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Windows Cannot Access Unraid Server HELP!

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Hello, thanks for reading into my issue...it is driving me insane.


I have just built my Unraid server and finished the parity overnight.

This morning, I created a share and wanted to test my 10gigabit connection, however, windows has another agenda.

The share that I created via Unraid GUI is a media share and settings were default with public access.

The first time I tried accessing the Unraid server, windows prompted me with acces denied and asked for my server credential for "root"  user. I entered credentials but no  luck. I resorted to "more" credential option and logged in as guest user with "admin" as user and no password.


When I am in the Unraid network folder in windows and I try and access my media share, I get this error:



My network settings:



My default gateway address:

My UnraidBeast address:


I have exhausted all options and super frustrated. Any help would be much appreciated.





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Well...I have exhausted all measures that were at my disposal to try and figure this out. I have had zero luck of getting the below error message to go away.



I have tried everything in this thread:



And this thread:



Not sure what else I can do to solve this issue. Has anyone been able to recover from this error?



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OK first thing, is your Unraid server the Local Master? 


What happens when you enter the following on the Address bar on Windows Explorer (Window s file manger)?


Di you look at the Link that @trurl provided in his post above?  Read the first couple of pages and make sure you try those suggestions in your setup.  Then go to the last page and work backwards. 


SMB problems are seldom ever simple to troubleshoot and fix.  As I have mentioned many times, SMB is more like witchcraft than science....

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Hey Frank, thanks for your reply. See below


Local Master info:



inputing \\ in file explorer brings up the same error message.



I did look at @trurl link provided above and tried many options. I will give it another stab and see what happens.


This witchcraft is driving me insane. I should mention that I have zero issues accessing my Unraid server from my Mac device. Completely simple plug and play. I wish windows would fix this.



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One more thing you can try.  There is a program you can run on your Windows computer that will scan the SMB network and show what your PC is 'seeing' is on it.  You can find it by goggling:

LANscanner v2.02

The name of the website is  Scottie's Tech.INFO    As with all Internet downloads use due diligence on checking things out. 


The output will look like this:


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Lo and BEHOLD.


I am not sure how I missed this amazing piece of information, but I am glad I caught it.


This is what solved my issue:

1. Open the registry editor and go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters

2. Double-click on AllowInsecureGuestAuth

3. Under "Value data:", change it from 0 to 1 



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