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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You're a wanna-be nemesis. Basically you're just too nice at heart so it all comes off as being phony. Sparklyballs on the otherhand.... Even jonathanm isn't my nemesis anymore -> He's reformed
  2. /mnt/cache/appdata/plex I have a differing opinion on that. I vote for /mnt/user/appdata/plex, with the appdata share set to be useCache:Prefer http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg524491#msg524491 Only problem is that IIRC you can't willy-nilly switch between the two methods. Switching *may* require you to restart your libraries, etc all over again. He wasn't really asking about how it should be setup, more how to get to /config Pay attention 007.... I paid much attention as you did with your reply, brainiac
  3. /mnt/cache/appdata/plex I have a differing opinion on that. I vote for /mnt/user/appdata/plex, with the appdata share set to be useCache:Prefer http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg524491#msg524491 Only problem is that IIRC you can't willy-nilly switch between the two methods. Switching *may* require you to restart your libraries, etc all over again.
  4. After I tried the powerdown -r, I looked in "ps aux" and the /etc/rc/d/rc.docker stop was running for 40mins before I got bored and hard reset the box. It's back up now without docker, so I'll try removing the img as you suggested. Like I said, I have no clue what went wrong on the update - never seen it before, and my apps update every week...
  5. If nothing else, you managed to prove that FCP's tests are flexible enough to come up with problems that I never even considered to be possible. Kudos!
  6. you can try /etc/rc.d/rc.docker stop umount /var/lib/docker [code] and then see if the powerdown will work.... But I doubt either command will work properly
  7. That's strange. Been quite a while since I've looked at that part of the code, but IIRC I attempt to write a randomly named file to the root of each disk. Those three errors *imply* that somehow you've created files / folders within /mnt inadvertently. Since next cloud isn't running (or nginx / apache), a reboot should solve the problem. But, nothing should ever get created by a docker in /mnt unless you've got the template misconfigured. But I'll look at the code tonight and confirm.
  8. Haven't seen that before best I can suggest would be to edit docker.cfg on the flash drive config folder and disable docker through it. Then from The command prompt do powerdown -r Which should be able to restart the server. After it comes back alive delete the docker.img from the docker tab and recreate it then add the apps back in via CA and the previous apps section Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  9. Yes Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  10. since you can telnet in, diagnostics and if that hangs cp /var/log/syslog.txt /boot/syslog.txt and post the file when it happens again.
  11. oh ok... The configuration is as good a place as any to try and solve it. Never actually had an unpack error unless the source was corrupted but the articles still existed
  12. Doesn't it allow the mnt/user structure because it is in a docter? What if I want to use categories where mkvs need to go mnt/user/movies/mkv? Yeah it allows all that. Just that it *appears* that you have it downloading into the appdata for nzbGet itself. Just simpler and cleaner (and no permission problems) to have downloads go to a separate mapping. And when everything is set up right you don't need to use droneFactory or watch folders on CP / Sonarr
  13. Not that I use rclone, but I don't see why it would come up via unassigned devices since its not managed by unassigned devices. If you're looking to have the mount as a share, then you're going to have to manually edit config/smb-extra.cfg on the flash drive
  14. Set the /downloads mapping to be a separate folder within appdata. (You're also going to add that exact same mapping to CP and sonarr)
  15. In your appdata share (or on the docker screen its the host mapping for /Config on the sab app) Alternatively, if you uninstall via the Apps tab ( installed apps ), you'll be prompted to delete the appdata share automatically -> just confirm the pop up that its the actual appdata folder, and not your media folders or something like that.
  16. Anyone has the ability to issue pull requests on this file: https://github.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/blob/master/Moderation.json for my review. Or to drop me a PM about any non-functioning container. My limited understanding about GMM was that it does function, albeit if IPs / Users change then it goes downhill Hey Squid... MAC address generation is causing invalid registration states. A week ago I did this which should cover everything
  17. Settings - Docker - Hit Advanced View You can try and delete the container (and image) by stopping Sab on the docker tab then deleting it. (And then re-adding it via the Apps Tab (Previous Apps). No adjustment of the template will be needed and everything will be back to normal after it re-downloads. Failing that, you're probably going to have to delete the appdata for Sab as it has gotten messed up (probably Sab's fault). Do the same steps as above, and then delete the appdata folder for sab, then reinstall it via the Previous Apps section. You won't need to touch the template, but you will have to setup all the settings within Sab's UI again. (Or switch to nzbGet -> better, lower footprint, and doesn't use Python which is a continuing problem for Sab)
  18. Strike that... The reason why the scripts aren't working for you is because of the same reason why the backup on your system is putting the log into the syslog. Just testing the fixes right now.
  19. It's on the to do list. When I did this originally, I was very surprised at the reception the plugin got, so certain design considerations I made at the time makes it a PITA to implement that. I just gotta find some time.
  20. It uses mv the same as yours. Your sample didn't preserve times, so mine didn't either But, its a simple change #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP # description=Moves a folder based upon utilization # arrayStarted=true $source = "/mnt/disk2/test1"; # Note that mixing disk shares and user shares here will result in corrupted files $destination = "/mnt/disk1/test1"; # Use either disk or user shares. Not both. $moveAt = 90; # Utilization % on the source to trigger the moves $moveOldest = true; # true moves the oldest files/folders first. false moves the newest files/folders first $emptySource = false; # false stops the moves when utilization drops below $moveAt. true will move all of the files / folders $runDuringCheck = false; # false pauses the moves during a parity check/rebuild. true continues copying $checkSleepTime = 300; # seconds to delay before checking if a parity check is still in progress $deleteDestination = true; # false if the destination file/folder already exists skips copying. true deletes the version on the destination and then copies $abortOnError = true; # true aborts move operations if one of them results in an error. false carries on with other files/folders $finishScript = false; # false do nothing. Set to something like "/boot/my_scripts/customScript.sh" to run a custom script at the completion of copying (notifications?) $fullLogging = true; # set to true for full logging. Useful for debugging. function runMove() { global $source, $moveAt; $percent = (disk_total_space($source) - disk_free_space($source)) / disk_total_space($source) * 100; return ($percent > $moveAt); } function logger($string) { global $fullLogging; if ( $fullLogging ) { echo $string; } } if ( ! runMove() ) { echo "Set conditions to move are not met. Exiting\n"; exit(); } $raw = array_diff(scandir($source),array(".","..")); if ( ! $raw ) { echo "$source does not exist or is already empty\n"; exit(); } foreach ($raw as $entry) { $sourceContents[$entry] = filemtime("$source/$entry"); } if ( $moveOldest ){ asort($sourceContents); } else { arsort($sourceContents); } logger(print_r($sourceContents,true)); $contents = array_keys($sourceContents); exec("mkdir -p ".escapeshellarg($destination)); foreach ( $contents as $entry ) { if ( ! $emptySource ) { if ( ! runMove() ) { break; } } if ( ! $runDuringCheck ) { while ( true ) { $unRaidVars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); if ( ! $unRaidVars["mdResyncPos"] ) { break; } logger("Parity Check / Rebuild in progress. Pausing $checkSleepTime seconds\n"); sleep($checkSleepTime); } } if ( is_dir("$destination/$entry") ) { echo "$destination/$entry already exists. "; if ( $deleteDestination ) { echo "Deleting prior to moving.\n"; exec("rm -rf ".escapeshellarg("$destination/$entry")); } else { echo "Skipping.\n"; continue; } } echo "Moving $source/$entry to $destination/$entry\n"; exec("mv ".escapeshellarg("$source/$entry")." ".escapeshellarg("$destination/$entry"),$output,$returnValue); if ( $returnValue ) { echo "An error occurred moving $source/$entry to $destination/$entry "; if ( $abortOnError ) { echo "Aborting\n"; exit(); } else { echo "Continuing\n"; } } else { exec("touch --date=@".$sourceContents[$entry]." ".escapeshellarg("$destination/$entry")); } } if ( $finishScript ) { exec($finishScript,$finishOut); foreach ($finishOut as $line) { echo "$line\n"; } } ?> or, if you've changed things around, Change exec("mv ".escapeshellarg("$source/$entry")." ".escapeshellarg("$destination/$entry"),$output,$returnValue); if ( $returnValue ) { echo "An error occurred moving $source/$entry to $destination/$entry "; if ( $abortOnError ) { echo "Aborting\n"; exit(); } else { echo "Continuing\n"; } } to exec("mv ".escapeshellarg("$source/$entry")." ".escapeshellarg("$destination/$entry"),$output,$returnValue); if ( $returnValue ) { echo "An error occurred moving $source/$entry to $destination/$entry "; if ( $abortOnError ) { echo "Aborting\n"; exit(); } else { echo "Continuing\n"; } } else { exec("touch --date=@".$sourceContents[$entry]." ".escapeshellarg("$destination/$entry")); }
  21. Just FYI, I've clicked the "Delete Backup Sets" several times and it does not seem to be deleting the ERROR folders. http://my.jetscreenshot.com/12412/20170106-g79s-279kb.jpg[/img] There's a difference in the buttons. Delete Old Backups - Deletes everything in the current backup destination Delete Incomplete Backups - Deletes All backups labelled error in the current backup destination Delete Old Dated Backup Sets - Deletes All backups which are older than the # of days to keep in the current backup destination The backup status window should say what's going on. It works for me on my system. Show me a screenshot of the backup settings and I'll try and replicate.
  22. Are you just using a template... or going to CA, searching plex... click add and going through the process that way? Using a stock lsio template via CA with additional media paths. Nothing special...
  23. Dunno... I actually just set it up again myself from scratch with no problems
  24. First off, don't bother adding in template repositories. Outdated and ass-backwards method of installing apps. Install the Community Applications plugin (link in sig) and use the Apps tab instead. Secondly, the template is already set up for that particular command, all you have to do is adjust the paths accordingly. Would probably be good to review the stickies in the Docker Engine / Docker Containers threads
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