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Post Powercut Stability Problems

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Hi All,


My Unraid server (6.8.2) was running just fine when we had a couple of powercuts a few days ago. I had been meaning to look into a UPS but never got around to it....


Anyway, I powered the system back up and let it do the usual parity check. All okay, but since then the server has repeatadly locked up/crashed.


I have attached the diagnostics I grabbed between lock ups.


What ever the problem is, it appears to be getting worse as the time between lock ups is decreasing.


I am currently running memtest.


I have tried running without Dockers and it still locked up.


Can anyone help me with the next steps should the memtest pass okay?


Server is running on Ryzen 5 1600 and 32gb memory.






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9 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Overclocked RAM is a know issue with Ryzen, see here, also check the power supply idle control setting, even if before you were overclocking you should stop.

Thanks for replying. I will check the bios whem Memtest has finished but I don't think I have any overclocks (CPU or Memory) in place.

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13 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Overclocked RAM is a know issue with Ryzen, see here, also check the power supply idle control setting, even if before you were overclocking you should stop.


12 hours ago, elnevera said:

Thanks for replying. I will check the bios whem Memtest has finished but I don't think I have any overclocks (CPU or Memory) in place.

Well..... I was wrong. Memory was set to 3200 in the BIOS. I have set it to default and also changed the power supply idle setting. I have also attached another diagnostic and it hasn't locked up since coming back on.


I am still confused as to why after the power cut it became unstable with no changes to the bios......


Also, can anyone recommend a UPS that will allow a clean shut down in the event of another power cut?


Edited by elnevera
Forgot to add the diagnostic
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7 hours ago, elnevera said:

35 hours and no lock up. Still none the wiser as to why a power cut changed anything.

The cut could have followed a surge and a tiny surge could cause tiny damage that is not normally perceivable, unless you are overclocking which narrows your margin. Basically anything is possible when electricity can't be trusted.

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