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Everything posted by Squid

  1. A slightly enhanced version of the run mover at a certain threshold script. This script additionally will skip running mover (optional) if a parity check / rebuild has already been started. Only makes sense to run this script on a schedule, and disable the built-in schedule by editing the config/share.cfg file on the flash drive. Look for a like that says something like: shareMoverSchedule="0 4 * * *" and change it to: shareMoverSchedule="#0 4 * * *" Followed by a reboot. Note that any changes to global share settings ( or mover settings ) is probably going to wind up re-enabling the mover schedule #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP $moveAt = 0; # Adjust this value to suit (% cache drive full to move at) $runDuringCheck = false; # change to true to run mover during a parity check / rebuild $diskTotal = disk_total_space("/mnt/cache"); $diskFree = disk_free_space("/mnt/cache"); $percent = ($diskTotal - $diskFree) / $diskTotal * 100; if ( $percent > $moveAt ) { if ( ! $runDuringCheck ) { $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); if ( $vars['mdResync'] ) { echo "Parity Check / Rebuild Running - Not executing mover\n"; exec("logger Parity Check / Rebuild Running - Not executing mover"); } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/mover"); } } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/mover"); } } ?> run_mover_at_threshold_enhanced.zip
  2. Only thing I can see that is >> user are my volume mappings for media shares in Plex. I did not get this warning with 6.1.9. I wish you kids wouldn't squabble like that. May need to be whitelisted? Wrong thread... But, the first "error" probably says default docker appdata location. Its adjustable within settings - docker, and wouldn't have done anything on 6.1 since that option didn't exist. The dynamix scsi thing is all because bonienl has as of yet not published it to CA (probably because it may be a WIP). That warning is basically to stop people from running 6.0 plugins, etc since CA only has 6.1+ compatible plugins
  3. Community Applications has a feature for this. After some exploring it's unclear to me how I could utilize the community applications to access a private docker repository. Is it possible to access the docker command line through the Unraid WebGUI? Turn on docker hub searches within CA settings. As long as the container is on docker hub it will do it's best to scrape the relevan info and add it after you search for the app. From the command line you would have to issue a docker run command Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  4. Binhex apps do not auto update Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  5. Add a container volume of /mnt mapped to a host volume of /mnt. Not the way I do mappings but it works and is easy to understand and since you already mentioned /mnt above I'm presuming you've done it on your other containers Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  6. You probably don't have your media shares mapped in the template. Ie you don't have /mnt mapped to /mnt anymore like you implied you originally did Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  7. Admittedly, I don't run zoneminder, but you've changed the container port from 80 to 8000. You should only ever change the host port, never the container port. Net result is that unRaid is looking for the webUI on whatever host port is mapped to container port 80, but container port 80 doesn't exist hence the 404.
  8. Added in support for user shares to be both a source and destination for appdata backup when running 6.2-rc3+ Pros: - Will allow you to utilize split levels on the backup destinations (ie: different backup sets on different drives) - Allows you to backup your appdata if you don't have a cache drive Cons: - New feature of 6.2 (supporting hardlinks on user shares), so you *may* have issues with backups / restores - I myself didn't find any problems with it, hence why I'm including the support for it. - If using user shares as a destination, make sure the share is set to be useCache=no. Firstly, if you're backing up your cache-only appdata in the event of a cache drive failure, you don't want the backup of it to be sitting on the cache drive. Additionally, the mover script will take forever to move the files off of the cache drive onto the array (my test showed 8 hours for my 200,000+ files whereas backing up directly to a userCache-no share only took 1 hour) The old method of backing up directly to a disk share is still fully supported, and if you're worried about any issues with hardlinks and user shares is the method which is recommended as it is guaranteed to work 100%
  9. You can try this: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=48508.msg465303#msg465303
  10. Correct Done. Add / remove / edit XML's from that repo to your heart's extent
  11. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg481138#msg481138
  12. Because I don't know where you grabbed this tag from<Forum>http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=50678.0</Forum> should be <Support> EDIT: I figured out where you found it (looking at CA's generated XML files). Its an undocumented CA specific entry that's autogenerated and not user modifiable. But is rather set by myself outside of the xml files.
  13. Crikey, you're making me work today Thanks, I'll get this done now You should have seen the hoops I made Sparklyballs jump through. Needless to say, he's my nemesis now
  14. Will be available on CA within 2 hours. You've still got to do the support thread, and set the categories according to the Application Template Categorizer plugin. (and change the webUI entry) All changes will be picked up automatically within 2 hours of the change.
  15. I woke up and did nothing but start writing up and committing this crap without any coffee !!!! Midday now better get my coffee in ! Have a nice day Squid, touch base later Had a quick look now that there is some caffeine coursing through my veins, and no major problems so I'll try and get the time at work to add it. One minor little problem: <WebUI>http://[iP]:[PORT:8888]/</WebUI> This sets the webUI to whatever host port container port 8888 is mapped to (which is backwards from what you want) it should be <WebUI>http://[iP]:[PORT:80]/</WebUI> Create a support thread somewhere for it, add the link to <Support> and PM jonp for developer status and we're off to the races later this morning
  16. after work. just waking up now, and coffee takes priority over all else.
  17. Check settings network settings. Make sure the gateway points to your router and assign a static dns address if necessary and Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  18. Thank you both. In the meantime I'll continue working in the dark... Fortunately there's a torch down here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg486569#msg486569
  19. Scroll up to reply 1082 I'm going to add this to the docker FAQ later as it keeps coming up. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  20. Can't VPN to my server from where I am currently, but dockerHub imports are not a perfect science. CA does the best it can to scrap the docker file out from a web page, but dockerHub hasn't allowed direct downloads of the dockerfile for around a year which would help out significantly. Presumably since no ports / volumes appeared in the template, you would have to look at the dockerfile / instructions on the dockerhub page for the container and manually add those settings yourself. Additionally, some authors are very lazy and do not explicitly specify ports / volumes within the dockerfile itself since its not 100% necessary to do that and still be able to pass the appropriate ports and volumes through the docker run command. But, if they are there, ports will be a line stating EXPOSING, and volumes will be a line stating VOLUME Anything else would be in the docs for the container. It is also completely 100% impossible to scrape any environment variables from the dockerfile (as there is no entry for them)
  21. You hit save, and then on the resulting screen, copy & paste the resulting text into a file of your choice. Don't delete anything from it. Only add in other sections as required as per the links above. You can delete the date installed tag right? Never really paid any attention to it. Won't hurt. I more or less mean don't delete any of the legacy sections Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  22. You hit save, and then on the resulting screen, copy & paste the resulting text into a file of your choice. Don't delete anything from it. Only add in other sections as required as per the links above.
  23. If you use 6.2 RC you can enable authoring mode in docker settings, go to add container, turn on advanced mode and add all the info. Then you have to find the XML which squid would know where (/var/lib/docker somewhere I think) and then add the template XML to github or something. Then tell squid the address of the template and he will add it to CA. If you run 6.1.9 you could take a look at someones template and just change it to fit your container. Either method, you'll want to look at the other tags available to be used: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40299.0 and this plugin here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40111.0 (Its all in the OP actually)
  24. CLI Tools IMO is still the best. ? Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  25. Auto set turbo write mode Note that "auto" setting in disk settings (6.2) does NOT operate like this. According to the help text, auto mode always turns off turbo mode. Adjusts the turbo write setting depending upon the number of drives spun down. Adjustable within the script for the number of drives. Only makes sense to really run this at a frequency of hourly (or the forth coming custom frequency) #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP $spinDownAllowed = 0; # Set this to the maximum number of drives allowed to be spundown in order to enable turbo write mode function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { return $needle === "" || strripos($haystack, $needle, -strlen($haystack)) !== FALSE; } $disks = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/disks.ini",true); foreach ($disks as $disk) { if ( startsWith($disk['color'],"grey") ) { continue; } if ( startsWith($disk['name'],"cache") ) { continue; } if ( ! strpos($disk['color'],"on") ) { ++$spunDown; } } if ( $spinDownAllowed >= $spunDown ) { exec("/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd set md_write_method 1"); } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd set md_write_method 0"); } ?> auto_turbo_write.zip
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