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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Yeah, via Branches you can change everything within the lead template. But most commonly only the repository gets changed (and <Config> entries have to be duplicated in their entirety if one of the configs change in the branch)
  2. Using the xml within a private repository (as detailed) is the easiest way (although it bypasses some of the modifications / checks that the feed does) Alternatively, you could publish the template via the normal channels but add in to the template <MaxVer>6.0.0</MaxVer> It'll appear within CA if you turn on Display Incompatible Apps (which most users don't have turned on)
  3. For CA, it only looks at the "lead" template, so any readme is the one there. Once a user installs it (and CA asks for what branch to use), then the <ReadMe> which is enclosed within the <Branch> would get used within dashboard / docker tabs (once I see someone utilize it then I'll put the coding in for the OS itself)
  4. You're going to want to run the check filesystem against the cache drive (or wait for @JorgeB to advise further)
  5. I believe that this is related to a fix in Unraid 6.10 (next release) that happens when the dashboard is left open for extended periods of time. Your easy solution is a reboot
  6. You're misunderstanding. They should be sorted by Date Added when you click Show More under recently added. But, if I'm misunderstanding the sort orders are there to give you the option to resort the displayed apps by however you choose. (Or put another way, "Show More" is nothing but a shortcut to the "All Apps" category with a sort order preselected.) EDIT: I've added hide sorting options when using Show More onto the todo list
  7. Assuming that you're up to date, this looks like it may be a race condition. Thanks.
  8. On my system it does (Switches to Date Added) Do the other sections switch the sort order properly? (They should all show no sort order highlighted and bring up the apps in the same order as shown on the home page)
  9. You can access VMs that don't use GPU passthrough no problems. To hit the WebGUI of a container you'd want to be looking at Wireguard
  10. They're there on the home page. Displays however many fit in a single row (maximum 25), with an option to show more. The only startup page that's now gone is "updated", since it was basically meaningless and heavily skewed towards plugins since those are the only ones which have to be flagged as an update. Very rarely did any template maintainers for docker apps ever flag the templates as being updated (especially since the major contributors all have builds done automatically whenever updates are available)
  11. Same thing. But, I *think* that's an old link anyways. I seem to recall that on Unraid's webpage there originally was a Login section, but it's gone. You login via the forum (which doesn't use that link)
  12. FYI "tainted" doesn't particularly mean what it implies. Tainted in the linux world simply means that the kernel isn't absolutely 100% stock and has a modification in it. (Could be a compile flag, or code difference etc). It's used as a flag to the actual Linux developers that the code isn't exactly what they submitted for inclusion. Everything in Unraid has the tainted flag. That being said, page allocation errors implies that there isn't enough contiguous memory left in the system to be able to run the VM.
  13. You should post your docker run command for the downloader, along with your diagnostics
  14. Thanks. I found that yesterday also. Debating whether to remove that "feature" completely, since for the last 3+ years due to a change at dockerHub it's not possible to populate the xml with anything other than the repository and you have to go to dockerHub anyways for even a remote possibility of a successful install.
  15. IIRC, the issue identified was what happens if the dashboard gets left open for a very long time, and similar results would happen.
  16. Your solution is ultimately going to be a reboot. IIRC 6.10-rc2+ (soonTM) has some refinements that will alleviate this.
  17. You might want to look at this https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Release_Notes/Unraid_OS_6.9.0#SSH_Improvements
  18. What browser? Works fine for me on Chrome
  19. Going forward, CA supports an entry in the templates for ReadMe files <ReadMe>some URL here</ReadMe> If this entry actually gets used by some maintainers, then I'll also have the dashboard / docker pages support it on their context menus
  20. There's the rub /mnt/user contains all the files within the shares including the cache drives /mnt/user0 contains all the files only on the array /mnt/download_cache is only the files on the cache drive Safest is to compare the /mnt/download_cache/Plex Media and /mnt/user0/Plex Media and delete the duplicates from /mnt/user0 I'm not really sure how you got into this situation though... My "solution" is to still copy the file(s) but to append ".incomplete" or ".mover" or the like so that at least it's easy to identify the applicable files and delete them accordingly. It's not easy to wind up with duplicated files under normal circumstances though.
  21. The path mapping for Krusader. By default it's set to /mnt/user mapped to (IIRC) /UNRAID. You need to change it to /mnt/ mapped to /UNRAID Or if you're more comfortable working on the command line (or mc), then the folder you're looking for is /mnt/user0 I have been lobbying Limetech to make a minor change to mover that would make recovery from this situation far far easier.
  22. By adding the applicable entry to the Extra Parameters entry in Advanced View when editing the container https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/container-networking/#:~:text=. You can override the hostname using --hostname.
  23. The files already exist in /mnt/user0/download_cache. (And there's a ton of them -> How did this happen?) Oct 2 15:16:39 WOPR move: move_object: /mnt/download_cache/Plex Media/Rich Plex/TV Shows/Chasing Classic Cars/Season 05/Chasing Classic Cars S05E25.mkv File exists It's bit of a pain to fix this. You'd have to use Krusader (with mappings of /mnt -> /UNRAID) and delete the afflicted files from /UNRAID/user0 DO NOT delete from /UNRAID/USER
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