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Core Assignment help


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Sorry, newbie question. I did search around but cant find a right answer.


I've just create my first unraid using my old desktop. Its running on i7-6700 CPU with 32GB ram.


I plan to create 2 VM. Windows 10 + Ubuntu. As for the core assign can i set both windows 10 and ubuntu to use the same core assignment? Ie. 1/5,2/6,3/7.


Or i will need to use different core for different VM (Windows 10 = 1/5,2/6) (Ubuntu = 3/7)


From thread i understand that i should leave 0/1 untouch as unraid will be using those core for optimal performance


Anyone can help?

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3 hours ago, Squid said:

Yeah, VM cpu assignments can overlap no problems. 

Hi Squid,


Thanks for your advise. So i config my core allocation as 0/4 unassigned, and from 1/5,2/6,3/7 i assign on my Ubuntu and Windows 10.


Edit: i notice when both ubuntu and windows 10 are using the same core assignment. Both OS becomes very laggy.

Edited by Enjawd
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Don't give a VM more than is absolutely necessary. They will perform better if you give them a bare minimum, and allow the host to speed up their "motherboard" using as much CPU and memory as it can. Keep in mind that a VM is running on emulated hardware, the faster the host can emulate it, the better.


Don't cripple the host that provides all the I/O.

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