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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Because I haven't had enough coffee today. Check for updates and try again
  2. Happened to two of the shares on RC12 within the hour UD Log: Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//SERVER_B/Television' using SMB3 protocol. Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A kernel: CIFS VFS: Dialect not supported by server. Consider specifying vers=1.0 or vers=2.0 on mount for accessing older servers Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A kernel: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -95 Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A unassigned.devices: SMB3 mount failed: mount error(95): Operation not supported Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) . Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//SERVER_B/Television' using SMB2 protocol. Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A unassigned.devices: Mount SMB/NFS command: mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,vers=2.0,username=andrew,password=******* '//SERVER_B/Television' '/mnt/disks/SERVER_B_Television' Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '//SERVER_B/Television' on '/mnt/disks/SERVER_B_Television'. Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A unassigned.devices: Defining share 'SERVER_B_Television' with file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/SERVER_B_Television.conf' Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A unassigned.devices: Adding share 'SERVER_B_Television' to '/boot/config/smb-extra.conf' Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A unassigned.devices: Reloading Samba configuration... Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A unassigned.devices: Directory '/mnt/disks/SERVER_B_Television' shared successfully. Nov 18 08:38:15 Server_A unassigned.devices: Device '//SERVER_B/Television' script file not found. 'ADD' script not executed. Initially after a reboot: root@Server_A:~# ls /mnt/disks SERVER\ B\ AudioBooks/ SERVER_B_BackupDocuments/ SERVER_B_EBooks/ SERVER_B_Movies/ SERVER_B_MusicLibrary/ SERVER_B_Television/ SERVER_B_flash/ After about an hour: root@Server_A:~# ls /mnt/disks /bin/ls: cannot access '/mnt/disks/SERVER_B_BackupDocuments': Stale file handle /bin/ls: cannot access '/mnt/disks/SERVER_B_Television': Stale file handle SERVER\ B\ AudioBooks/ SERVER_B_BackupDocuments/ SERVER_B_EBooks/ SERVER_B_Movies/ SERVER_B_MusicLibrary/ SERVER_B_Television/ SERVER_B_flash/ config file: [//SERVER_B/Television] protocol = "SMB" ip = "SERVER_B" path = "Television" user = "xxxxxxxxx" pass = "xxxxxxxxxxxx" share = "Television" automount = "yes" Only thing logged on the remote server (6.3.5) during that hour was an emailed notification
  3. I'll get back to you in a couple of days if it repeats. Just updated to rc12
  4. God no. I wouldn't even know the first thing about NFS. Simply adding a new path of /whatever mapped to /mnt/disks/whatever And the second code snip shows that its not directly related to docker anyways, as the ls fails also on every single one of the mounts. All servers and switches are on 24-7 with no power failures.
  5. Without thinking too much: #!/bin/bash hdparm -C /dev/sdb >> /mnt/user/sharename/status.txt #change path to suit smartctl -a /dev/sdb | grep Temperature >> /mnt/user/sharename/status.txt #repeat for more disks sensors | grep Fan >> /mnt/user/sharename/status.txt And running at whatever schedule you choose.
  6. Switched FCP to ignore the test if you're not running in host or bridge mode. Too many complexities if running in other network modes (that I can't test)
  7. Lately (admittedly I'm still on 6.4-rc10b - haven't had a chance to update to rc11/12), I've been plagued every couple of days with docker containers randomly stopping, and upon a restart of the container getting a rather vague "Server Execution Error". Closer examination has revealed that the problem with the containers is with any mounts made by Unassigned Devices to a SMB mount. The problem surfaces as this: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="ubooquity" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "MAXMEM"="512" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 2202:2202/tcp -p 2203:2203/tcp -v "/mnt/disks/SERVER_B_EBooks/":"/books":ro,slave -v "/mnt/user/appdata/ubooquity":"/config":rw linuxserver/ubooquity 809146f36174dc21db5792f8ebb949236ca3dc9024a75a9e70099021f594de7f /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: linux mounts: lstat /mnt/disks/SERVER_B_EBooks: stale NFS file handle. root@Server_A:~# cd /mnt/disks root@Server_A:/mnt/disks# ls /bin/ls: cannot access 'SERVER_B_BackupDocuments': Stale file handle /bin/ls: cannot access 'SERVER B AudioBooks': Stale file handle /bin/ls: cannot access 'SERVER_B_EBooks': Stale file handle /bin/ls: cannot access 'SERVER_B_Television': Stale file handle /bin/ls: cannot access 'SERVER_B_MusicLibrary': Stale file handle SERVER\ B\ AudioBooks/ SERVER_B_BackupDocuments/ SERVER_B_EBooks/ SERVER_B_Movies/ SERVER_B_MusicLibrary/ SERVER_B_Television/ SERVER_B_flash/ root@Server_A:/mnt/disks# cd SERVER_B_EBooks root@Server_A:/mnt/disks/SERVER_B_EBooks# ls /bin/ls: cannot open directory '.': Stale file handle root@Server_A:/mnt/disks/SERVER_B_EBooks# A reboot fixes this.
  8. IDK maybe because all the containers are being stopped. Something with your setup
  9. Also, you really shouldn't be trying to run unRaid on 1 Gig of memory. I would say the functional minimum is 2 Gig as a basic fileserver
  10. Nov 11 12:39:58 Tower emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/fix.common.problems/scripts/newperms.sh Nov 11 12:51:05 Tower kernel: REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5089 is_internal: free space seems wrong: level=2, nr_items=149, free_space=360 rdkey Nov 11 12:51:05 Tower kernel: REISERFS error (device md4): vs-5150 search_by_key: invalid format found in block 410131594. Fsck? Nov 11 12:51:05 Tower kernel: REISERFS (device md4): Remounting filesystem read-only You need to Check Disk Filesystem on disk 4
  11. I tried it recreating the same folder structure and permissions that were listed in your thread, and upon running the script the permissions did get reset accordingly. I suspect that the drive those file(s) are on is mounted read-only. Diagnostics would tell the story.
  12. Indestructable though isn't always a good thing. Pulling the server out of the rack once I didn't take out the flash and the flash got caught on the shelf when the server dropped a bit. Flash survived no problems, but the ports didn't... Its why I've gone internal with the adapters now.
  13. They're my go to for flash drives so long as I don't need USB3. Indestructable because of how they're made. Never had a problem with them on unRaid... ever...
  14. Clicking the "here" link will take you to a posting that should explain it.
  15. My current sticks for unRaid https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16820239003 (2 servers and 1 VM using these) https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16820211573 (1 server ) Everything plugged into these: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/5pcs-mainboard-Internal-USB-9pin-female-to-dual-2-port-2-0-A-female-card-adapter/142061983702?hash=item21138dd7d6:g:J3MAAOSwc0FUpD8D
  16. While I can't speak for sparkly, I'd go out on a limb and say don't hold your breath
  17. flash is not tar'ed, but stored as before in single files to ease the ability of grabbing the odd file from it if need be
  18. spaces as is should work. The system looks for commas to separate (so no commas allowed in paths)
  19. Plugin has nothing to do with spin ups / downs. If the drives for whatever reason do not spin down, then turbo mode never gets disabled.
  20. If you have no problems with v1, then continue to use it. Once I managed to replicate the problems people were having though, I had to drop support for the rsync system, and rather than force everyone to switch to tars I elected to do a new plugin for it. Speed: So long as you are stopping all of the applications, and not keeping anything running via the advanced settings, you should be safe to turn off verification. During testing, I experimented with updating changed files in place, and deleting old files no longer present, but there was more or less no change in speed due to the fact that you have to run through the archive twice to accomplish this. So for simplicity sake it was easier to always create a new archive.
  21. Type it in manually like plex/cache comma separated
  22. The settings haven't really changed much. Its IMHO a bit more simplified. It always is set to be dated backups. Default setting for # of days to keep is 1 so that on the next run it will delete the previous backups (but set to whatever you want) Flash / libvirt backups you always have to choose where to put them. If left blank, then no backup is done. The biggest thing (if its a problem for you) is deleting the old backups if they were causing your system problems before. I found the midnight commander was the best way to do it (one app's config at a time), as it winds up deleting each file individually instead of all in one shot.
  23. Search for appdata in the apps tab. If you don't have an apps tab install community applications first. I don't bother publishing URLs anymore
  24. Thanks for not completely trashing the thread.
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