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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Update CA and then reboot. From the release notes for CA: Fixed: If multiple browser tabs opened to apps tab, detect if app database is out of sync between windows and update tab accordingly. If still doesn't get you anywhere, post in the CA thread EDIT: Further catching up on the unread posts lead me to another thread of yours which is probably what caused this:
  2. If they're too big to download then you've got a different issue. Namely that your browser is choking on trying to render the entire file. Not near a computer right now but IIRC they're stored at /tmp/user.scripts/logs Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk because I can
  3. Probably the same issue some users with 6.4 have with the plugin update pop up staying blank
  4. CA is passing the template fine as you'll see on the template screen. What you're seeing is unraid 6.3 not properly handling any tag other than latest when checking for updates. That's fixed in 6.4 Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  5. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-545988
  6. Not quite sure. It all works for me. I can emulate your problem by simply loading one of the xlsx files into excel and then closing it without making any changes. Sep 17 09:03:57 Server_A root: ransomware protection:Event on /mnt/user/Intimate/SquidBait-DO_NOT_DELETE.docx, but MD5 matches. Checking again in 1 second Sep 17 09:03:58 Server_A root: ransomware protection:Event on /mnt/user/Intimate/SquidBait-DO_NOT_DELETE.docx, but MD5 matches. Remonitoring Sep 17 09:03:58 Server_A root[21619]: Setting up watches. Sep 17 09:03:58 Server_A root[21619]: Watches established. Sep 17 09:04:08 Server_A root: ransomware protection:Event on /mnt/user/Intimate/SquidBanking-DO_NOT_DELETE.xlsx, but MD5 matches. Checking again in 1 second Sep 17 09:04:09 Server_A root: ransomware protection:Event on /mnt/user/Intimate/SquidBanking-DO_NOT_DELETE.xlsx, but MD5 matches. Remonitoring Sep 17 09:04:09 Server_A root[21740]: Setting up watches. Sep 17 09:04:09 Server_A root[21740]: Watches established. It saw that a CLOSE_REWRITE happened, the md5's matched, checked again it still matched, so ignored the event and started the monitoring back up again, then excel triggered it immediately again, and the same thing happened and then the file activity stayed stable, and the "attack" was ignored.
  7. What I would do is use the Appdata backup plugin to make a backup of your appdata onto the new server's cache drive (mount it with unassigned devices). This will maintain all the symlinks, etc that Plex uses extensively that won't get copied correctly if you simply copy over a network or cut / paste via Windows.
  8. Actually forgot all about it. I'll start on it tonight
  9. Mainly an update to bullet proof CA (at least the important parts ) Fixed: If multiple browser tabs opened to apps tab, detect if app database is out of sync between windows and update tab accordingly. Fixed: Prevent possibility of duplicate app appearing in app of the day. Enhanced: Previously, app of the day would return errors if unRaid CSS and window width support horizontal resolution greater than 5700 pixels. Changed: Clicking Repository from popup will now search for applications contained within the repository Added: App info popup now has link to go directly to docker hub page for application Changed: Allow moderation to whitelist an application without appfeed update
  10. Click the slash. That'll take you to the root of the container. Then you should see /movies or whatever mapping you made in the template
  11. Unassigned Devices has its smb settings that you can configure. Its in the settings tab
  12. Check Terry's permissions for the shares in the WebUI for unRaid
  13. Assuming that you want to use "root" to access files / folders over the network. That is strictly not allowed. The root user is only for SSH / WebUI logins. Create another user that has full access to all the shares and use it to login to the shares to manipulate them.
  14. Was about to say that its dynamix / jquery that's messed up, but there's an easy fix for you. On the flash drive /config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts, rename the folder trashuploadtoGrv&music and get rid of the ampersand. Everything will probably start working again. I'll have to issue an update to handle the illegal character (looks like theres two folders present that have the & in the name) EDIT: Get rid of the brackets also.
  15. Nevermind. You said the button reappears temporarily. I'll have to look at the code for the background script and see why the garbage can is appearing, but show logs aren't
  16. display:none is supposed to be there. Theres a background process that shows it when necessary. Since you know how to inspect the page, are there any console errors showing?
  17. Apps tab, installed apps will give you the appropriate support link for every application you have installed.
  18. Based on this, I'll deprecate the Apache containers and Calibre in favour of LSIO.
  19. The applications are updated to the latest versions. (AFAIK even if the application doesn't have an update, the container still issues template updates) For change logs, etc you would have to check the applicable project pages.
  20. You need to mount the share from your nas (/nas/music) using the Unassigned Devices plugin and then point it to that (would be something like /mnt/disks/nas/music)
  21. There's an invalid entry in the cron file What's the output of cat /etc/cron.d/root and crontab -l
  22. What are "Page Allocation Stalls?" While not the most technical explanation, this is as far as I can tell pretty close to the actual truth: https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/59858-trace-error-found-635/?tab=comments#comment-587518 (Updating to unRaid 6.4.0 will most likely also solve this problem as that OS version has better memory management)
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