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[SOLVED] Discovered my Unraid in a frozen state

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would someone mind having a look at my Diagnostics log file and confirm, what I think it is , as this has happened to me to twice this month, and I think one of my components is no playing nice.


I discovered my server was still running, but with no activity network light flashing, so I have to do a warm reboot. and once I did this all the services and hard drivers came back on line.


many thanks


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Like itimpi mentioned syslog before rebooting might provide more clues, still there are a few visible issues:


Jun 13 09:06:45 Tower kernel: usb 1-9: reset high-speed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd
Jun 13 09:06:45 Tower kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 30253056 512-byte logical blocks: (15.5 GB/14.4 GiB)


Flash is dropping, use a USB 2.0 port instead (if available).



You are overclocking the RAM for the CPU used, it's a known issue with Ryzen see here:



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thanks for your advice, at the moment my server has now moved on to power shutdown as and when it feels like it, so I have changed my P{persistent logs to Mirror to Flash and hopefully this will catch something.



the server has been running for about 10 mins and then it auto shutdown.  I then gone to the USB to see if I can copy the log files but all I can I see are old files.



@tee-tee jorge  I don'r understand why this has just started as it has been stable for about 6 months with no issues and, only the past few days has it started to play up


I will do as you advice and lower my RAM speed to see if this helps, and I will report back my findings




Last night after about 4 hours the server again shut down, then only thing that was running was my MontionEye Docker.


so this morning, I have created a new Unraid USB Pen Drive and booted off this. I have have connect my RAID to the new OS


I will see how long this last before it turns off.  if it does then it will indicated that it is a hardware issue and not OS


Edited by chris_netsmart
Update - RAM Speed and System Stopped
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7 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

If it's shutting down by itself there's likely a hardware problem, like overheating or bad power supply/board.

If this is true then woundn't this happened early and not 6 months down the line. And when i monitor my temp the cpu and motherboard are both between 45c and i have good air flow.


But i will look into this @johnnie.black


Update: just checked my motherboard and CPU and both are bouncing around 49c to 53c




Edited by chris_netsmart
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Good News I have found the issue:  the issue was a power supply issue that for some reason it kept on tripping out,

this was discovered after going through all the hardware tests for Memory - CPU and Hard Discs


if anyone else if having issues here is a quick work through of my testing.


removed all external connections ' GPU, HD's Raid Controllers

get a ubuntu boot USB and boot into test mode.


from here I ran the Commands to test the HD's  smartcrt -l  and  and also I found a online website to test the CPU, GPU.

then I started to add things like the Raid Controller PCI board ,  at which point I start to have issues so I through RAID Control so I

replace this with a spare and still have issues.


I even updated my Bios to the latest version.


so this only leaves Motherboard and PSU,  so I loan a PSU from a friend and retested.  and so far it has been stable for 2 days.

as all my HDs are running. so I have go out and order a new PSU which I will install into my Unraid. and for fun I am also going to add a few more fans to help with the cooding as at the moment it is stilling around 40c


thanks to all who posted in here.

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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Discovered my Unraid in a frozen state

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