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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Not sure about the UI problem (I and most users here use either Binhex or lsio's apps), but the UD path thing: If its gone from the template, and you had to add the path in again then you didn't add the app back via CA's previous apps section which would have had that path in it (since it was the most recently saved template) If nothing showed up within the app for the UD path, then you're running 6.1.9 in which case for UD paths you have to stop and restart the entire docker service (Settings - Docker) for it to recognize anything within a UD path. Under 6.2 you set the mode instead of RW to be RW:Slave to avoid that issue.
  2. Settings. Appdata backup. Of its not there update CA Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. They are all stored within the appdata folder which is NOT part of the docker image. But if you're really worried, you can backup your appdata via CA's appdata backup module
  4. You don't need to ever add the port, as Plex runs in Host mode, and it'll all be handled automatically. Would probably be prudent to post the logs for Plex (advanced view in top right corner, then click the log button) Only two things pop into my head: - Verify Plex is still in Host mode; Remove the plex container and image and then reinstall it via CA's previous apps section
  5. done. Gotta love the one liners
  6. Try whitelisting your server if you have an ad blocker Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  7. Because at some point you deleted the docker.img file and then reinstalled your apps and didn't include that mapping instead of reinstalling them via CA previous apps which would have included the mapping Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  8. Add another volume mapping. Something like /media mapped to /mnt/user/media. If you don't get it the exact same you'll probably have to rebuild the plex db Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  9. Edit the container and post screenshots. We can't help if we can't see where at the very least you media is mapped. And if you're still attempting symlinks you may be on your own there Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  10. Not without at least seeing the mappings for docker
  11. I'm not sure I deleted the docker.img file. I probably didn't. I probably just deleted the plex container. When I go to delete that I click on "also remove image". I thought that deleted the docker.img file. But apparently not. Let me ask you something first. If I delete the entire docker.img file, will I have to set up couch potato, sonarr, sabnzbd, etc...all over again? Nope. Just re-add them via CA's previous apps, and all the mappings, ports, etc will already be filled out the way you left them. After the downloads it'll be like nothing changed
  12. Two arguments: first is sleep time, second is # of iterations to loop through before giving up. #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { return $needle === "" || strripos($haystack, $needle, -strlen($haystack)) !== FALSE; } function getReadWrites($disks) { foreach ($disks as $disk) { if ( startsWith($disk['name'],"cache") ) { continue; } # delete if you want cache to count if ( $disk['name'] == "flash" ) { continue; } $readWrites = $readWrites + $disk['numReads'] + $disk['numWrites']; } return $readWrites; } $sleepTime = $argv[1]; $iterations = $argv[2]; for ( $i=0; $i<$iterations; $i++) { $initial = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/disks.ini",true); $initialRW = getReadWrites($initial); sleep($sleepTime); $final = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/disks.ini",true); $finalRW = getReadWrites($final); if ( $initialRW == $finalRW ) { exit(0); } } exit(1); ?>
  13. After you have one running, edit the container, change the name, host port, the host appdata path and add it again.
  14. But if you already have the power down plugin, why is the script plugin involved? Not that big a deal to handle (and then you basically will have a GUI to handle something you would normally have to do via the command line to do it with the powerdown functions) Will add in array start and array stop to the frequency options. Should take about 10 minutes for me tonight.... Exactly. This script is about not having to touch the command line. Sounds good, will try it out when it's updated :-) Updated
  15. If you're doing the other one I would still prefer it, avoids the server being on for an extra 15 minutes unnecessarily, the least you can set to spin down. Try this: Your script that'll call mine: /usr/local/sbin/mover /sbin/fstrim -v /mnt/cache /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/johnny_script/checkSleep.php 180 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then /usr/local/sbin/powerdown else echo "Drive activity still happening" fi And my script (takes the sleep time as an argument. Sleep time has to be larger than tuneable (poll_attributes) #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { return $needle === "" || strripos($haystack, $needle, -strlen($haystack)) !== FALSE; } function getReadWrites($disks) { foreach ($disks as $disk) { if ( startsWith($disk['name'],"cache") ) { continue; } # delete this line if you want rw to cache to count if ( $disk['name'] == "flash" ) { continue; } $readWrites = $readWrites + $disk['numReads'] + $disk['numWrites']; } return $readWrites; } $sleepTime = $argv[1]; $initial = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/disks.ini",true); $initialRW = getReadWrites($initial); sleep($sleepTime); $final = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/disks.ini",true); $finalRW = getReadWrites($final); if ( $initialRW == $finalRW ) { exit(0); } else { exit(1); }
  16. Thanks! No rush, I'll try this one tomorrow. BTW, have you checked if mover has nothing to move that it doesn't spin up any of the disks?
  17. Problem with the other method in quick testing is that tuneable (poll_attributes) has to be set to be less than whatever the sleep is for since disks.ini is only updated at that frequency. I believe that spin downs take effect in disks.ini immediately.
  18. lol sure right when I finish the easy version. Gotta eat and spend time with the wife. I'll get back to it in a bit #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { return $needle === "" || strripos($haystack, $needle, -strlen($haystack)) !== FALSE; } exec("/usr/local/sbin/mover"); exec("/sbin/fstrim -v /mnt/cache"); $disks = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/disks.ini",true); foreach ($disks as $disk) { if ( startsWith($disk['name'],"cache") ) { continue; } if ( $disk['name'] == "flash" ) { continue; } if ( (! strpos($disk['color'],"blink")) && (!strpos($disk['color'],"off")) ) { $flag = true; } } if ( ! $flag ) { exec("/usr/local/sbin/powerdown"); } ?>
  19. lol sure.. catch me as I'm doing the numReads / Writes version. Gimme a couple min. Assuming you want to exclude cache drive
  20. Easy way for 3 is to check if all the disks are spun down: ie the "color" is green-blink for all the disks within /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini More or less implies no activity. (alternatively, use hdparm to check) To do it the way that you want is to check each disks numReads and numWrites (once again within disks.ini), sleep for 60 seconds, and then check again. If all the values are the same, then go to 4. I can bang together a php script later if it'll help (with a return code you can check) -> hate doing stuff like this in bash.
  21. But if you already have the power down plugin, why is the script plugin involved? Not that big a deal to handle (and then you basically will have a GUI to handle something you would normally have to do via the command line to do it with the powerdown functions) Will add in array start and array stop to the frequency options. Should take about 10 minutes for me tonight.... Exactly. This script is about not having to touch the command line. Sounds good, will try it out when it's updated :-) Ahh... You're one of those guys So you must miss 6.0B6 with no dockerMan, and strictly docker run commands then
  22. Is there any chance of adding VM backup natively into CA's backup function? I think this would be the most streamlined way while we await (at some point) getting snapshot's added into the VM manager. Waiting to hear from danioj on that one. I don't run VM's so need to get together with him to sort that all out.
  23. Right now, you could easily schedule this to run whenever you want by using the user scripts plugin, or alternatively set this script to run in conjunction with appdata backup with CA.
  24. If it fails a write, the drive is either 100% full or mounted RO. I send you to the Main tab to begin investigation... If unRaid flags it at mount time that it has file system errors (can't test that particular item on my production servers), then I indeed do send send you to the Main tab and tell you to run the file system checks. Like I said, the particular file that contains the info on filesystem errors is not included in diagnostics, so I can't cross-reference against someone that has this particular issue.
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