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Everything posted by Squid

  1. unRaid doesn't officially support this, but IIRC most of the time, simply stopping the array will get unRaid to recognize the drive.
  2. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/86/3f/c6/863fc673dcb17c03c6696d06c07b4abb.jpg[/img] Maintenance Release - To support the upcoming feature of being able to separately install / remove CA modules, an update to CA was required in order to keep the appFeed displays making sense. - A new button (CA Modules) will display all of the currently available modules, and if supported will allow for existing module removal and additional module additions. Note that currently all modules cannot be uninstalled, but shortly will be.
  3. done with today's update. Any and all .Recycle.Bin folders are automatically excluded no matter what. If there are bait files sitting within them right now however, you are going to have to stop the service, and delete the files, and then start the service back up again.
  4. Ah I see. I automatically excluded appdata and CA backup folders because I knew bait would get triggered in there and I don't use the recycle bin plugin so never thought about it... I'll automatically exclude that tomorrow Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  5. Updated to handle this, but in my testing, there is zero problems with creating to hidden folders. (But, if a file creation error happens (and the file is in the folder), the error will continually rehappen because subsequent creations will think that the file is a pre-existing and valid file -> you will have to manually delete the file(s) if they exist and are file creation errors. IE: Stop the service, delete the bait files. Any bait files still existing on the array were probably orphaned via the original version of this plugin, and can now be safely removed. Subsequent creations should succeed. The exclude hidden folders options defaults to NOT exclude them.
  6. - Seabios effectively disabling the local console - Explanation of the memory overhead required to run VMs - Explanation of ballooning, when to use, when not to
  7. Port 80 is already in use by the unRaid GUI. You need to change the host mapping of port 80 to something else.
  8. Mine are installed in my Norco 470 Rack mount case, so couldn't say (and never checked the measurements) - was just commenting upon them in a general way. Nobody laughed at me with the pix of my first unRaid server http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=23796.msg209559#msg209559
  9. Not sure. Bonienl or johnny.black would know...
  10. I have the norco equivalent on my main desktop. They work, stay cool with the fan, but the one big caveat with them (and tbh pretty non-hotswap solution) is that its damn near impossible to get a drive out of them and replace it without disturbing the cabling to the other drives. Safest way to change / add a drive to them is to remove all the cabling to the other drives so that you are forced to plug them back in (and in the process pretty much guarantee they are making a decent connection rather than a so-so one if you happen to just touch the adjacent sata cables the wrong way)
  11. Oops Sorry no... My approach is correct, but implementation was wrong Its still traversing different mounts. The only way to do this is to instead of /mnt/user use /mnt/cache Mover will still operate on the file(s) within /mnt/user/Torrents, because it doesn't care how the file(s) got placed into that share. Sidenote: Personally, I don't think you really should be overly worried about trying to minimize writes to the drive as long as you have Dynamix Trim installed, and the drive isn't always insanely full.
  12. The alternative is to only map a single volume (outside of the /config) of say /mnt/user mapped to /unRaid. Then reference everything within the app as /unRaid/Torrents or /unRaid/Completed, etc. When unRaid is able to simple rename it will, and when it has to copy, it will.
  13. unRaid is the same as any other OS. If a move operation stays within the same mount, then it will rename. If the move traverses 2 mounts then it will copy / delete. In this case, since you're utilizing 2 different mount points (/complete and /downloads), it will be copied then deleted.
  14. He's posting all over the place.. You just had to rain on my parade, didn't you
  15. ^^^^^^^^^ WooHoo!!! Was wondering why the spammers always ignored my threads... Now I feel special
  16. As for sharing any particular mount on unRaid that you have created with your windows machine, you just need to edit the smb-extra.conf file on the flash drive (/boot/config) This is the contents of mine: [global] security = USER guest account = nobody public = yes guest ok = yes map to guest = bad user writeable = yes [uSR] path=/usr/local/emhttp/plugins valid users = andrew write list = andrew I'm sharing /usr/local/emhttp/plugins (Shows up in the Network as USR) over the network to my windows machine. The same user "Andrew" exists on both the windows box and the unraid box
  17. Question about that, what is slave mode? Also, what's the purpose of the disks share? Slave mode lets the docker system see (and more to the point, populate) the contents of the host path if the path is mounted after the docker service starts. However, unRaid's implementation only supports Slave Mode when the mount point is within /mnt/disks (it was added due to Unassigned Devices) http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg465348#msg465348 It seems I edited my statement while you were replying so I'll ask again in case you didn't see the edit, do we have to do anything to specify slave mode when we mount it? Ok, so disks was added specifically for the purposes of slave mode then? Does it work the same as the user share in terms of nfs/smb mounting? In more general terms any path that you cannot guarantee is mounted before the docker service is started you should make the mount point within /mnt/disks and use slave mode within the docker template if a docker app needs to access it Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  18. Question about that, what is slave mode? Also, what's the purpose of the disks share? Slave mode lets the docker system see (and more to the point, populate) the contents of the host path if the path is mounted after the docker service starts. However, unRaid's implementation only supports Slave Mode when the mount point is within /mnt/disks (it was added due to Unassigned Devices) http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg465348#msg465348
  19. It should work sitting on the array, but you can move it back to the cache drive (it should be there anyways) by setting use cache=prefer and then run mover again.
  20. Elaborate on this then... What's not working exactly... Does the media appear and just not play (as in it can't find the files?) Because of this, you need to - Change the mount points to /mnt/disksmovies and TV (Only old versions of UD would allow you to mount where you did) (or maybe you just did a typo) - Once its mounted in /mnt/disks, make sure that the access mode for those container / host volume paths to Plex are set to RW,Slave
  21. If your appdata share is already set to cache only then there's no problem with running mover. (as all mover would do is move your media over to the array) If appdata is set to use cache=yes then it should still work no problems, but in that case you might want to set it to prefer and run mover again. Also wouldn't be a bad idea to post your diagnostics as you may have something else completely going on
  22. What version of unRaid? If on 6.1.x you shouldn't be using /mnt/user/appdata/... for any docker's config folder. Always use /mnt/cache/appdata
  23. In this case, Plex would have access to all of the cores, and MineOS only to cores 0 & 1 But, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to solve your problem. What you really want to do here is prioritize one app over another. And for that, you're going to be playing around with --cpu-shares (And you can combine cpu shares with cpu pinning) See this FAQ entry http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg492111#msg492111
  24. Make the mount points within /mnt/disks Then on the Plex template, set that container/host volume with a mode of Read Write,Slave Should fix your problems (The only mount point that supports Slave modes are within /mnt/disks, and slave mode is your fix to any app not seeing the mounts properly if they are mounted after docker is started)
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