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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Startup scans as of today's update are now delayed by 10 minutes, and run in the background
  2. inotify has been included in unRaid for a bit now The images being like that are because of changes that photobucket made ~ 6 months ago. You'll see images like that scattered across the web
  3. Up to you. There is no problem with what you do. But simple for you to fix. Next update just switch the version listed in the .plg to be yyyy.mm.dd
  4. Set use cache to be prefer then run mover with all your apps stopped Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  5. Need to see the syslog from when the backup finished
  6. As an aside while we're talking about it this, certain plugins (AKAIK only ControlR from @jbrodriguez) will never get updated by the plugin. This is because their version numbers instead of being dates etc are instead "real" version numbers. This is logged in the syslog when the plugin can't make sense of it.
  7. What me!?!? Never As stated, the only update the plugin will install is the latest version that has been available for at least x number of days. Interim updates are ignored regardless if they meet the qualifications or not.
  8. Not 100% sure if I'm reading wrong or you got it wrong. Timer starts over without ever installing a previous version where the timer did not under expire.
  9. The plugin only ever installs the latest version. So, if you're running a version from last year, and Jan 5 an update was issued and another on Jan 7, with a 3 day waiting period you will only get the version from January 7 when the plugin runs on January 11th. The January 5th version will never get installed.
  10. In the settings you would use a stop script and tell it to also use the script instead of rsync IIRC
  11. Hardlinks and by extension renames cannot traverse different file systems or mount points. You're moving from /downloads to /movies which in the container are different mounts so it will always to a copy delete instead of a renames and a hardlinks is also impossible. To do what you want you have to redo your templates for all the apps (radarr and download client) to instead pass through ,/mnt/user and reference all the folders in the app settings based upon that. Downside is that doing that ignores the use cache setting for the movies share Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  12. It'll run at 75% whenever you set the schedule for the script to run and move all the files whenever you have the mover schedule set to run. Setting them both to the same schedule is pointless Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  13. Not a bug per se, Its simply that the reference within the .plg file refers to an (at the time) outdated install package. Generally its a rare ocurrence. I thought about issuing a PR to have the plugin system always check for updates to a plg before updating the plugin, but decided against it as I can see where people want to install version X because that's the changelog that they saw, and not version Y because it happened to be done later. As an aside, the auto update plugin doesn't suffer from this because it always checks for updates immediately prior to installing because you've already given it permission to install the latest and greatest.
  14. You should only see that if you've set a password in Duplicati's settings. Probably the easiest solution for you is to remove the app, delete the appdata (or use a different appdata folder for the /config) and then reinstall
  15. Default unRaid permissions on shares are "Public" -> anyone has RW access to the files. Then there's also Secure, and Private. You create users (easiest if they match the Windows login name) and assign them appropriate permissions to each share. Assumes of course that the linux permissions on the files themselves are correct.
  16. Unassigned Devices can run a script whenever you pop the device in. Alternatively, something like the Duplicati app (probably others within the apps tab)
  17. This all assumes of course that the Windows user and credentials has RW access to the share.
  18. If the file(s) were say on a disk you copied over to a share via something like mounting the drive with Unassigned Devices and using Krusader or unBalance or whatnot to move the files over, then permission issues are possible. The only time I've ever had permission issues with files created on Windows and transferred over SMB to a share was with using robocopy, which trashes normal smb permissions.
  19. Fix is easy: Install Fix Common Problems Plugin, then hit Tools - Docker Safe New Permissions. But, going forward, how were the file(s) created in the first place?
  20. Doesn't matter. But at the monthly schedule, mover will move all the files. By manually editing that file, then the script is in charge and will only move the files once the threshold is reached.
  21. The current version is 2018.01.01. One semi-recurring problem with unRaid's plugin manager is that it doesn't check for updates immediately prior to installing, in which case the previous version may or may not still exist on github. In this case when unRaid checked for updates, the last version was 2017.12.31. However there also existed a 12.31a Most of the time in that case, I stop 12.31 from deleting itself from the server, but obviously I missed it this time. Either way, a new install should work for you.
  22. Let me put it this way. CA Auto Update exists for one reason and one reason only -> to keep CA itself up to date (although a side benefit is the ability to use it to update other plugins / docker apps). It's an annoyance to me when I look at logs and see old versions of CA running, and I know that due to changes in the feed / mistakes made by the app maintainers that the version will no longer operate correctly.
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