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Everything posted by Squid

  1. All it does is log that ignored errors were found. This was so that if in the event diagnostics were getting uploaded whomever was looking at it would see that the user has ignored something. On the GUI, any errors which are ignored (but found again) do appear on the ignored list
  2. If it wasn't for the request, then PacMan wouldn't be able to run (or any javascript for that matter)
  3. Oops. Missed removing a debugging section. Doesn't hurt anything... I'll get rid of it tonight / tomorrow.
  4. As stated, the ability to ignore warnings / errors (and you're correct that its purely semantics the difference between the two, and ultimately its what I think) has been implemented for a very long time. "False Positives" - Depending upon your viewpoint, any "false positives" are either valid or invalid. My opinion is that any and all errors / warnings are valid, but there may also be perfectly acceptable reasons to set up the server in such a way as to trigger those warnings. (I myself on my server have a number of warnings set to be ignored) Ultimately, FCP is designed around two philosophies: - How I think unRaid should get set up - What tends to trip people up. The host vs port thing does tend to trip up many people. But, if nothing else, at least the warning did force you to actually search out the postings that stated that this was ok to do under certain circumstances. It is not feasable for myself to include exceptions for any of the valid reasons to change any of the settings that may trigger a warning/error and then try and figure out - Did the user actually make a mistake? or - Is this what they actually want / need? In a nutshell, all the errors / warnings as set will stand as is. If/when errors / warnings on a general basis are proved to be false posisitives consistently then they will be removed and/or modified accordingly. (And this has happened previously with one test in particular) TLDR: It doesn't bother me in the least if yourself or anyone ignores any/all errors if you know what you're doing.
  5. The danger is that even if one byte is changed on the drives while the array is paused it will invalidate the parity. It's a good feature but would be risky to use. Since unRAID would know if something was written to the disk it only has to invalidate the check in progress and force a complete recheck - I don't see a real risk to the feature if it is implemented that way. Isn't the implication here though (taken to an extreme) that unRaid itself is inherently risky if you don't run a full parity check every time a single byte gets written to the drive(s) because at that point you cannot be 100% sure that you can successfully rebuild a drive because you don't know if the disks and parity all reflect that changed byte?
  6. The danger is that even if one byte is changed on the drives while the array is paused it will invalidate the parity. It's a good feature but would be risky to use. Not really, because if that byte was part of the section already checked then it'll get updated automatically, and if its not part of the section already checked then it would get checked when the checks resume. Its fundamentally no different than running scheduled full checks once a month.
  7. Run the new permissions tool built-in to unRaid (FCP's docker safe new perms will always ignore backup locations) This is not an issue with the backup, nor will I change it to change the permissions, as at that point it is no longer a backup, and in the event of a restore there may be issues with the apps.
  8. There's nothing wrong in the xml (and I didn't expect there to be) Are you sure that it's a backup of appdata being placed into your appdata share and not simple the backup of the USB and VM xml's? Post your diagnostics as it outright includes the command that the backup runs in it.
  9. Post the backup options.json file from the config/plugins/CA.backup folder on the flash drive Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  10. PacMan Play a version of PacMan directly on your server lol... And no I didn't write it. Merely adapted the program from https://github.com/bxia/Javascript-Pacman to work within user scripts. Rather pointless I suppose, but you never know... Unzip the attachment and store it within /config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts Requires user.scripts 2017.01.21a+ to run PacMan.zip
  11. OK. Here's a demonstration script (but it'll do what you want). It requires user.scripts 2017.01.21a+ to work and shows a demo of directly utilizing javascript within a script to manipulate html DOMs, etc A new variable called directPHP has been added to signal to the UI to run the script in this override mode. I do not recommend any one using this variable in their own scripts without PM'ing me first. Assuming a base folder of /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/test you will need the following files: /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/test/script <? #directPHP=true #description=Demonstration of directly running javascript within the output. $updateTime = 1000; # time between updates in milliseconds $supportExec = "/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/test/scriptExec.php"; # Change This To Suit. $unRaidvars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); $csrf = $unRaidvars['csrf_token']; exec("cp $supportExec /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/scriptSupportFile.php"); exec("chmod +x /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/scriptSupportFile.php"); echo " <script src='/webGui/javascript/dynamix.js'></script> <span id='output'></span> <script> $(document).ajaxSend(function(elm, xhr, s){ if (s.type == 'POST') { s.data += s.data?'&':''; s.data += 'csrf_token=$csrf'; } }); var URL = '/plugins/user.scripts/scriptSupportFile.php'; var Interval = setTimeout(updateDisplay,$updateTime); function updateDisplay() { $.post(URL,{hasTo:'beHere'},function(data) { if (data) { $('#output').html(data); Interval = setTimeout(updateDisplay,$updateTime); } }); } </script> "; and /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/test/scriptExec.php (Note that this file must be formatted with linux style line endings. Windows style line endings will not work here) <?PHP $command = "btrfs scrub status /mnt/cache"; # Bash Command/script To Run... Change To Suit $output = shell_exec($command); $output = str_replace("\n","<br>",$output); echo $output; ?> EDIT: Adjusted script to maintain compatibility with future versions of unRaid
  12. Everything is doable. An API to allow deletions would take the most thought. Initial downsides to the monitoring for any deletion is a ton of applications (MS Office) wind up writing .tmp files which are ultimately deleted. But for every problem there is always a solution. I'll get to it at some point... But not for at least a couple of weeks.
  13. Added in support for a name variable which will override the folder name on the GUI for the name of the script http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=49992.msg479686#msg479686
  14. Yes, I can ping and www.microsoft.com successfully. I have also installed some dockers and the several Dynamix V6 plugins successfully. First things first. What is the output of (and roughly how long does it take to complete) wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/master/Repositories.json wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/master/Moderation.json wget http://tools.linuxserver.io/unraid-docker-templates.json Have you rebooted since openVPN has been installed? When its stuck on the "Retrieving Application Lists" is the webUI also non-responsive (ie: can you navigate to another tab for unRaid and will it bring it up in a short amount of time (ie: basically immediately?). If it does, then clear your browser cache / try a different browser and see what happens. Wouldn't be a bad idea to post your diagnostics as CA stores a fair amount of its data files within the docker.img file
  15. Yes it does work but as far as I can see Docker needs access to all the folder but in a higher level version. So for example /mnt/user - /mnt/user I would think you would actually have to go to a lower level. Different top level folders within /mnt/user winds up being effectively different volumes. You would have to set everything up to access /mnt/cache instead.
  16. This is an avenue I hadn't thought of, worth consideration. As you know, the current method and the new method I've discussed are strictly for protecting shares from attack from *externally* infected machines. They assume the unRAID server itself is safe, uninfected. So when an attack is detected, the lockdown is simply closing the gates to the outside world, blocking write access. We were not worried about software packages (whether plugins, Dockers, or VM's) running on the server, so they have essentially unrestricted access to whatever folders they are configured for. Don't have the time right now to sit down and the last couple of posts (I'll get to it this weekend) but I will pipe in here and say that the above isn't 100% true. The current system does indeed protect against access to a user share via a VM utilizing anything but 9p sharing. Dockers and plugins however are a different story since they do not access the shares over a network protocol.
  17. That sounds pretty slick! It would absolutely have to have scripted signaling so people using CouchPotato, SickBeard, torrents or any of the other automated downloaders could function. It would also need to be hooked into the Mover somehow so it can do its job without bringing the whole system down. I think the password protected 'Please' method would work well for scripted activities from desktop machines. For example, I run SyncBack to do backups to the server - I can have it execute a batch file to copy/create the key file before the backup starts, then another (or, gasp! the same one with parameters!) to remove it when the backup finishes. Nothing Squid likes more than feature creep! I dare you to find an example
  18. Try a relative folder. ie: only type in emby/cache and emby/metadata
  19. Any mounted path is supported. I believe that rclone does give you a mount point within /mnt/disks, but since I don't have any use for the plugin, I can't tell you much. But I wouldn't be surprised if you run into hardlink issues with it. Best thing would be to try and set it as a destination and see what happens. If you don't use the dated backup options, then every backup is only the changed files, so your sync will also only reflect the changed files. To exclude subfolders, manually type them in
  20. If this is from the regular scans (not extended), then it sounds like your default appdata destination might not match what you've set for CrashPlan. (FCP tries to avoid giving errors on permissions for appdata because of the wildly varying permissions that are contained within) No guarantees on what would happen if you fix the permissions on Crashplan. You might make it completely inoperable if you attempt fixes.
  21. Background processes that may get spawned by the script or a command in the script do not get aborted Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  22. Bram stoker gets credit as the random word dictionary is chapter one of dracula. For custom baits you have to add all the ones you want to use. The files if it exists overrides the defaults. The system only works with the built in shares. Tabbed display. You have settings display settings set to non tabbed. I was going to override and force it to always be tabbed the next time I update the plugin. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  23. Yes. 6.1 doesn't support hardlinks on user shares and those shares are nothing but hardlinks. Deleting the shares on each disk should work. Still mobile and can't test though Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  24. IIRC can you just click on it and then say remove? May have to hit advanced in the top right. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  25. Not sure if the script is still being maintained but fix common problems plugin on the extended tests also checks for dupes Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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