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Error with connecting to hypervisor

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error: failed to connect to the hypervisor

error: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No such file or directory


I am getting this error after a force restart of unRAID. I had to force restart unRAID due to a strange issue where I could not login to the WebUI (i.e. the webui was not coming up on the browser as if it wasn't even on the network). I could not ping my unRAID, and I could not ssh into it. So i had to force restart unRAId. Now after a restart, I noticed this issue of the hypervisor not coming up. Also i noticed that my VM tab is not present in the webUI. Prior to the restart everything was working.

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Ok so those are my diagnostics. Additional info I tried a restart as before I forced restarted unRAID due to what I mentioned before but still no cigar. Really concerned if this is a hardware issue and wondering if I need to upgrade any hardware. I don’t know how this file got deleted.

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