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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Ok, so I re-organised to have /mnt/user/tvshows/TV and /mnt/user/tvshows/kids, and trying both ln /mnt/user/tvshows/TV/The\ Simpsons/ /mnt/user/tvshows/Kids/The\ Simpsons fails with "hard link not allowed for directory" and ln -d /mnt/user/tvshows/TV/The\ Simpsons/ /mnt/user/tvshows/Kids/The\ Simpsons fails with "Operation not permitted" I'm Running 6.3.0-rc9. Never tried it with directories. But perhaps Limetech did not include support for hardlinking directories when they added support for hardlinks on user shares.
  2. Hardlinks do work in unRaid (6.2+) But hardlinks always have to be within the same mount point as on any system. ie: You can hardlink a file from /mnt/user/Movies/MyMovies to /mnt/user/Movies/KidMovies but not from /mnt/user/Movies to /mnt/user/KidMovies
  3. Automatic blacklisting if a template is potentially a security risk
  4. Sorry. I missed that it rebuilt the drive
  5. Disk 4 looks like its disabled, so any read from the array will cause all drives to spin up.
  6. Could be basically anything. An app scanning your files. Windows scanning the directories. Limited RAM and cachedirs causing the disks to spin back up. Appdata for your docker apps not set to be a cache only share (or cache prefer) causing unRaid to actively think about where to put the data Diagnostics is the first tool to help
  7. Yeah, me too why I did it. Just a major PITA to try and get quoted paths containing spaces (like "/mnt/user/My Movies") or escaped spaces (/mnt/user/My\ Movies) to work without a big overhaul. Someday....
  8. Just pumped out an update that will work for this. Couple of new inline variables to support it. Prior to executing a script in the foreground, a popup will appear prompting for the arguments to use in the script Sample bash script #description=This is a demonstration of argument passing #argumentDescription=Enter in the arguments #argumentDefault=argument1 argument2 echo "Argument1: $1" echo "Argument2: $2" Couple of caveats: Because the arguments are passed from HTML to javascript to bash and then finally to the bash/php script, spaces and escaped characters really mess it all up. After banging my head against the wall for a bit with the existing framework, just decided to make a note to not pass any paths that have spaces contained within them (or escaped characters). At some point, I'll redo the entire execution framework from the ground up to process this properly if there is demand for it. Arguments are currently not processed for running a script in the background or on a schedule. If your script has the ability to run both foreground and background, it must adjust itself accordingly to not having passed arguments to it when in background. EDIT: Any default arguments if specified are passed to the script. At some point when I get bored, I'm going to have to create a new posting detailing all of the variables available now that they are growing in number....
  9. Added in tests for Call Traces which should cover just about any big error from the Kernel (Kernel Oops, General Protection Faults, etc)
  10. I don't understand fully why that is necessary, but that's why I put the notice in the mount dialog. Its not necessary to restart the docker service. But with everything that went on previously, it *may* have been necessary as a one-time thing
  11. It looks like there is a space between the /mnt/disks/ and the ip address. This would be a problem. And between each octet
  12. Not when using Slave mode for access (and the mount point is within /mnt/disks) I'm sure this is all user error somewhere in what @DW_Michi is doing @DW_Michi: From the Docker Tab, next to plex, it should show /hello -> /mnt/disks/192.168.... When you click on that does it show you the contents of the remote mounted share?
  13. You have to enable the share setting for SMB and/or NFS or UD will not share. You have not set enable 'Yes' in UD settings. Do you require that? We're not trying to access it via SMB or NFS. Merely get at the UD mounted share within a container
  14. Since this is odds on about the btrfs script, just bear in mind that ultimately what's going on is that the script in question with my posted update frequency calls the script every second (as per the variable in the lead script) The demo is great for things like status displays, but not for say running the preclear_disk script. (Although it is doable for stuff like that, but would require a big overhaul on the javascript which I would leave to better people than myself)
  15. Is the share still mounted in Unassigned Devices and browseable?
  16. Did you type in the host path yourself instead of using the folder browser when you click into it? I see a space in there /mnt/disks/{space}192.168.... I would think that it should be /mnt/disks/192.168....
  17. All volumes for docker containers require two things, the path to the unRaid folder, and the path within the container. Its the container path that Plex actually accesses. As an example, you've got Plex's appdata as /mnt/user/appdata/Plex and a container path of /config If you explore within the container, you will see the contents of /mnt/user/appdata/Plex stored within Plex at /config Same thing with your media. Once you add the path of /media, you will see the contents of that disk at /media
  18. Linuxserver (and all docker template maintainers for that matter) do not write the actual app themselves. They merely package it. This would need to be posted on Sab's forum. You can get to their page by hitting "Project Page" from within CA on the app
  19. You never specified a container path. Something like /media
  20. Almost. When setting the "mode" of the volume in the template, you also need to specify one of the "Slave" modes otherwise the docker app will not be able to read the contents unless you stop / restart the entire docker service http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg465348#msg465348
  21. Even though you striked out the question, I still did think about it. Interactive (script asks you something in the middle of it) is more or less not doable at all. Non-interactive with questions at the beginning is doable. Out of town for a couple of days next week, so I'll try and remember to get to it next weekend.
  22. Yeah, copy it from the backup destination onto the flash manually...
  23. jbrodriguez, it does appear that ControlR needs some modifications for 6.3.0-rc9 http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=55988.0 We found a missing csrf_token error during rc8 testing.
  24. Try settings Static DNS addresses in network settings. Usually solves it.
  25. As far as I know. What error(s) are appearing?
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