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Everything posted by danimal86

  1. I'm in the process of upgrading my cache drive by following the wiki directions. I've got as far as changing all the shares that are using the cache to Yes, and using the mover (i did disable docker in Settings). It moved everything but my appdata. Its still there. I verified that i have the appdata share set to Yes but the mover isn't moving it off the cache to the array. Any ideas? a workaround i'm thinking about would be to go ahead and upgrade the drive, and using CA backup/restore to restore the app data (i have a backup from this morning at 1am. edit: i've attached diagnostic if that matters tower-diagnostics-20200614-1158.zip
  2. I've been trying to decide if i should uninstall norton (free with my isp) or keep it. I cant run defender and norton at the same time.
  3. Thanks for the info. I figured any added layer of protection would be worth having. I didn't even think that it wouldn't work on newer versions of unraid. Maybe @Squid can let us know if it'll still work.
  4. Is this plugin still applicable? I read about some people loosing their data due to ransomware.....made me a little paranoid....
  5. so it went through its check, and the drives say Unmountable, no big deal. I can format them and then they should be ready to be written to, but i'm noticing that it shows reads are happening. Am i fine to format? edit: answered my own question. I clicked the format and its good to go.
  6. Thanks. Good to know for next time.
  7. so if i were to not have formatted it in unassigned devices and just added it to the array and formatted it then...it wouldn't be going through the clearing process now?
  8. So i precleared 3 drives to be added to the array, and then formatted them through Unassigned Drive to xfs, then when i added them to the array unraid is Clearing them. So the preclear is basically just a disk check (mine came back with no errors) but doesn't really help with the process of adding new drives to the array? edit: here's what it looks like right now, after adding two 3tb drives and a 2tb
  9. I am quite aware of user error. Ha. I really like this idea. i dont have an esata port on the mobo, usb work? I do have an m.2 enclosure, so i guess i could just pull that if something went bad. I'll look into this further. My spinning drives all stay in the 30's (or maybe low 40's) its the freaking m.2. That thing wants to shoot to the moon!
  10. I've been on the lookout for a deal on a 1tb ssd. I may go down to a 512 since i think thats enough. I do have that m.2 nvme 120gb drive as an unassigned drive. I've got plex on it right now, but should i put my appdata and system shares on there? I need to figure something out. 95% of my data is media based and is replaceable, but i've definately got to figure out something for those other 5% With two parity drives, it should be fairly safe, right? After today's issues, i think i should have a backup of my flash drive off the array. Any good way to do this automatically? Any other system files i should backup? I was getting sooo many temperature notifications that i didn't want to setup any emails, but now i think i will. I'm sure there's a way to sort them so you only get critical errors.
  11. I did a stop all dockers and restart dockers and it seemed to fix it. here's the diagnostic if you wouldn't mind taking a look to see if anything jumps out tower-diagnostics-20200513-1623.zip
  12. Should dockers work while the rebuild is in progress? I cant seem to get sonarr or plex to open (they start, but cant get to the gui) Last time i had to revert my appdata because i was having a docker error, i wonder if i will have to do that again?
  13. Parity rebuild has started! Thank you @trurl for your help!
  14. Yep, i clicked the link, downloaded the key from the email, removed the "trial.key" and replaced it with "plus.key". I guess i just have to hit "replace key"?
  15. let me know if those guid numbers should be redacted.
  16. Gotcha. Not really any doubt about what were the data drives, so we should be good. It looks like its still the "trial.key" .can i just paste the key address from the limetech email in the registration area?
  17. Yes the WMC1T2905903 is the parity (1?). I plan to add the other drives to the array (including the old parity), the nvme i was keeping as an unassigned drive that i had plex's appdata on, and the ocz is my cache until i get a bigger/better one. Here's how i have it, if i start the array (i still dont have the "replace key" button on registration page), i wont loose any data? will it just rebuild the parity drives or will it be just gtg? (edit: updated screenshot to show entire Main page)
  18. So i started out with a crap drive because that's the only one that i could get unraid's installer to not hang up on (now i figured out the rename trick). Now i'm on a better HP usb 2 drive (for some reason it doesn't like my kingston 2.0 metal one i bought just for unraid). Here's how booting up my server goes: Asus splash screen, Avago (the lsi card) loading screen, Asus splash screen, then blinking cursor for 1m05s (i timed it). Does that sound normal? I never kept a monitor connected, and i would just keep refreshing the gui page until it started up.
  19. So i removed the .CA_BACKUP and fired it back up using the 4-pin usb 2.0 mobo adapter and got it fired up into unraid. (it did the blinking cursor for a moment, but ended up firing up) Here's the disks that it auto populated. The parity drives are not correct though, there should be two 3tb ones in there. Can i switch the parity drives to the ones you listed above and fire up the array? edit: so this backup must have been made before i loaded the second parity drive (3tb disk29) but hadn't replaced the 2tb disk0 yet with a new 3tb drive. If i change those parity drives to the correct ones that were current as of yesterday afternoon to the correct 3tb drives, we should be good? edit: this is how the parity drives should be as of yesterday afternoon: those error worry me
  20. So i should just shutdown, pull the flash drive and remove the ".CA_BACKUP" and see what it does? if not i can do it from the log you found from my other post? (thanks for that by the way) Edit: here's the board i'm using: https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/PRIME-Z270-A/
  21. I'm looking at my bakup folder from the 9th and i see that my super.dat file in the "config" folder says "super.dat.CA_BACKUP". Could this be why its not picking up my disk assignments or is it supposed to have the ".CA_BACKUP" there?
  22. They are not automatically assigned. I was hoping this was because i dont have a valid key (cant you not start the array until you register a key?) I do know which of the drives is parity 1 and 2, so those shouldn't be too bad, but as far as the others, i dont know. You are right that when i click on the dropdown it shows me all the drives. Do they need to be in order, or can i just select the ones that were on the array yesterday (that aren't the parity)? i dont think my mobo has any usb2 ports, and the little motherboard adapter i dont think works well (i have boot probelms whenever i try to use it) The diagnostics is attached (i haven't assigned any of the drives yet) edit: it looks like i purchased my key on the 7th and the appdata backup was done on the 9th. here's what my regisistration page looks like i dont see a replace key option: edit2: i'm not 100% sure i know which is parity 1vs2. I know which disks are the parity's but not sure which one was in parity disk 1 and parity disk 2. does it matter? I'm crapping my pants over here about the possibility of loosing my data. tower-diagnostics-20200513-1322.zip
  23. Yes, i meant the config folder. I gave a quick look through the gui and my plugins (minus ones i installed a day ago) are there, so it makes me think that it took the settings. what do you mean how they were assigned? meaning which one was in which disk slot? I'm hoping it says "drive xxx" is missing and i can just select it? if not, then all i know is which of my drives is parity 1 & 2 (i put a piece of tape on them) also, to register the license, do i just do what i did before and paste the key address from the limetech email in the "key file URL" area?
  24. So i coppied the config file and its up and running. None of my shares are there, and all the disks are Unassigned. it does say "too many devices" at the bottom, is that because my license isn't linked? If so, once i link it, i should be able to assign all the drives back and its GTG?
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