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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Probably. The test is a ping github.com But it's showing up on the console? Yes, the error shows on the console also. Something like this?root@Server_A:~# ping blahblahblah ping: unknown host blahblahblah Yes. K. I don't have stderr redirected to null. Will fix at some point Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk Should it be downgraded to a Warning and not an error? I think of it as an error because at that point plugins and Dockers won't install. No update checks will work etc. It's not a check on github per se but a check against internet access as a whole Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  2. Probably. The test is a ping github.com But it's showing up on the console? Yes, the error shows on the console also. Something like this?root@Server_A:~# ping blahblahblah ping: unknown host blahblahblah Yes. K. I don't have stderr redirected to null. Will fix at some point Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. Probably. The test is a ping github.com But it's showing up on the console? Yes, the error shows on the console also. Something like this?root@Server_A:~# ping blahblahblah ping: unknown host blahblahblah
  4. Probably. The test is a ping github.com But it's showing up on the console?
  5. Does anything appear on the local monitor (if you have one) when it crashes? You might want to upload the syslog.txt that FCP generated as diagnostics are created every 30 minutes, but the syslog will go right to when FCP stopped due to the crash. Also, have you run memtest for at least a pass or two? By and large outright crashes of unRaid are purely hardware related. But, compounding that is that not all BIOS's / firmware are created equally, and VM's do have the ability to outright crash the system if the BIOS is buggy.
  6. More complicated than that since the video drivers would need to be included in unraid which adds a huge layer of complexity. Probably better to do this in a vm Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  7. Doesn't matter if the ultimate destination winds up on the same disk or not. This is all about mount points, and in this respect something like Windows acts the exact same as unRaid / Docker when traversing mount points. A copy / delete will always happen. You can mitigate this to a certain extent by mapping instead of /temp_download and /media only map /mnt to /mnt and have the dockers all reference folders off of that.
  8. UPDATE : It worked - thanks a ton (bought you a beer too!!) - now it makes perfect sense that why a higher level mapping solved the case. Of course hindsight is 20:20. I am learning. Appreciate all the help. Not a problem... Once you wrap your head around the mapping you see why it looked on sonarr right but didn't work at all. Hence the /mnt to /mnt . And thanks for the beer
  9. Should work. But if it doesn't take a screen shot of the docker run command that will pop up when you hit apply and post that. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  10. Hardest thing is the volume mappings and it's covered in the docker FAQ in a number of different posts Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  11. ok. Then on sonarr you have to pass as a volume /mnt mapped to /mnt and get rid of /downloads It should work then... Why not run Sab as a docker?
  12. Not what I asked for. I need to see the template (when you edit the container) and the volume paths you're passing there 95% positive right now that you've also got everything being stored within the docker.img in addition to the import problem...
  13. Repository will be added to CA tonight Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  14. in short its always better to try and isolate permission resets to a specific docker container if possible. Understood. Thanks for the detail. Ok, so this probably isn't a DelugeVPN issue but hoping you might be able to help. I've discovered that my /downloads directory ownership and permissions is getting changed from nobody:users drwxrwxrwx to root:root rwxr-xr-x. Based on the time stamp of the changed directory and once a week occurrence, it appears to be linked to when CA Backup/Restore is backing up my appdata folder. I have CA Backup/Restore set to exclude my /downloads directory. Any thoughts on why this might be happening? It's definitely a new issue within past couple weeks and I haven't changed any configuration files (just updating plugins and dockers). The backup module does not touch or modify any permissions on the source at all (and the destination permissions will always match the source) (I actually just tested this after I saw your cross-post) Best guess is that Deluge itself is modifying the permissions at its startup. Set the backup under advanced settings to NOT stop any of the installed containers and you'll probably see that no permissions were changed.
  15. Its related to Plex because Plex is hammering the cache drive during transcoding. And that hammering increases both bandwidth transferred and power consumed which is going to aggravate any small flaws in connectors / splitters / etc. I have a particular drive here that only likes being in a certain bay of the 12 bay hotswap case. Any other bay and all the little manufacturing tolerances are just out enough for that drive to give the same errors under load. All the other drives work perfectly everywhere...
  16. Ideally, you'd also need to post the template settings for sabnzbd, but I can pretty well surmise that the host volume mapping on sab does not match 100% the host mapping on sonarr for the /downloads
  17. Currently, safe mode merely stops plugins and anything in /boot/extra from installing. I would like to see that renamed to Safe Mode - No Plugins I would like to see another option added Safe Mode - No Plugins / VMs / Dockers Dockers / VMs (VMs in particular) can cause issues with stability as a whole if the hardware / firmware / bios is not operating properly, and it can be a PITA to diagnose running those additional features. Also, I think it would be wise to have the system when running in Safe Mode to never autostart the array, as if there is bad enough corruption of an array drive / cache drive, it can really cause havoc during start and/or prevent starting altogether. Far to often on the forums we tell people to manually edit disk.cfg and disable autostart. Additionally, I think that when using the GUI mode from the startup you should also have all the safe modes available within it too.
  18. With your slightly different color scheme it looks out of focus. His is bang on
  19. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=49992.0 Your script is simply that command you've already posted
  20. Personally, I wouldn't want anything anywhere logging my password Why not just make a user script for the user.scripts plugin composed of that command. One click and you're done.
  21. There are 2 errors (unclean shutdown and OOM errors) that have the acknowledgement. This is because of how the errors are found. With all other errors, once they are ignored, when they are found again (a simple rescan will do it) they can be remonitored. Shutdown and OOM can't be found again by the rescan because they were acknowledged. So pretty much 3 options: Pull the plug on the server to generate another unclean shutdown (I don't recommend this) Delete the file (you'll have to ignore any errors previously ignored again) This is the simplest way Edit the file with Notepad++ and remove the appropriate line (and making sure that the last entry does not have a comma after it).
  22. Next time any ignored errors are found you can hit re-monitor on them. But in your case, probably the best would be to delete this file /config/plugins/fix.common.problems/ignoreList.json on the flash drive
  23. You implied (but didn't outright say) that you set the date and time and time-zone within Settings - Date & Time. Also, you do require an internet connection for NTP to work. (I use pool.ntp.org) Worst comes to worst, you can always email LT [email protected]
  24. oops... That's what happens when you're rushed before your first coffee of the day https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/ransomware.bait/master/plugins/newransomware.bait.plg A search within CA for ransomware or virus should bring it up
  25. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/plugin-repository/master/newransomware.xml But if you're running 6.1.x then the Apps tab won't display it because it is only compatible 6.2+
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