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Everything posted by Squid

  1. @JorgeB might know, but I seem to recall that there was an issue at some point with the VM system not always honoring the shutdown timer (but it seems to work fine for me) (And you did also install the guest tools in the VM?)
  2. powerdown is safe. But the reason why the system thinks it's an unclean shutdown is due to the flash drop, the OS was unable to write the flag that signified it was a clean shutdown. You can safely cancel.
  3. based on this, the flash was pulled or dropped offline. Reboot is your recourse. Use a USB2 port if at all possible. If this continues, either replace the flash or try the Flash Remount plugin.
  4. The reason why is that the only time a disk is red-balled is because a write failed to it. To make the drive reflect that failed write, you rebuild the disk (Because parity is correct). If you accept the whatever write failed is meaningless, then you rebuild parity to reflect the drive's contents (which include the previous contents of whatever sector failed to write). Corruption (whether noticeable or not) will occur on the file(s) if you use the latter option.
  5. Install the unlimited width plugin. Pet peeve of mine that without that installed the OS has a limitation of 1920 px across It's All there on the home page. New Apps, Spotlighted, Trending, Top New Installs, Random. It's already on my whiteboard to make that selectable
  6. They're not removed, merely consolidated and one click away from the entire list (which would have taken much more than 1 click on the old system). But, yes depending upon your browser width, you may only see 2-3 apps show up in each section without clicking SHOW MORE
  7. The real solution though is in VM Settings you change it to hibernate the VM's instead of Shutting Down and install the Virtio Guest Tools (on the Virtio ISO disk you used to set up the ethernet ports etc in Windows) Million reasons why Windows can take quite a while to shut down (or just plain refuses to) and hibernating the VM instead of attempting to shut it down solves that problem easily.
  8. Don't take this the wrong way, but in that case you're also responsible to sort out the dependency hell imposed by that. Not sure if anyone here would know the answers, and the suggestion would be to run it as a container.
  9. Then how are you running it?
  10. Sort by updates is / was pretty much meaningless except for plugins. The "Update Available" within the docker tab bore no relationship to whether or not the template used for CA had the date of the last update updated accordingly. Especially with the major contributors having their containers set up to automatically build as new versions of the app itself came available or for security reasons, or every Friday rain or shine, the templates were never upgraded to reflect that. The only "true" measure of whether the container is still maintained / updated on a regular basis is to go to the Registry (support drop down on the info panel) and look at the dates on the Tags on the dockerHub.
  11. I've tested that exact combination and can't replicate. An update will be available to CA tonight that will help me diagnose where it's failing.
  12. Descriptions have nothing to do with the issue being discussed affecting one or two users and firefox.
  13. Startup time is mostly reflected by your internet speed with one exception. If the drive container your docker.img (or folder) happens to be spun down. I can't stand any PHP errors appearing within CA ever, but unfortunately the OS isn't as hardened against this time of error, and in the case of a failure of this test previously, PHP errors would appearing throughout CA (and on the DockerTab)
  14. I'm now forcing you to go to dockerHub.
  15. That’s interesting if only because it says where the problem isn’t. CA’s diagnostics are a pain to get at if the spinner doesn’t disappear so tomorrow I’ll issue an update to rectify that and we’ll see where the issue lies. In the meantime I’m curious though what happens if you load up CA in edge and then immediately try it again in Firefox.
  16. Can't replicate this in Firefox. Does it work if you use a different browser? What OS is the client? Can you right click anywhere and then select inspect, then click on a red exclamation point top right expand the bottom window and give me a screen shot
  17. Makes sense. You should post in the Unassigned Devices thread and ask @dlandon to consider adding it if what you specify as a permanently attached device disappears. That being said, Unraid 6.9+ the use of Unassigned Devices to manage permanently attached devices is somewhat deprecated, since it's far better to instead utilize multiple cache pools for that purpose.
  18. That *implies* that you've got your shares set to be "Cache:Prefer" instead of "Cache:Yes" (assuming that the plugin does actually still work)
  19. What browser? It looks like Safari, but I'm not an Apple Guy CA has been tested under Big Sur with Safari 15.0 (Bought a new server just so I could run a Mac VM so I could test the new GUI in CA with Safari proper)
  20. It didn't disappear, but it's no longer populated. Were the VMs originally being placed within /mnt/disks? There is no chance that Unraid moved them from an unassigned device to instead be on the array. Did you unmount the unassigned devices?
  21. One of the design considerations was "How to relieve the support requests on the maintainers". This is because most support requests in the forum here (but definitely not all) have to do with the application itself (how do I do this?) vs problems with the container (why won't this install?) Since they're all venues of support, they're all consolidated within the same dropdown, unless there is only a single option available. The order is ReadMe, Project, Discord, Support Thread. On the info screen there's also another option available (Registry). Or put another way, one of the historical "complaints" about CA through the various UI's (this is the 3rd major UI for CA) is "too many buttons". This version should make it simpler. And IMO it's simple enough to use that all of the help text has been removed.
  22. Everything is consolidated under the Support button. It's a context menu that'll either take you straight away to the applicable place (in which case it's named differently) or it brings up a menu with the available options.
  23. Next release will have the option to enable descriptions on all cards
  24. It's to bring the system into line with how other App Stores (Apple / Google eg) look & work. No descriptions until you get more information. Searches still operate against the descriptions though. Personally, I'm undecided on that change, but I'm admittedly not a UI / UX guy. For that, @Mex reigns supreme.
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