to repair the filesystem of the emulated disk, then if that is OK rebuild the disk.


See here for repairing the filesystem:




Be sure to capture any output so you can post it for further advice.


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Here is the output.  The directions state it should state when the check is complete which I do not see where it states complete.  Also the directions state it will have in the output what repair I would need to do but I do not see that either.  Can you please look at the output and advise what to do next.



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It appears all my data is showing.  I will check through and see.


Just to confirm you believe from the diag that my drive is good?  That is was just something that happened that caused it to error out?  Right now the duplicate unmounted Disk2 went away and only the Disk2 with the red X is showing now.  If I was going to reuse that drive what would the next steps be?  I have one on order and may still put the new one in and run tests on the current Disk2 and if good keep as a spare.

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22 minutes ago, ViSioN said:

Just to confirm you believe from the diag that my drive is good?

Most likely, disk looks fine, but without the diags from when the disk got disable it's harder to say with more certainty.


24 minutes ago, ViSioN said:

If I was going to reuse that drive what would the next steps be?



Recommend replacing/swapping cables before doing this just to rule them out in case the same disk gets disable again.


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5 hours ago, PeteAsking said:

If this was very important to not lose any data one thing you might consider is cloning the bad drive to another one of identical size and then working on that cloned disk in another linux pc to try fix it. Just saying in case its like data you absolutely cannot lose.

Since we were repairing the emulated disk, nothing was changed on the physical disk.

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