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[Solved] Stuck on Kernel Panic after reboot

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Hi Team,


Can someone help me out here as I am stuck with Kernel Panic and this has become frustrating. This is what my error looks like as attached and below is my syslinux/syslinux.cfg config looks like. Surely I have already checked the FAQ section yet this is as bad and I can't boot.



default menu.c32
menu title Lime Technology, Inc.
prompt 0
timeout 50
label Unraid OS
  menu default
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot root=sda

Tried even writing old backup on a new USB drive yet I am facing the same issue. Unsure what else might be problem.


Some BIOS setting I need to be clear:


Secure Boot was cleared

CSM Support is Disabled ()


If someone can guide me that be a great help please.





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This is usually a flash drive problem try another one or re-create it manually following this:



Backup your flash drive then open a command prompt window as administrator, then type, in this order:

-list disk
-select disk x (x=your flash drive)
-create partition primary
-format fs=fat32 label=UNRAID quick

-close cmd window
-Unzip Unraid release to flash drive and restore the config folder from the flash backup
-execute make_bootable as admin

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Hi there,


If this issue has been occurring since you originally went to configure Unraid, then it is likely there is something amiss with the hardware or BIOS that is causing these issues.  If you had a working setup originally and then one day this started happening, we have to figure out what changed that caused this to start happening.


Perhaps try formatting the flash to default settings and see if you can get Unraid to boot there.  If so, then you know something is amiss in the configuration of your previous flash.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @jonp.. me again.. happened today again.. wife ended up switching off the power today and since then I am getting the same kernel panic. My USB drive is tested and it doesn't have any bad sector and it's healthy.. yet seems like every time I boot it's stuck in panic.. 


Since the day 1 what has happened was - 

Timeline1: Installed the new OS and started the Server all well and running

Timeline2: System was restarted after some time say 3 months - Kernel Panic

Timeline3: Got fed up with old USB drive so bought a new one and freshly loaded OS onto it and migrated new key - works fine

Timeline4: After some OS upgrades one fine day server was shutdown for maintenance and while starting up same kernel panic

Timeline5: Again got fed up checked USB all healthy and fresh downloaded OS and built the USB and pasted license on same key - all fine

Timeline6: July 2020 now Server crashed due to power outage - Kernel Panic again

Timeline7: Rebulit with fresh OS on the same drive and with same key - everything works ***** This time I made sure I added the boot keyas below expecting next restart ****



default menu.c32
menu title Lime Technology, Inc.
prompt 0
timeout 50
label Unraid OS
  menu default
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot root=sda
label Unraid OS GUI Mode
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui
label Unraid OS Safe Mode (no plugins, no GUI)
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot unraidsafemode
label Unraid OS GUI Safe Mode (no plugins)
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui unraidsafemode
label Memtest86+
  kernel /memtest

Timeline8: System was hard shut off - kernel Panic again - above is my config


Any help or guidance? This time I don't want to rebuild at all as I need to redo all my config and this is quite frustrating every time doing.. From installing ad-dons to everything. 




I also thought the motherboard BIOS might be culprit but I already have done quite some test - CSM/USB config etc etc but nothing helped.. 

Anything in specific I need to check? 


My Motherboard is ASUS STRIX H370-I with an Intel 8700 CPU

So expect all the standard intel BIOS setting is applicable if this helps. 


Appreciate any response please.

Edited by thunder.02dragon
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I would suggest it is worth downloading the zip file for the release from the Limetech site and then extract all the bz* type files overwriting the copies on the flash drive.   This would fix any of those files if they got corrupted for some reason by the power loss.  It might be worth considering investing in a UPS for the Unraid server if power-loss regularly causes problems.


Do you have a backup of the USB drive?  If not you can easily get a zip of the contents by clicking on the flash drive on the Main tab and selecting the backup option.  It is a good idea to redo this any time you make a significant configuration change.


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4 minutes ago, itimpi said:

I would suggest it is worth downloading the zip file for the release from the Limetech site and then extract all the bz* type files overwriting the copies on the flash drive.   This would fix any of those files if they got corrupted for some reason by the power loss.  It might be worth considering investing in a UPS for the Unraid server if power-loss regularly causes problems.


Do you have a backup of the USB drive?  If not you can easily get a zip of the contents by clicking on the flash drive on the Main tab and selecting the backup option.  It is a good idea to redo this any time you make a significant configuration change.


I do have backups - learnt it the hard way and every month or so I keep backups. Weird thing is - in past I tried formatting the existing USB(not booting) and write backups to it and then try to boot - I get the same Kernel Panic error trying to find "sda" volume. However if on the same USB I do fresh OS install I can boot again without any issue.. So weird - this kinda fails one of the reason for doing backups - just one reason. 


Power losses for me are kinda random however I have this problem with normal shutdown when I shut it down for maintenance too.. :(


I will try replacing method tomorrow morning and get back here . 

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12 hours ago, itimpi said:

I would suggest it is worth downloading the zip file for the release from the Limetech site and then extract all the bz* type files overwriting the copies on the flash drive.   This would fix any of those files if they got corrupted for some reason by the power loss. 

Okay update time : Downloaded the stock UNRAID OS 6.8.3 as it was earlier installed and replaced the bz* files on the old USB Drive (with sda issue) and violah UNRAID Booted normally without any issues. How Bizzare! 

Now only issue so far I can find was that my nvidia drivers was missing so downloaded and installed the Unraid nvidia version again and server is back up. Rest all the configs were there. 

So a big thank you for get me up and going!! Thanks very Much!! Took another backup.

Also anything else I need to look out for like how nvidia drivers were missing? 


Now it would be good to know even-though there is no issues with USB why yet I get the same issues. 

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  • 10 months later...

After long time posting this.. had couple of times again since I was on version 6..8.3 and everytime the server restarted I got stuck with the error and I do realize that was due to the Unraid version I was using as mentioned above (Linuxserver.io).


Now I am so glad that Nvidia drivers are officially supported from Unraid now so this time I upgraded to 6.9.2 Stable and added the nvidia drivers, everything works sweet. Did multiple restarts and so far all good.


So Solution implemented. Thread can be closed now. Hope this helps someone who might be on the same boat

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  • ChatNoir changed the title to [Solved] Stuck on Kernel Panic after reboot
  • 1 year later...

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