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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You got it. I only test that scenario every month or so (or when I make changes to the install routines)
  2. It was actually a perfectly valid use case, and one in which I encourage CA to be used under. Just not one I test all the time.
  3. You're a bug magnet, finding stuff under circumstances I didn't test. ? Fixed
  4. You can also try this if you have Fix Common Problems installed. When you go to FCP, is there an immediate popup complaining about an adblocker being present? If so, white list your server on your ad-blocker
  5. Yeah, I don't use torrents (for years now), but I remember from uTorrent that if the program exited abruptly, then a check had to be done. unRaid's default for stopping any container is 10 seconds. If it doesn't stop in that time, then it forcibly kills the container. The command is telling it to not forcibly kill for 60 seconds. Due to a quirk though of dockerMan, you won't be able to restart the container via the GUI if you stop it that way. You'll have to docker start deluge If this fixes it, then I'll reissue my previously rejected PR that added a selectable timeout for stopping a container.
  6. Try changing the schedule and see what the file generated is (/config/plugins/ca.update.applications/plugin_update.cron) on the flash drive
  7. The error is from CA auto update. Not backup restore Sent via Tapatalk because my wife thinks I spend too much time on the computer
  8. That was fixed along time ago. What's the plugin version? Sent via Tapatalk because my wife thinks I spend too much time on the computer
  9. What happens if you stop it from the command line doing this: docker stop -t 60 deluge Will it still have to check the consistency of the torrents? Sent via Tapatalk because my wife thinks I spend too much time on the computer
  10. That's the problem You've got Sab moving the completed downloads to a sub-folder of it's appdata. I switched a long time ago to NZBget, but IIRC when you set where to move the completed downloads, it points out the relative folders will be placed within its config folder IE: You've got it moving to Downloads You want it to move to /downloads Note that everything is case sensitive (downloads does not equal Downloads), and the leading slash which tells sab that it's not a relative folder EDIT: If you've got a slew of downloads queued up, then odds are decent that they will still get placed into the wrong folder, but new ones will get the correct folder. You'll find all of your previously completed downloads in your appdata share (sab folder / Downloads)
  11. Can you post the full error message. The mappings taken by themselves appear to be correct.
  12. Unless your house is built on top of an Indian Burial Ground, (in which case you may have more important problems to deal with), You would want to do this: Post your diagnostics Right Click on the link, choose "Inspect", and post a screen shot (Chrome browser. Others would be similar) Post the output of ls /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/images
  13. Settings, VM Manager - Disable VMs After everything shuts down (If it takes more than 2 minutes, refresh the page), move the libvirt.img file wherever you want Change the libvirt.img location to match the new location. Re-enable VMs (But a note, on my machine, libvirt refused to mount again, unless I did a reboot) Should do the trick.
  14. It's on this weekend's maintenance release
  15. Delete /config/network.cfg on the flash drive and reboot
  16. Then you've been using the "blackhole" method in Radarr which is deprecated and no longer supported. Setting the paths to match will allow Radarr & Sab to communicate via their API's
  17. Downloading from GitHub is identical to reinstalling via Apps tab I'd make a note of your paths / ports for the app, then remove the app. After that, reinstall it via Apps and set your paths/ports identically
  18. How we suggested you set up the mappings is correct and the only way to have it work properly. THIS explains why Database being locked I'd guess you may need to restart the appdata for sonarr over again, but you might get more ideas on sinarr project page. Sent via Tapatalk because my wife thinks I spend too much time on the computer
  19. Probably the root of all the problems. Diagnostics might help, but either way, a reboot is probably going to be necessary
  20. Cursor down and hit enter Sent via Tapatalk because my wife thinks I spend too much time on the computer
  21. See the docker FAQ. Very first entry in the TOC Sent via Tapatalk because my wife thinks I spend too much time on the computer
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