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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Run the exact same command without the "-n" flag (no modify). If it suggests at the end of it to unmount it and replay the log and use the -L flag, then re-run with the -L flag
  2. I'd try a different ethernet cable / port on the switch. just to see if it makes a difference. While it doesn't mean much in and by itself, but you receive errors are ~75% on the packets
  3. Update the DNS in Settings - Management Settings?
  4. If you've been running MyServers, then a backup exists. If you haven't, then you'll need to re-setup the flash drive, and reassign the drives and talk to @SpencerJ to get the key sent to you again. But, assuming that you didn't format the flash somehow, I wouldn't trust it. Set up a new one
  5. You can look at this https://forums.unraid.net/topic/85495-unraid-newenckey-change-your-drive-encryption-unlock-key/, but without the current key it won't work. How the system works is pretty much how you would have wanted it since you made the choice to encrypt.
  6. It logs the command it uses. Just run a user script and modify to suit.
  7. Credit to @bonienl the system isn't perfect, but it also works pretty good once you figure it out. But, as you noticed it's not a "plugin" system per se. Rather its the same programming and method of operation as the rest of the UI (if you choose to implement it that way).
  8. The basic format (if you're utilizing Dynamix to reverse engineer) is Markdown. That first line simply is "Hourly schedule:", but the underscores cause it to also be translated if the translations exist. There's a translation guide kicking around here somewhere. Now, @bonienl will yell at me if I say this, but nothing says you have to actually follow that formatting. CA can't use it all, and is simply javascript, most of my other plugins handle the formatting and saving the config information via standard posts. It really all depends upon what you're trying to accomplish and how you want it to look.
  9. So is this solved after you deleted the .cfg?
  10. What were you doing when this happened?
  11. At a high level, there's no real challenge in creating a plugin. After the header information on the .page, it's all standard javascript / html / css from that point, and the .plg itself handles the install, background scripts started right away etc But, like @primeval_god says, you reverse engineer something already existing (I'd suggest the dynamix series of plugins to look at first - Mine do things slightly differently). Any specific questions just ask and someone will hopefully come back with the answer
  12. If the spinner is up for more than exactly 120 seconds it will never disappear. reload the page.
  13. The plugin hasn't been available (probably about a year) because the plugin doesn't actually exist anymore on the specified GitHub repository (or was deleted by the author) At a very high level, plugins are simply a different delivery method for an application other than a docker container. However, due to their nature in CA / Unraid, applications which are better suited towards being delivered in a container are not allowed to exist as a plugin. This means that plugins are generally geared towards OS / WebUI enhancements, Utilities etc. (OpenVPN server or client as a plugin if it was available does meet this criteria) You could however leverage the Client containers to operate for the OS, with the codicil that you'll most likely lose network access if the container (or array) is stopped
  14. Its a plugin. Install it and enable it and see if it makes any difference. If all of your drives are spun down it should improve the responsiveness
  15. Haven't used it in quite a while because I found that robocopy absolutely had no respect for permissions or anything on the server and trashed the permissions on everything it copied.
  16. The plugin normally displays the smb user streaming, but the username is used to override based upon the IP name. So, instead of something like "tammy" displaying, you can put in and have it display "My freeloading sister-in-law who thinks paying rent is beneath her"
  17. Your cache pool is unmountable. (PITA to see where it started) Wait for @JorgeB for advice
  18. Remove that line and reboot. It's not necessary I'd reboot all the networking equipment also. Beyond that, not much help since I don't have any experience with VLANs
  19. Fix Common Problems hasn't run again since you installed mcelog, but it's not particularly necessary in this case. (Very) Bad Memory, Replace it. Once the ECC can no longer correct the errors, your BIOS will most likely simple halt the entire system out of the blue without any warning or notification.
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