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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You can't. But you can turn the descriptions back on in Settings
  2. Click on info (or anywhere on the card). CA's settings is down the list on the left
  3. GUI search is going back in. It was removed because IMO it was a useless feature as you still had to go to the dockerHub page, discern all of the relevant information and then enter in the required information into the blank template that appeared (ie: the only thing pre-filled out was the repository entry). But to answer your question, Add Template on the docker tab
  4. PSA For the next day or so (until I get the time), the New Apps section ( and on show more for 7 additional pages ) will show nothing but Linux Server applications. This is due to a re-organization at Linuxserver (for the better) but does require me to make some manual adjustments to the data files that the application feed utilizes in order to get the system back to "normal" again. There is nothing wrong with either the application feed or CA.
  5. Oct 13 00:44:23 Yianni kernel: mce: Uncorrected memory error in page 0x0 ignored Oct 13 00:44:23 Yianni kernel: Rebuild kernel with CONFIG_MEMORY_FAILURE=y for smarter handling Oct 13 00:44:23 Yianni kernel: [Hardware Error]: Deferred error, no action required. Oct 13 00:44:23 Yianni kernel: [Hardware Error]: CPU:1 (19:21:0) MC24_STATUS[Over|-|-|AddrV|-|-|UECC|Deferred|-|-]: 0xd589f68949fd8949 Oct 13 00:44:23 Yianni kernel: [Hardware Error]: Error Addr: 0x0000000000000000 Oct 13 00:44:23 Yianni kernel: [Hardware Error]: IPID: 0x0000000000000000 Oct 13 00:44:23 Yianni kernel: [Hardware Error]: System Management Unit Ext. Error Code: 61 Oct 13 00:44:23 Yianni kernel: [Hardware Error]: cache level: L1, tx: GEN Safe to ignore. It's just a known Ryzen issue where that happens on earlier kernels
  6. Enabling RDP within a VM is exactly the same as enabling it within a bare-metal installation. Generally they require the Pro version of Windows to be installed, but googling will be able to help you hack other versions. Same as within Windows, Network Properties in Settings
  7. Upgrade to 6.9.2 - That just answered that question on whether the Untested ability to install it on 6.8.x worked or not Or, Edit /config/plugins/community.applications.plg on the flash drive and change Change these 2 lines to be <!ENTITY version "2021.08.31"> <!ENTITY md5 "dcb516be2697022805b53f625a8219b8"> And download https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2021.08.31-x86_64-1.txz and save the file at /config/plugins/community.applications/ Followed by a reboot
  8. Then for your issue, I have absolutely no idea at all. Maybe also post your diagnostics Coding works perfectly on all my servers, with Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Safari. (Even tested IE - which of course failed) I would have to Team Viewer into your system to determine what's up with your server.
  9. After hitting close all reloading the page does fix it if they reappear. Known issue in the GUI
  10. Then why enable IOMMU? if you're not going to be running a VM there's no point.
  11. Deleting and recreating the share did fix it, but only because it reset the minimum free space. You had the appdata share set to cache only with a value of 100000000 which is 100GB. The diagnostics at the time showed you only had 89Gig free on the drive at the time, so the error message was correct.
  12. For anyone having the spinner not disappearing, or a longer than usual startup time can you enter these commands and let me know if it's fixed. wget -P /tmp https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2021.10.20-x86_64-1.txz installpkg /tmp/community.applications-2021.10.20-x86_64-1.txz
  13. I think I know where the extended startup time and possibly the spinner not disappearing comes from. Do you guys happen to have some containers installed that are displaying the "?" for the icon on the docker page instead of a regular icon when there should be an icon present?
  14. can you either reboot or enter in the following command and see if it fails again? rm -rf /tmp/community.applications
  15. By popular demand, a GUI for docker searches will be re-integrated into CA at some point this weekend. Admittedly, I really don't understand why you guys find it useful instead of the direct link (with the search already filled out) to dockerHub, but I can deal with it.
  16. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/142/?tab=comments#comment-1045583
  17. Then you go back to Settings - CA Settings, and download the log and post it here
  18. Are you sure you're on the latest version of CA? 2021.10.19
  19. You should post in the mover tuning plugin thread, as it takes over when it's installed
  20. OK. Update just released which allows descriptions to be on the cards (defaults to be no). Enable it in CA Settings Minor performance increase in certain cases Rearranged debugging If you've got issues with CA not loading / the spinner never disappearing then Go to Settings. The CA settings page is now in there also (User Utilities Section) Enable debugging and apply Go to the apps tab. Wait at least 120 seconds Go back to Settings, CA Settings and hit Download Log. Upload the file here. (Also re-added 6.8.0+ compatibility - NOT TESTED)
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