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Unraid v5 issue no GUI and not sure if I can upgrade

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My Atom based unraid server has been going for many many years. As it has worked I haven't attempted to upgrade to v6 but now I see I have no Web GUI and not quite sure what to do.


I searched for how to run it from console but couldn't find a way

I searched if I can re-download the webgui plugin or something like that but again couldn't find any files


I am tempted to upgrade to v6 but I am not sure if my Atom based CPU is supported and again couldn't find any info.


Can someone help for both questions:

1. Is there anyway to get my web gui back on v5.xxx (not sure exact version)

2. Does v6 support an Atom CPU. All I want is to use it as a filestore, so no need for fancy virtualisation.


Thanks in advance

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Even with v5 the web GUI is built in even though it is not as feature rich as the v6 GUI.   If for some reason you cannot get to the GUI at the moment a reboot should fix that as long as your flash drive is not corrupt.


Unraid v6 is 64-bit only so you need a 64-bit capable processor.   No idea off-hand if your CPU is 64-bit but that should be easy enough to check.   

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8 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Unraid v6 is 64-bit only so you need a 64-bit capable processor.   No idea off-hand if your CPU is 64-bit but that should be easy enough to check.   

Thanks I'll check this but pretty sure it's 64bit



Even with v5 the web GUI is built in even though it is not as feature rich as the v6 GUI.   If for some reason you cannot get to the GUI at the moment a reboot should fix that as long as your flash drive is not corrupt.

Hmm... I am not getting any gui after reboots nor any errors on the console. I assume the web gui is on port 80 by default and thus I just go to my Unraid's IP.


I haven't used the GUI for 2 years now :(


Is there anyway I can refresh the flash drive to its original state with v5?

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Thank you - I am pretty sure I left it at port 80, but will look into this as well.


I would really like to know if there is anyway to "un-corrupt" my Flash drive :) I am worried I might have deleted the WebGUI from the packages or plugins folder in an attempt to revert back to defaults.


If only I was able to get the latest v5 download from somewhere

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I just tried running emhttp manually from console and got segmentation fault. I thought I will let you know.


# /usr/local/sbin/emhttp
[3]+  Exit 127                ./usr/local/sbin/emhttp
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


Edited by djjelly
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1 hour ago, djjelly said:

I am worried I might have deleted the WebGUI from the packages or plugins folder in an attempt to revert back to defaults.

The webUI, along with everything else in the OS, is in archives on the flash drive. There is no way to delete just part of that since it is not separate files.


Have you tried putting your flash in your PC and letting it checkdisk? While in your PC, copy the config/go file and post it.


Do you have a backup of flash or possibly a download of V5 yourself that you may have kept?


Probably your data is safe, since each disk can be read individually on any Linux. How important is that data to you? Maybe moving forward to V6 will be the best thing, but it may take some effort and possibly expense if your current hardware isn't up to the task.


How much RAM do you have?

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Oh - good questions


1. I have run checkdisk this morning and while it came back saying it repaired the USB, the webgui still didn't work.

2. I should have an old copy of the USB key somewhere but I can't find it :( (not helpful)



Probably your data is safe, since each disk can be read individually on any Linux. 

3. I have just flashed the v6 on the USB key so I can see if that works. I hope it will not corrupt any of the files on the array, I can't see why it would do that so taking a bit of a risk.



How important is that data to you?

Hmmm - I just have bucket loads of archived stuff (i.e music) that I don't use but it brings back memories :) So not critically important if I lose. Rest is backups that I have been taking over the years. God knows what's in there. My unraid is my hoarding cupboard 


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11 minutes ago, djjelly said:

I have just flashed the v6 on the USB key so I can see if that works.

Ok - I am up and running with v6 now. Upgrade seemed very straight forward to be honest. It's running a parity check atm.


In terms of hardware this is what I got:



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1 minute ago, trurl said:

So can you access your data?

Yes all data accessible and no issues in performance as NAS. 

This is great!!!! 

TBH the upgrade instructions made it sound to me like things will be trickier to upgrade.


As for the RAM - I might need to invest in new hardware in the future but for now that will do. 

Thanks a lot for all the replies!

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Was this a "clean" install? No addons from V5 are compatible.


There are some other things you might want to do now that you are on V6. Even without dockers and VMs there are definitely some plugins that you can run and are considered indispensable, Community Applications should be first, and then it will let you install others. Unassigned Devices is something you will probably want.


If you want more advice go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post.

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Also, if you are going to start actively adding files again, you should migrate from your current ReiserFS format to XFS on new drives that you add. ReiserFS performs very poorly on drives larger than 2TB, especially when adding and deleting files on mostly full drives.


Migrating entails copying data from the ReiserFS drive to a different drive, and formatting the source drive to XFS to become the destination from another ReiserFS drive. Unfortunately you can't change formats on a drive and keep the data intact.


If you never plan to add files to Unraid and simply want to read your old files, it's probably not worth the hassle.

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On 5/9/2020 at 3:12 PM, trurl said:

Was this a "clean" install? No addons from V5 are compatible.


Yes I did a clean install. i.e I erased the USB and used the software I downloaded to create a v6 USB. I then copied my config folder as per the instructions and it all worked. 

I didn't care about the plugins to be honest so I guess that's why it was simple.


On 5/9/2020 at 3:12 PM, trurl said:

There are some other things you might want to do now that you are on V6.

Thank you, I will try :) you are very kind with all the suggestions!

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On 5/9/2020 at 4:45 PM, jonathanm said:

Also, if you are going to start actively adding files again, you should migrate from your current ReiserFS format to XFS on new drives that you add. ReiserFS performs very poorly on drives larger than 2TB, especially when adding and deleting files on mostly full drives.


Migrating entails copying data from the ReiserFS drive to a different drive, and formatting the source drive to XFS to become the destination from another ReiserFS drive. Unfortunately you can't change formats on a drive and keep the data intact.


If you never plan to add files to Unraid and simply want to read your old files, it's probably not worth the hassle.

@jonathanm Thanks - maybe I can remove one by one the drives from the array and make them XFS. This is a good suggestions. I have plenty of free space I think.

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3 hours ago, djjelly said:

I can remove one by one the drives from the array and make them XFS

If you remove them, you will break parity and need to rebuild. Keep them active in the array, and format them there. That way no lengthy parity rebuilds and running at more risk of drive failure. Just be sure never to format a drive that has data you haven't copied to another drive already.

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