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Everything posted by Squid

  1. root user has NO access to shares. Ever. You need to give it the user you've set up and it's credentials. Windows has a "feature" where it remembers credentials and its terrible. You may need to delete the cached credentials in Windows
  2. What was the last things you did on the server prior to noticing this?
  3. Post your entire diagnostics zip file
  4. Maybe we should just deprecate it, since no updates for 2 years to the container, but the official container (and template) last got an update 2 days ago.
  5. Not really following. You can't have a system composed of simply 1 parity drive and 1 cache drive. If your parity drive died, then all of the data disks are still intact along with your cache drive. Post your diagnostics
  6. Starting with 6.10, that isn't supported anymore But, the template has been in CA since last May
  7. You need to switch the network type from Bridge to be BR0
  8. You would also need to include another entry on the curl (-d csrf_token={$csrftoken} which you can get from /var/local/emhttp/var.ini But it changes with every reboot But if you read further down, the script was there
  9. Yeah, I've been trying forever to explain mappings. Unfortunately it's a concept that is so simple that once you understand what's happening you can't explain it. Occasionally, I also have to do a search here for Dancing Girls https://forums.unraid.net/search/?q="Dancing girls"&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy which brings up a SpaceInvader One video on the topic.
  10. It was just a way of me getting ljm42 to pipe in.
  11. access (accept the warning), and then in settings - management settings Hit Update DNS. (Although I thought this was supposed to happen automatically anyways @ljm42)
  12. Ah, never noticed media errors. Just saw the thousand READ FPDMA QUEUED. Media error may indicate sectors going bad, but I'd still go with cabling at a start
  13. Probably nothing you can do about it
  14. yeah that's the plugin. Make sure it's up to date
  15. You've got poor connections to both drives in the cache pool causing issues. Reseat the connectors (both ends) and power or replace. After the million errors relating to that problem disappear, then if there's still issues, post a new set of diagnostics
  16. It's not built-in. There's a plugin, and there's also a docker container (command line) which may work better in some situations
  17. When you use the subfolder method, you manage it via Community Applications. The folder and files go onto the flash drive. If you store things on GitHub, the organization there is entirely up to you. Because it is extremely rare that someone actually uses them, due to the prevalence of CA.
  18. Actually, that's a Dynamix WebUI problem where there's that certain sweet spot where the margins on every page disappear. Very vwey minor, but tagging @bonienl on it.
  19. Thx. Everything is done at 1920 and tested up to 5120 but I also run the unlimited width plugin
  20. Look at every docker container. One of them has a path mapping of /mnt/cache/appdata
  21. Usual issue: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086
  22. Try setting DNS addresses on your 10G network in Network Settings.
  23. Not generally recommended to do that, as multiple problems with that (false ad positive, you've lost internet access if the container or array stops etc)
  24. Try making a change on the Network settings page and then reverting it (and apply). The diagnostics show you've got 4 nics, but the config shows 4 nics as part of the bond, but only 1 sysnic Also, can you hit https://IPaddress:643?
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