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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Both permissions are incorrect on the Honey Competition. (I want to believe that its something Bee related, but secretly I'm hoping that by Honey Competition, you're comparing wives ) If I could, I would do a defect report. But I don't feel comfortable doing that at this point since I cannot replicate via a Windows system.
  2. I blame @limetech @anyone or @johnnie.black So that I don't make any assumptions here, is the file system of an encrypted disk within disk.ini listed as luks:xfs, luks:btrfs, luks:reiserfs?
  3. Open a defect report with the findings. Saving a file via a Mac with OSX interoperability enabled should result in --rw-rw-rw username:users I would, but nobody's ever supplied me with a valid OSX image for a VM that I could get to work.
  4. No idea what version of CA you're using, but there was a bug a couple months ago that did that intermittently. That, and if you have multiple browser tabs open to CA concurrently, but the appfeed gets updated by Window B (as it was opened last), but you install from Window A, there's a chance depending upon what happened with the feed that the references are out of sync. Edge case that's a real PITA to fix and basically requires a top-down rewrite of the whole thing.
  5. Music you should confine the share to a single drive always.
  6. No one mount point. When setting up the library reference eg /mnt/disk1, /mnt/disk2 etc You're going to have a single mount (with the exception of /config) mapped to Plex, but you select each drive individually for the libraries (a library can have any number of paths assigned to it) To be quite honest, I don't see why anyone would moan about it for videos. For music its a different story.
  7. Nope. They're all store the downloads into /mnt/user. Plex you're just going to have it directly reference each drive individually so that when it goes to play it doesn't have to search for it.
  8. Can't help you with that, but If you followed the video, you've got an Apps tab. Go to it, search (or browse) for whatever app you want and install it. When the template comes up, pretty much the only thing you ever need to do is adjust the paths if necessary. No need to ever use the template dropdown menu or change the repo address, etc.
  9. Edit the container, and change the host mapping for Movies / TV shows / whatever to be /mnt instead of /mnt/user/Movies You will have to redo all your libraries from scratch though.
  10. Pretty much defaults are fine, except for excluding shares that you don't particularly care about.
  11. So you're saying that everything works perfectly, but it takes up to 10 seconds to actually start. While your drives are always spinning, it doesn't actually mean that the directory entries are still in RAM which means that unRaid has to scan each drive to figure out where exactly the file(s) are. Easiest work around is to not worry about it (or installing Dynamix Cache Dirs to somewhat help with the problem). Harder work around is instead of passing /mnt/user/Movies to instead pass /mnt to the container, then within Plex's library add each drive individually.
  12. Based on the errors, the incorrect setting is what you've got within the setting for the show etc. The show's setting is trying to save to U:\TV shows.... Change that and everything will start working.
  13. Use the user scripts plugin The script will be docker stop -t 60 Plex docker start Plex Set up a custom cron time to run it (or choose daily / weekly / monthly and adjust the actual execution time by installing Dynamix Schedules)
  14. Use the Dolphin / Krusader docker applications. Anyone that can copy / paste via windows can figure them out.
  15. No fix. Permissions being written via a Mac via SMB on user A wouldn't allow user B to modify them (rw-r--r-- userX:users instead of (rw-rw-rw userX:users) as it'll be on a Win machine via SMB Since I don't use a Mac, I can't replicate therefore I can't issue a defect report myself.
  16. IIRC I was helping buddy earlier, and permissions show as -rw-r--r-- nobody:users which means that Plex itself can write but over smb Windows won't be able to. Not entirely unexpected with a docker application, and the solution with any container is to access the appdata via the command prompt running as root.
  17. Script still works. But if you're having continual problems, then its some application (docker) that's writing files with the wrong permissions and/or you're using a Mac which I was helping a guy the other day where it was creating files with incorrect permissions via SMB
  18. Limit display to 6.4RC8Q's limit of 1920 pixels (previously CA and unRaid supported any arbitrary maximum window width) Only display Legacy mode option in case of an appfeed download error Under certain circumstances, random app of the day could actually be blacklisted or incompatible Minor CSS changes. If any author / maintainer wishes to use Legacy Mode at will (to see how their template will display within CA rather than waiting for the next appfeed update), the button can be displayed by going to CA's general settings and turning on developer mode.
  19. Not that I have any clue about the app, but hexparrot/mineos-docker is no longer on dockerHub. You're looking for hexparrot/mineos
  20. General rule is that anything running in the foreground will stop once you close the pop up. A lot of factors though at play.
  21. As was I Personally, since I don't see any reason why to hide drive serial numbers, I really hope that the anonymizer doesn't start doing this. It would be rather hard to analyze a log and tell someone that I think there's a problem with a drive's serial number starting with "W" and ending in "5". But what's done is done There's only one user that I can think of who's rare replies is abrasive / sarcastic. And, that's just the type of person that he is. My feelings is that the forum at large is always helpful (or tries to be) even with the most simple or repetitive questions. If you believe that these forums are abrasive, then I'd say hang out for awhile in the FreeNAS forums. The only way that I see that it could possibly be considered abrasive / curt / whatnot is that it is more common nowadays to simply reply to questions / concerns / whatnot with a link and no explanation because the link (quite often to one of the FAQ) explains and/or answers the question already.
  22. Yeah. Multiple files all referencing the exact same picture. Honestly, I would assume just add the switches. (don't use rclone - I did the appdata backup plg, which may or may not suit your purposes depending upon the destination)
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