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Everything posted by Squid

  1. If you can come up with a way for me to still be able to access DockerClient via standalone scripts, then I'm ok with making necessary adjustments to both CA and FCP. But, as it stands now, both of those plugins 100% require access to DockerClient via standalone scripts. (and looked at CA and there is other scripts (beyond the backup script contained that would probably fail since its a php script of a bash script called via the webUI) But, for me to redo those scripts as pure bash is pretty much not going to happen due to the complexities of recreating them in bash.
  2. Start Here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg481150#msg481150
  3. Probably this: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg463355#msg463355
  4. Did some research and I found the issue (thanks to diagnostics)... Frank/Squid what you guys have in "common" is the installed plugin fix common problems, but in this case the name introduce common problems is more appropriate Squid doesn't like bash shell so all his scripts are written in PHP... The loading of the webGUI hangs on the script "scan.php" which is started by the FCP plugin. The reason scan.php gets stuck is that it loads the PHP module DockerClient.php, which had a modification: instead of a hard-coded path reference it queries the web server to obtain the path information dynamically. This works well when pages are loaded thru the browser, but it doesn't when executed as a standalone script. The solution: back to a hard-coded reference for this PHP module. Not my preference, but I don't want to oblige Squid to change his scripting method. A new version 2016.09.15 of bleeding edge is available for download/upgrade. Probably a good thing as CA also has standalone scripts (the backup script) that also requires DockerClient.
  5. Same thing here. Installed 14a, and the only exported shares are the flash and no GUI available, and what I'm manually exporting via smb-extra The array started however. /mnt/user exists (And /var/log/plugins shows that dynamix bleeding edge is installed) server_a-diagnostics-20160914-1816.zip
  6. One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. I just made that up. Pretty good. Squid should try to work that in as a logo or motto or something. Change my spinner to this? Please God let that be the only picture of your ring you post.... Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk I'd love to reply with something good, but it'll wind up getting bilged. Rightfully so. Shades of Sparklyballs' girlfriend's pictures.
  7. One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. I just made that up. Pretty good. Squid should try to work that in as a logo or motto or something. Change my spinner to this?
  8. - Updated with the downgrade in alert level for powerdown not installed - Fixed a race condition if an ad-blocker was installed, and no errors were found on previous scan (or if first scan after a reboot) by going to an (ugh) old-school style alert for ad-blockers - faster downloads on the application feed (and more checks if its complete)
  9. "Officially" I take a neutral attitude towards whether you install a plugin or a docker app with regards to those. "Unofficially", I think its pretty obvious which direction I recommend on that. IMHO, CA is the only plugin which you will ever install manually by pasting in the URL in the Plugins Tab. After that let CA take over the installation of everything (plugin and docker)
  10. Done. Cheers buddy It was a hangover from 2016-09-03 Where that entry got trashed. The bug was found on 9/5 and fixed 9/6 but looks like you made changes in the settings during that time. Which is why I couldn't replicate since I only went back as far as the current release version to test... There will be a general update to CA available tonight. EDIT: In retrospect the easiest solution for you would have to actually been to just delete backupOptions.json and set it back up (which would have worked), but then we wouldn't have found what the problem actually was and someone else would have run into the same thing. Thanks for your help...
  11. And this is what I was looking for: "logBackup": "something really went wrong here", Select an option for backup log to usb (its probably blank right now) and everything should be perfect
  12. Yeah, I still would like the contents of that.
  13. ok. This what I'll do then. I'll downgrade the level of powerdown not being installed from an error to a warning (although it is still very commonly told to users to install it whenever there are any sort of issues at all) If/when you block its installation on 6.2 then I'll adjust FCP to not complain at all if the user is running 6.2 (and leave the warning on 6.1) Additionally, when you block its installation, adjust the plugin xml with the <MaxVer> on it. That way CA won't offer it to people at all on 6.2, and if FCP finds it installed (installed prior to you deprecating it and after upgrading to the blocked version of unRaid) then it will generate an error.
  14. ok. Can I get you to download this file and save it on your flash drive: https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2016.09.13.txz Then from the local keyboard / monitor or via putty / ssh, login and enter the following: installpkg /boot/community.applications-2016.09.13.txz rm -rf /tmp/community.applications And then try setting this up again. The Apply button should be disabled after dismissing the popup, and if you select "Select A Source" as the source (which BTW happens to be a bug, but is useful here) red text should appear at the top complaining about the source. Oh yeah, before applying and after applying any changes can you post the contents of this file: /config/plugins/community.applications/backupOptions.json stored on the flash drive. (just open it in notepad) I put the checks in place to force it to work, and the changes in the json file should tell me what is going on. If the apply button (or selecting Select A share) doesn't work properly, then post another screen shot showing the javascript errors as before.
  15. Thanks for the pint, mate! The work around is easy enough to avoid that error. Still trying to figure out why its doing that anyways, since no matter what I try I can't replicate it all... - My best guess is that its a conflict between CA and a dynamix plugin that I'm not using but you are - in which case I'll rename what's conflicting to avoid this in the future - Might do it anyways since the "class" that I'm using ("setting") is named pretty generically and might conflict in the future. Either that or its an ad-blocker issue - would be surprised at this though.
  16. Perfect... Now I know why its messing up on your system. After work I'll investigate it and pump out a fix tonight... Thanks...
  17. Sorry your defaults on Chrome are different than mine. There's 12 errors (this # may be growing every second) and 1 warning listed. Can you click on the ... at the top (next to where is showing 12 errors, 1 warning) and there should be Show Console. Which should show another window at the bottom itemizing the errors. EDIT: you might just be able to hit it by clicking Console.
  18. Yup. should be a one-time fix: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg481138#msg481138
  19. Couple of questions: What browser are you using? When entering the module, does the pop up warning about erasing all the files in the destination appear? Is Apply greyed out when you enter the module? When pressing apply does a warning pop up appear (and after hitting ok is apply greyed back out?) If you change appdata Source to be "Select a source" does red warning text appear at the top about having to select a source? Chrome usually, but FF exhibits the same behaviour. Yep, the pop up works fine. No, Apply isn't greyed out when entering. When I hit Apply nothing happens, no pop up, no nothing. Nope, no warning when changing to "select a source". Thanks for efforts Perfect a browser I can work with. The javascript for some reason is crashing on your system. I use Chrome day-to-day, but also just tested with FF and it works fine for me. But at least Chrome is something I can work with. After dismissing the pop up when entering the tab, can you right click on any setting and then hit "Inspect" And then post me a screen shot of the entire browser window.
  20. I never set up an icon, so that's why it looks like that. Oh weird. In community apps it shows an icon, so I thought it had an icon. My bad! Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk There is an icon specified in the template. However it is a .svg CA works a little differently that unRaid. CA passes through the URL's for icons directly to the browser for it to display. The docker engine in unRaid insists on downloading the icon during installation and then passing a URL for the local copy to the browser. Its probably because .svg isn't a recognized format by unRaid that this is failing.
  21. Couple of questions: What browser are you using? When entering the module, does the pop up warning about erasing all the files in the destination appear? Is Apply greyed out when you enter the module? When pressing apply does a warning pop up appear (and after hitting ok is apply greyed back out?) If you change appdata Source to be "Select a source" does red warning text appear at the top about having to select a source? What dynamix plugins are you running? Are you running unRaid 6.2RC5?
  22. Think I see where the problem is, but I can't figure out how it's displaying what it is. The issue is that destinationShare is set to /mnt/user/CABackup which should be outright impossible for it to ever be set to because that is not a share. It should be set to CABackup (Clicking it should bring up a folder browser to allow you to select that.), and destination disk should be set to user.
  23. Ok. Then in that case the I my way that those two items would stay greyed out is if the settings is set to be not use dated backups. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  24. Check for CA updates. There was an issue a week or 2 ago Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  25. Have a closer look to the picture. Notifications can be shown the 'traditional' way (detailed) or less obstructive (summarized). The choice is yours Understood. But it appears that you still have to click the indicator to even show that pop up. And that's what I want to avoid for errors. Or at least make the operation of that a setting Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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