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Everything posted by Iker

  1. Unfortunately no, i ran into the same problem, but the drivers included in the kernel do not allow you to control the fan, it requires another tool that although is present it cannot run properly because of the lack of and x server.
  2. I think that this could be accomplish with a user script, specifically with the command "virsh list" and "docker stop", you only have to check is the vm is present or not in the list, the main problem is the delay (VMs in SSDs starts veryfast) of the script, but probably you could just let it in a constant loop, so every 5 seconds checks if the vm is running or not.
  3. Yes, is that simple, i've using NVME disks in my unraid and it detects them without problems as unassigned devices, the only caveats is the support for passthrough to a VM, specifically with Intel 660P and some other models.
  4. I had that exact setup that you suggest for my girlfriend and works just great: Win 10 VM: 8 GB RAM 200 GB Primary Disk (Cache/SSD) - 200 Secondary disk (Array/HDD) 4 Cores - Ryzen 2600 Memory video increased to 32 MB just to be Safe. RPI4 2 GB RAM: Raspberry Pi OS - latest version RDP client - freerdp The video and audio are great and generally the experience is quite smooth. The only trouble that i got, was the command line for freerdp with the audio redirection, if you select the wrong device as output (In the raspberry desktop) the rdp session crash, so make sure that you select the correct one (Bluetooth, analog or HDMI); this post help me a lot with the command line for the freerdp (https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=249628).
  5. I have a lot of containers that aren't present in the CA Application, the easy way that i found to install them, was using Portainer, its pretty easy to configure and let you personalize most of the parameters of the container, even docker compose if you like.
  6. Just installed this plugin, it works amazing!, thanks for your hard work.
  7. Upgraded from 6.8.2 without any problems, all Dockers and VMs working fine, also tested the Nvidia plugin and works flawless.
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