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default route resets after reboot


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I've solved the docker issue for now. I changed the following setting:


There was a second entry for br1  with no gateway etc. I've unchecked the entry and restarted the docker service. The dockers are resolving the addresses correctly now. I have no clue, why a docker with an IP in the net would try to communicate via br1 and its not available gateway. It's a mystery to me.

My problem from the first post isn't resolved yet. Maybe someone could help? Thanks a lot in advance!

Edited by pappaq
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  • 3 months later...

I have the same problem. I added an additional physical NIC for a lab network. I only used the interface for a short while and do not have anything operating on that network anymore. The cable is disconnected and the interface shutdown. However, every time the server reboots it starts up with the default route assigned to the secondary NIC. I have to manually add the default route to the primary gateway and shutdown the secondary NIC.

It happens every reboot.

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  • 11 months later...

I have the same exact problem.   My main network is which on my unraid box is on the br0 interface.  As well, I have interfaces for non-internet accessible VLans (br2, br2.200).  Whenever I reboot, unraid changes my default route to the IP address on the br2.00 vlan interface. 


I can add a default route to the address using the GUI, but I can't remove the default one on  br2.200.  I have to SSH in and run the command

root@Nas:~# route del -net gw


This happens on every reboot, with no way to have the default I set stick to after a reboot. 

Edited by Xoron
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  • 1 month later...

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