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  • [6.12.0/6.12.1/6.12.2] - DOCKER - Dockers can't start (after 3-4 days running)

    • Solved Urgent

    Hi, I would like to report a Bug with the Official 6.12.0 / 6.12.1 version.


    SInce the 6.12.x beta + rc, it seems that there is some kind of memory leak or similar, that make Docker not working properly until a full Reboot occurs.   The issue can be reproduce easily :


    1. Boot Unraid 6.12

    2. Start all your dockers 

    3. Wait (randomly 3-4-5 days, never same amount of time)

    4. Update a docker, and it will not be able to start, throwing a "Execution Error" / "Server Error".


    Once you start getting this error, you won't be able to restart ANY dockers you have running (it will throw the same error).

    You can't even disable Docker, then Re-enable Docker, it just fail.   

    A full server reboot will fix it for 3-4-5 more days, then it will come back.


    Another observation, I'm running "homepage" docker, and it sees the "health" of "PlexMediaServer" docker.  When the bug isn't triggered yet (during the first days after a reboot), it reports the health of PlexMediaServer to be "healthy", but once the bug is happening, even without restarting a docker, the homepage docker report "Unhealthy" for Plex.  At that point, I know I need to reboot.  I confirmed by trying restarting any docker, and got the "Execution Error" every single time that the Plex is shown as "unhealthy".


    Hopefully, this bug report will get some traction.  If you haven't seen it yet, I suppose it's a question of days before it happens.


    I see that i'm not alone with this bug (see :  https://forums.unraid.net/topic/140301-unraid-612-rc7-docker-stops-after-update/#comment-1274038 )

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    Hi bonienl, 


    I'll add my diagnostic when it occurs next time.  Until then, here is the one from the original thread from someone who has the same issue.  


    As for the space, I can confirm i'm not running out of space anywhere (logs, docker, array, cache, etc.).


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    17 hours ago, Kira said:



    I am also facing this issue but it was more frequent like only running them after 24 hours then I have to force reboot my server.


    I suspect it's docker issue cause I do not have any VMs at all




    You have a macvlan related call trace. Change Docker to use ipvlan custom networks and retest.


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    13 hours ago, bonienl said:


    You have a macvlan related call trace. Change Docker to use ipvlan custom networks and retest.



    how do I fix the macvlan call trace? cant seems to find a solution other than switching to ipvlan


    however I was using macvlan all the while. I do not want to use ipvlan cause it does not shows the dockers in my UDM-Pro client list

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    19 hours ago, Kira said:


    how do I fix the macvlan call trace? cant seems to find a solution other than switching to ipvlan


    however I was using macvlan all the while. I do not want to use ipvlan cause it does not shows the dockers in my UDM-Pro client list



    Downgraded back to 6.11.5 and no issue after 24 hours so far


    After further reading on the whole changelog and other parts of the forum, my issue seems to be most likely cause by that macvlan call trace 


    solution is to either go ipvlan or if macvlan need a dedicated docker network port


    hmm, I wonder if macvlan call trace will be fix in a future update

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    Got this issue since 6.12.0.


    Not all dockers are started in my case, after 2-3 days, if I update a docker, it can't start anymore. During those 2-3 days, docker update works fine (can update a docker 2-3 times before the error occurs).

    I need to restart Docker service (no need to reboot the server) to get it back.


    Custom network type: ipvlan


    Diagnostics attached to the post.





    Edited by Peuuuur Noel
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    On 6/27/2023 at 9:42 AM, carnyc said:


    I have the same problem.
    My Docker instance just crashes after about a day and then I have to restart the server.




    Ok, a downgrade to version 6.11.5 solved the problem for me. Docker is now 100% stable and reliable again. Before the next upgrade I will wait for a stable release.

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    47 minutes ago, carnyc said:

    I will wait for a stable release.

    Try the just released v6.12.2, docker was downgraded to see if it helps with this issue some users are having.

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    Issue still there on 6.12.2 for me.

    On 6.12.1, I could restart Docker service to get it back. But now a need to reboot the server because of:

    '/mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img' is in-use, cannot mount


    Also tested with a new docker.img (in case of corrupted img file) but problem persist.



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    As in this post, I'm using a VPN container (not the same) where 2 other containers use it with this extra parameter "--network=container:binhex-privoxyvpn" and docker with ipvlan.

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    1 hour ago, Peuuuur Noel said:

    As in this post, I'm using a VPN container (not the same) where 2 other containers use it with this extra parameter "--network=container:binhex-privoxyvpn" and docker with ipvlan.

    Is it possible for you to test without that container running to see if you stop seeing the issues?

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    2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Is it possible for you to test without that container running to see if you stop seeing the issues?

    Yes, testing that, will see in a few days.

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    Same problem here, after the update to 6.12.2, my docker containers suddenly stopped to restart properly, I created a post for that, I did a revert to 6.11.5, no more worries. 

    Even if the problem could be the macVlan, I find that a bit limiting, it's very clearly a problem following the update.

    Given the number of people reporting the problem, I'd call switching to another way of network is a band-aid.

    I'm going to wait for a few releases before making the update :)


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    I updated to 6.12.2 about 2 days ago and I just got this issue again.  Attached the diagnostic file.  The error with the "Execution Error", and i also tried restarting a docker that was running well and now, It can't start (it gives the error).  I will have to do a full server reboot.



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    I got the same issue with the stopped dockers as the users above my post, had to revert back to 6.11.5 to get it working again. I did the revert before reading here so I have no log to attach :(

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    I updated to 6.12.2 from 6.11.5 two days ago, and I just had the same issue. "Execution error" when trying to start a container. Restarting docker didn't work, CPU started to go nuts, had to reboot the server. If it's related to containers with special network settings as above I would suspect "binhex-delugevpn". I'm not running that much, no VMs.


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    On 7/3/2023 at 2:22 PM, JorgeB said:

    Is it possible for you to test without that container running to see if you stop seeing the issues?


    Finally found what was causing this error on my side. Don't know if it's the same as the post author.

    This was not caused by a VPN container.


    Got an Nvidia GC used by Plex container for transcoding. This container is logging every 5 sec data related to Nvidia drivers in "/run/docker/containerd/daemon/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/moby/5d096a1b1c8faeedfdcbd60dd63f971b63a6fda9ebdec9ffecd5407fa6781c85" (same as this post), filling up the 32MB of "/run" and ending by an out of space error when trying to start/restart a container.


    Error response from daemon: failed to start shim: symlink /var/lib/docker/containerd/daemon/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/moby/5d096a1b1c8faeedfdcbd60dd63f971b63a6fda9ebdec9ffecd5407fa6781c85 /var/run/docker/containerd/daemon/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/moby/5d096a1b1c8faeedfdcbd60dd63f971b63a6fda9ebdec9ffecd5407fa6781c85/work: no space left on device: unknown
    Error: failed to start containers: 5d096a1b1c8faeedfdcbd60dd63f971b63a6fda9ebdec9ffecd5407fa6781c85


    After deleting this log file to free space, I was able to start container as usual.

    I used the "--no-healthcheck" (thanks to Mstein999) on Plex container to stop this log file from filling up.


    Was there a change in 6.12 that could cause this amount of logs?

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    4 minutes ago, Peuuuur Noel said:

    Was there a change in 6.12 that could cause this amount of logs?

    No sure, I think not directly at least, but you're no the first to have this issue, with /run filling up, and I assume you are using 6.12.2? For this release docker was reverted to the same major release as the one used with v6.11.5.

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    10 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    No sure, I think not directly at least, but you're no the first to have this issue, with /run filling up, and I assume you are using 6.12.2? For this release docker was reverted to the same major release as the one used with v6.11.5.


    Yes, using 6.12.2

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