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Win 10 VM starts with 1080ti passed But no GUI option in the dropdown menu (Resolved)

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Hi Guys, I have managed to get a Win 10 VM (from it's own SSD) running Ok on VNC but every time i try to pass the Strix GTX 1080ti the VM starts ok but there is no GUI option in the dropdown menu.

Can someone please look at my logs and give me some advise?



Unraid Syslinux Configuration.docx

VM Log.docx

VM xml version.docx


Hi Squid, I see you help out a lot on this forum and appreciate the time you took to reply.

I was expecting to see a 'windows' option in the drop down menu in the GPU passed VM, if that doesn't happen and the video goes strait to the monitor I have a different problem, when starting the VM a signal goes to the monitor to wake it up but only black screen until the monitor sleeps again. 

Did I provide enough information for trouble shooting?

Edited by JohnD
Response to Squids answer
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Hi mate, maybe my understanding of a VM is off or i'm not explaining my problem very well.

I'm running an unraid server (loving it) in a desktop setup in GUI mode, I can also access it via my laptop.

I'm running some dockers and a plex server.

I had thought that by starting a VM from the laptop a new window would open up for win 10 (selected from the dropdown menu after it's started) or alternatively a cable connected from the second gpu (stubed to the vm) to the monitor would display win 10.

As it stands from the laptop the VM starts and nothing, when the monitor is connected to the second gpu (first gpu for unraid disconnected) and the VM is started from the laptop a signal goes to the monitor to wake it then i only have a black screen until the monitor resumes sleeping.

Am I thinking right here or do I need to read up some more on VM's?


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6 hours ago, JohnD said:

a cable connected from the second gpu (stubed to the vm) to the monitor would display win 10.

That is how it will work if

a. your hardware supports it

b. you have the VM configured correctly


I'm guessing since the video card does at least wake up the monitor that you have it partially correct, maybe try the other outputs on the card, or possibly you need to dump the BIOS for the card and specify that file in the VM setup.


6 hours ago, JohnD said:

I need to read up some more on VM's?

I suggest watching some of spaceinvaderone's youtube videos.

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On 4/16/2020 at 10:43 PM, jonathanm said:

since the video card does at least wake up the monitor that you have it partially correct

Hi Guys, Success at last, in the process i found the hdmi cable a bit dodgy.

Thank you for the assist.

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  • JohnD changed the title to Win 10 VM starts with 1080ti passed But no GUI option in the dropdown menu (Resolved)

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