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Everything posted by Squid

  1. By popular demand, added the install / edit / webUI icons back to icon details mode. Icon mode I'm still going to force you to look at the description prior to installing.
  2. Question first. So your clients already use sql? If not set one of them up first to do that and from it scan the media. Much simpler to see if anything works in the first place Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. Also, if you used workbench to run those commands, then if you didn't hit the lightning bolt or something to actually run them, then they were never executed. You should see a result of something akin to blah blah blah 0 rows affected
  4. You use the IP address of your server. Or where ever MariaDB is running. But when you created the Kodi user on mariadb, if you didn't create a password (and the commands as listed do not create a user -> and Kodi suggests to not create passwords due to the complexities), then you have to remove the password entry from AdvancedSettings.xml
  5. That's the IP of the docker... Use the IP of your server
  6. Easiest way would be to install MySQL workbench on your desktop, point it at the IP of your server (port 3306), and enter in the commands that are listed on Kodi's website:
  7. Honestly, I never thought it would have been this hard for people to adjust. But, since everyone seems to be having the same problem, tonight I'll add in the Install icons underneath the icon so that you don't have to hit the hover pop up to install / edit. But, the old buttons stating Install / Edit are going to be gone forever...
  8. I guess that you're running with settings set to show installed apps within available apps. (which isn't the default setting). I never do, hence the oversight on that one. But, in the meantime, Hover over the icons that appear. When installed, there are either 2 or 3 icons. - Reinstall with default settings - Edit - WebUI (Plugins will only show the webUI icon)
  9. I was going to reply yesterday that the calculator was pointless, as all you have to do is add up the size of your data drives. But, then I noticed that it does make an attempt at coming up with current ratings, etc for the power supply.
  10. When it happens again, try either from the local console (or via Putty / SSH) logging in and entering diagnostics and then post the resulting file here. Also zip up the backup log when it happens, upload it to drop box, and post the link...
  11. I take it that is a hint@trurl Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  12. Give me a review of it in a week or so. After you get used to it Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  13. Which is why I said amule. IE: I did a google search and found it buried, installed the app tested it and it worked. But, @CHBMB is probably correct in stating that this app is deader than dead. If its doesn't work at all, then let me know so it can be removed from CA
  14. Displays are all cleaned up and more modernized. Add edit etc are all available by either hovering on the app icon or clicking it Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  15. Something went wrong in the download. Not quite sure what, but I'm fairly positive its on your end... Best wild guess is that your flash drive is either full or corrupted or maybe /tmpfs is full or something... Diagnostics might help before you reboot. To fix: Uninstall / reinstall ( or uninstall / reboot / reinstall ) BTW, I actually did pump out a release ~1/2 hour ago (2017.04.30) that added in Maintainer / Author profiles to help people make a more informed decision, but that wouldn't be what you're seeing, since everything on your screen says 29b
  16. If you don't have a HTPC on 24/7 then running a headless Kodi install as a docker will keep your library (mySQL) up to date. Point CP/Radarr/Sonarr to the headless to update the library when d/ls are completed The best way to set up multiple clients is to have them share a single database (mySQL). No client will ever have to scan the database. Yes Yes Yes. And more flexible at the expense of greater overhead. In my case, I have one of my servers running a libreelec VM for the HTPC, so since the VM is always on, there's zero point in running a headless kodi docker when the VM can do the exact same thing. You have to set up all clients to utilize the SQL db
  17. A UPS does do more than merely cover actual blackouts though. The mains do not have to have zero voltage before a UPS kicks in. Usually they would be set to something like (assuming 110-120VAC mains) 80-90VAC for them to kick in, even for a second. Ever notice your lights very slightly flicker when say your AC / fridge turns on? That's a brownout, and a UPS will also protect you from that. While the brownout may not be enough to cause an actual shutdown, it *may* be enough to slightly corrupt memory, etc Of course, regardless of whether you have a UPS or not, you should try and ensure that the power going to your server(s) is as clean as possible: Ideally on its own separated line with an isolated ground, and definitely not on the same line as any major appliances in your home. And if you're hot during a lengthy power outage, then get a generac not a UPS. Use the appropriate device...
  18. Ooops... Thanks... It doesn't work on the nav icons. Fixed
  19. Actually found it myself during a round of testing to make sure that some slightly revised CSS worked... Some research, and IE (and Opera) do not support a common javascript command. (But Edge does, which made me shake my head). Important enough that I had to pump out an update, otherwise I would've sat on the adjustment to the hovering until the end of time
  20. By request (read that as bitch), - Adjustable time before hovering will display anything (Change in settings -> defaults to 1 second). Clicks will always be instaneous Additionally, - Fix compatibility with IE (but Edge always worked!?!?) and Opera - Fix buttons when interacting with apps having branches - Misc.
  21. Post your diagnostics (tools - diagnostics). If the web UI isn't working because you've attempted to reboot, then from the command prompt, type diagnostics and then upload the file. There are far more files in there than simply the last syslog (and yours as posted has rotated) Most common cause of this is a ssh session open with the current directory pointed to a mount point (ie: /mnt/user)
  22. Not sure then. Seeing as how I don't use Rclone, I would guess you've got a mounting issue with it...
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