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Parity Logs Disabled but Healthy

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I very much doubt that you are going to get anyone to try and work through the information you posted as it is unformatted and not amenable to being analysed.    You should include such information as an attached file (which hopefully retains its original formatting) if you want anyone to try and give you any useful feedback.

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Thanks. This was a case from BackBlaze 2.0 which they gave out for free. It's sitting in my garage and it's summer, so I'm not surprised about the cooling. I'll probably turn on the fans. I'm a relative unRAID newbie. It's a long rabbit hole.

Can I ask how did you work out that it is a controller problem?

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3 hours ago, liynus said:

Can I ask how did you work out that it is a controller problem?

I said it looks more like a controller issue, you can (and should) still run an extended SMART test on parity to confirm, but even if the disk is the problem for now I would still recommend replacing that controller since it will likely cause trouble sooner or later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks. finally got around to it today. I took out the controller cards and plugged all the drives directly into the motherboard. startup errors went away.


it's rebuilding parity now. was afraid i was going to lose my data, but your advice and spaceinvader video on xfs corruption saved my butt <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVjB0ROdLBA> wife is SO happy about your unraid hobby.


also my docker was hanging my whole system, deleted the docker.img and just reinstalled, nice that the app data is separate, so all my plex data is unchanged!!


unraid is so powerful, but also so complicated for average nubes. it's a long learning curve at times for sures. thanks teeteejorge for all the work that you and others do on this forum. unraid's also a pathway to linux learning and learning to program in python for me. what a rabbit hole!!

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