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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Speedtest is for WAN, and the app is in Apps
  2. And I guarantee you that you're either sitting in a DMZ or you've got other ports (80 / 443 or other common ports used for SMB etc) forwarded directly to the server (it's OK to forward the port required for Plex)
  3. Edit /config/go on the flash drive (Notepad is fine) and change the contents to what I put in there and reboot. But you also have to investigate why it got changed in the first place (probably due to you basically opening up the server to the internet with little to no security)
  4. Try setting static DNS addresses of / in Settings - Network Settings. If you're running apps on their own specific IP addresses, you're best updating to 6.10 and switching the Network Mode on the containers to its alternate
  5. And probably bluescreening or having weird crashes etc
  6. Let's swing back to the disks in a bit. What about this? Sep 25 20:51:04 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Deprecated plugin serverlayout.plg Sep 25 20:51:06 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Possible Hack Attempt on Sep 25 Sep 25 20:51:11 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Other Warning: Unassigned Devices Plus not installed Sep 25 20:51:11 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Setting up of authorized keys possibly found in go file Sep 25 20:51:11 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Possible mining software being installed in go file In particular, the last 2 items are extremely worrisome. Your go file is a mess, is indeed hiding xmrig and is not something you would have put there your self. Return it to default #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & and also remove any port forwarding to the webUI itself (except for MyServers if you're using it), give yourself a nice root password and if you've done it, remove the server from your router's DMZ.
  7. Hope you're actually waiting for Trurl, as I'm very inconsistent in following threads, and am extremely busy with a CA project that is taking up all my time.
  8. It's all automatic, if you follow the same "format" / coding structure as any other page and use forms. ie: : <input type="submit" name="#apply" value="_(Apply)_" id='Apply'><input type="button" id="DONE" value="_(Done)_" onclick="done()"> Deviating means that you have to handle it via js
  9. You have it correct. NEW files get written to the cache. What are you seeing exactly? Uninstall Mover Tuning if in doubt
  10. Under Settings - Notification Settings, disable Dynamix checking for updates on a schedule. It'll fix you up, especially since you're also running Auto Update. 6.10 has a number of fixes for this behaviour some users see in 6.9
  11. From the terminal, enter in diagnostics and post the resulting file stored on the flash drive (logs folder). It's possible that there's corruption on the flash. If the diagnostics fails, pull the drive and toss it into a bare metal machine and run the file system check on it
  12. Did you by chance add any comment to the server's description or a disk / share?
  13. Formatting is never part of any rebuild process. Ever. As for the rest, I'm confused. Do you currently have access to the files you want backed up? Post your diagnostics
  14. You want to be on 6.9.2 for the best results. Might help if you post your diagnostics
  15. There's no difference on how this is handled between various Unraid versions. What does Container Size show on the docker tab? Multiple entries in the docker FAQ about docker image filling up
  16. Probably best to post in the SWAG thread (docker, hit swag, select support), or hit LSIO up on their discord site
  17. Unlikely. But there's also no way to tell without the diags
  18. Realistically, though for FTP access you're probably best off using something like ProFTPd
  19. Do you have an obscene number of containers installed? Are you able to install new ones?
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