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Migrating data from old array to new one


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I am about to replace my current 8 drives (only 1tb and 2tb drives) with a total data size of around 11tb with qty (4) 10tb drives. I would like to start over with my array and remove all current drives and replace them with the 4 new ones.


What would be the best procedure to do this? Remove all drives, install the new ones, pre-clear them, create the new array and then plug in each drive as unassigned, mount them and copy from old drive to the new array?


Or should I pre-clear them one at a time so it doesn't take days to pre-clear and I keep my server running?


Also, will I need to re-install my dockers?


Just curious what the best practice would be.




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4 hours ago, R-No said:

will I need to re-install my dockers?

Your docker settings are stored on flash, and you can get them going again just as they were using the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page. But, you may not need to even do that much.


Since this is just a drive replacement, with shrinking the array, you might just do it the "standard" way, one disk at a time.

  1. Replace parity first since it needs to be largest and let it rebuild.
  2. Then proceed with replacing / rebuilding whichever disk needs replacing the most (SMART report), or whichever disk has the most contents.
  3. Repeat until you have all the new disks in.
  4. Then move the data from the remaining disks using unBALANCE plugin, Krusader, or whatever you prefer.
  5. When those are empty, New Config without them and rebuild parity.

That method has the advantage of keeping your server going throughout the whole process. And you have parity protection through all of it except for the rebuilding parity steps, and that isn't much risk if you keep the original disks until finished.

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Hey Trurl,


That sounds like the way to go, thanks!!


One quick question: Can I physically move the drives around to different connectors without affecting the array? See, I have a 4-bay enclosure that I would like to use with front access to the drives as well as about 6 internal drive bays. I want to replace my qty (4) 2tb drives that are currently in there with the new 10tb drives.


Thanks again!


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Thanks, that's awesome! I guess I now have a plan of action:


- Move 1st drive of my enclosure and replace it with new drive

- Pre-clear the new drive

- Make new drive the parity

- Move 2nd drive of my enclosure and replace it with new drive

- Pre-clear the new drive

- Copy data from other drive to new drive using Krusader (I am not familiar with unBALANCE)

- Remove old drive

- Repeat last steps for remaining 2 drives

- Copy whatever remaining drives I have left and remove all old drives


That sound about right?





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15 minutes ago, R-No said:

That sound about right?

I don't think so. It seems like you are planning to do more copying and less rebuilding than I had in mind. Whether you preclear anything or not is up to you, its only purpose is to test drives. Nothing about the procedure I outlined above requires a clear drive.


Let me see if I can explain it again.


Since you have 4 new drives all 10TB, you would use each to replace and rebuild one of your existing 8 drives, one at a time, starting with parity. So 4 total rebuilds. Start by replacing and rebuilding parity, then 3 more rebuilds, one at a time, each a replacement of one of your existing drives with a new one. In the end, you will have 3 x 10TB disks, each with the rebuilt contents of one of your existing data disks, each with plenty of free space, and you will still have 4 of the original disks in the array.


Then copy those remaining original disks to those 3 new data disks.


Finally, New Config without those drives and rebuild parity (shrink the array).


Let me know if you need a more detailed step-by-step.


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That sounds like an easier process then my overly complicated copy fiasco! Still new to this and this is the first major upgrade for me so I really appreciate your help!!! I am going to give this a whirl and see what kind of trouble I can get myself into! 

I’ll post back with the results!!


Thanks again so much!!



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  • 9 months later...
On 4/14/2020 at 2:59 AM, trurl said:

Your docker settings are stored on flash, and you can get them going again just as they were using the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page. But, you may not need to even do that much.


Since this is just a drive replacement, with shrinking the array, you might just do it the "standard" way, one disk at a time.

  1. Replace parity first since it needs to be largest and let it rebuild.
  2. Then proceed with replacing / rebuilding whichever disk needs replacing the most (SMART report), or whichever disk has the most contents.
  3. Repeat until you have all the new disks in.
  4. Then move the data from the remaining disks using unBALANCE plugin, Krusader, or whatever you prefer.
  5. When those are empty, New Config without them and rebuild parity.

That method has the advantage of keeping your server going throughout the whole process. And you have parity protection through all of it except for the rebuilding parity steps, and that isn't much risk if you keep the original disks until finished.

I'm in for the same procedure, but how do we make a new config as you describe above?

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