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2 Computers try to write

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Hi Folks. I narrowed my problem down a bit. As soon as 2 writes occurs the unRAID kills the Shares/Mount on the computer who started writing second. First computer will be halted or is slow, like 2 MB/s. Is there a way to enhance speed for multiple users?


Maybe my explanation ist not accurate. I an no native english speaker. I will answer any question as good I can.


There is another issue. When I copy files to unRAID I have to overwrite some. Every time. Even copying into an empty folder.


Any ideas?


Edited by Snuups
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I tried a 9305-24i Controller but it's not detecting any HDs. I slowly get the impression that unRAID was a huge waste of money. some bucks for the software and plenty for probably useless hardware I have no further use. And of cause probably loss of data. WE'll see about that.


Edited by Snuups
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German: Wenn ich Dateien kopiere startet er mit ca. 100 MB/s. Das bricht nach 30 Sekunden aud 30 - 50 MB/s ein. Nahc einer Weite fargt windows ob ich Datenen überschreiben möchte die im Ziel bereits vorhanden sind. Das tu er auch, wenn ich in ein leeres Verzeichnis kopiere.


English: When I copy files it starts with about 100 MB / s. This drops to 30-50 MB / s after 30 seconds. After a while, windows asks whether I want to overwrite data that already exists in the target. It does the same when I copy files into an empty directory. I usually copy 500 GB ore more et the time. Copy like 4 or more TB fail at some point.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Snuups said:

2 steps forward. 3 staps back.


I tried a LSI SAS9305-24i controller. This one recognizes no HDs at all. What am I doing wrong? I just don't get it.

Are you sure you have got the right cables for connecting the disks?    They come in ‘forward’ and ‘reverse’ variants that look identical but are wired differently.

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Controller is failing to initialize:


Sep  8 07:48:49 Unraid kernel: mpt3sas_cm0: Scatter Gather Elements per IO(128)
Sep  8 07:48:49 Unraid kernel: mpt3sas_cm0: _base_wait_for_doorbell_int: failed due to timeout count(5000), int_status(40000000)!
Sep  8 07:48:49 Unraid kernel: mpt3sas_cm0: doorbell handshake int failed (line=5253)
Sep  8 07:48:49 Unraid kernel: mpt3sas_cm0: _base_send_ioc_init: handshake failed (r=-14)
Sep  8 07:48:49 Unraid kernel: mpt3sas_cm0: fault_state(0x2669)!
Sep  8 07:48:49 Unraid kernel: mpt3sas_cm0: sending diag reset !!
Sep  8 07:48:49 Unraid kernel: mpt3sas_cm0: diag reset: SUCCESS
Sep  8 07:48:49 Unraid kernel: mpt3sas_cm0: failure at drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_scsih.c:10684/_scsih_probe()!


Make sure it's using the latest firmware, you can also try the latest Unraid beta, there might be some driver difference.

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