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Everything posted by dansushi

  1. Thanks so much itimpi! Copying over the bz* type files and config.txt from a zip from the UnRaid website fixed the issue and allowed me to boot back up into UnRaid! Before copying the files over, I had Windows do a file error check on the drive but it found nothing. However, when copying over all the files on the drive to my computer as a backup, I did notice that the copy process froze on one of the bz files. My guess it that there was some corruption or other problem where that file was. Do you think that this a sign that my flash drive is on its way out?
  2. I did a clean reboot of my system an hour ago and now see this error. I didn't make any changes to the server config. I was just troubleshooting a fuse hidden file issue so I thought a reboot would fix that. I don't think that is related to this sync the fuse file was on a mount point, not the actual config for the flash drive. Any thoughts on what I should do to test? I assume I might need a new flash drive but before ordering a new one I'd like to try out other options.
  3. You're the best! It worked like a charm. For any others who want to do the same, here's what I've done below. I've added the following line to the /boot/config/go file: /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -i "alert" -s "Bootup" -d "Unraid is fully booted up" and created a file at /boot/config/stop with the following code: #!/bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -i "alert" -s "Shutdown" -d "Unraid is shutting down" Despite itimpi's concern that the shutdown notification might not get sent, it in fact does work!
  4. Sorry for my ignorance, but what kind of text would I have to put in the config/go file to have it create a notification? Is there documentation for this somewhere? Thanks,
  5. Is there a way to get notifications as UnRaid shuts down and also when it finishes its boot-up process? I'm using Pushover specifically though I imagine it's the same for all other notification agents.
  6. I have moved the mount to /mnt/addons. How do I now properly get /mnt/addons to be shared over SMB to my Windows computer? Can I turn it into a share somehow or is there another method?
  7. I have a share called Temp. I have mounted a remote share over sftp with sshfs (using user scripts), and had it mount at /mnt/user/Temp/Seedbox The user script is as follows: #!/bin/bash sshfs -o reconnect,ServerAliveInterval=15,ServerAliveCountMax=3,allow_other,ro,port=22,IdentityFile=/root/.ssh/seedbox/id_rsa [email protected]:/media/ /mnt/user/Temp/Downloads/Seedbox If I navigate to that directory within Unraid, I can get into that folder and see the files within it totally fine: However, if I try to access that folder through the share in my Windows computer, I get this error: I have tried to change permissions for the folder but am unable to and get the following error: chmod: changing permissions of 'Downloads/Seedbox/': Read-only file system I do want that directory to be Read-only, but I also want to be able to view it through my Windows computer which has mounted the Temp share. How to I make it so that I can access this folder properly through my Windows computer, and not just directly from the Unraid?
  8. I keep hearing about how you can have a Gaming VM on Unraid. What are the methods that people are using to actually connect to this gaming VM? If I have my Unraid Server in one room of my house and want to use the Gaming VM in another room, do I have to buy a laptop to then remotely connect to it? Or if I have a spare keyboard/mouse + monitor, is there some sort of NUC or Raspberry Pi or other way cheaper device that I can use to actually access the Gaming VM?
  9. It's working now, thanks very much! I really appreciate the follow up.
  10. I'll add my +1, I'm having the same issue. I did the same fix with "dosfsck -v /dev/sda" but still have that one "65:00/01" difference. that popped up at the next boot.
  11. This is good to know. Any idea on how long that will be?
  12. Just tried it in Safe mode and it's working! So what would be the best way for me to determine the cause of this? Could it be a plugin or docker causing it?
  13. I see, that makes sense. so this should begin to retain that Size and Action information going forward?
  14. I'm wondering why the Action and Size columns don't have any information for more than 6 months ago. Is this intended, and if so, why? Is it possible to fix it?
  15. Just checked in Chrome Incognito and Firefox and same issue there.
  16. I just set up a 2nd Unraid system, and just noticed that the Server name and Description show up correctly on the top-right nav bar. I never noticed it because I only had one server before, but the server name never showed up properly on my original server. I didn't know it was even supposed to until I set up this second one. I changed the name from "Komodo" to "Komodo1" and then it shows up correctly. However, I want the name to actually be "Komodo" so I changed it back and lo and behold it disappears again. I then noticed upon hitting F5 a bunch of times, then "Komodo" DOES show up! But only for a fraction of a second and then disappears. Why would this be happening on one server and not the other?
  17. I just installed the "My Servers" Unraid.net plugin and downloaded a backup file of my config. I also did a regular config backup directly on my server. The regular one is 587MB and the cloud one is 264MB. Why is this half the size? I opened both zips up, and is looks like the main difference is that the cloud backup doesn't include all my plugins folders. Does this happen to anyone else? Is this to be expected? Thanks
  18. I just upgraded UnRaid from 6.9.0 to 6.9.1, and then went to update all the plugins, and it's stalling on this one. Is there something I could have done wrong? It know CA Appdata Backup v2 was working properly before the upgrade.
  19. I was previously using Intel QuickSync with my Intel i3-10100 CPU (Integrated UHD Graphics 630), and I was able to get Plex to use hardware transcoding with the (hw) next to transcoded streams in Plex's Dashboard. I have since installed a Nvidia Quadro P400 card and got that to work with the new Nvidia-Drivers plugin. I'm having a hard time telling if both Intel QuickSync and Nvidia hardware transcoding are active or if it's now only Nvidia. Is there any way to tell? Thanks in advance.
  20. Short story: My old motherboard died, so I switched to new motherboard. UnRaid is working and accessible over the network, but the GUI mode isn't working directly on the server itself, I just see a blinking cursor in the top-left. Long version with details: I had Unraid version 6.8.3 stable running properly on my EVGA X58 SLI Motherboard & i7-930 up until mid December, when my motherboard failed and so I decided to build a whole new system. I bought the MSI MAG B460 TORPEDO Motherboard and Intel Core i3-10100 CPU. I saw from other forums posts that this motherboard has problems with 6.8.3 as the integrated network card needs newer drivers that only 6.9-RC2 has. So I made a backup of my "config" folder, used the UnRaid USB Flash Creator to put 6.9-RC2 opn the existing flash drive, and then I replaced the new "config" folder with my saved backup. This helped me get back up and running for the most part, except for the blinking cursor issue. I am able to access the Web UI from any other computer on my network, so I know it's working. Additionally, I have already done the following: Updated my BIOS to the most recent version (7C81vA1) I originally had problems even booting into the UnRaid USB drive, but I realized I needed to set my motherboard to UEFI mode and remove the hyphen from the "EFI" folder I also enabled D.T.M. in the BIOS since I saw it helped someone else on another forum post. Attached are my diagnostics and a video of how it looks at boot-up: komodo-diagnostics-20210118-1611.zip
  21. I did come across this post, and set it to Enabled, but it didn't fix the issue unfortunately...
  22. I'm also having this same issue when switching to a new motherboard after the old one failed. I'm now using the MSI MAG B460 TORPEDO and UnRaid 6.9-RC2, when previously I was on 6.8.3 stable. I had to use the RC2 in order for my networking drivers to work with the new motherboard. I can't get to the Web UI on the server itself (just see the blinking cursor), but I can access it over the network from my other computers.
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