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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Your original symptoms are what you typically get if there is trouble reading one of the bz* type files off the flash drive. Are you trying to boot in UEFI or legacy mode? If UEFI mode check that the EFI folder on the flash drive does NOT have a trailing ~ character. Make sure you first try this with a clean install in case there are problems with your config settings.
  2. That is expected to be 100% most of the time. It is not an indication of how full the drive is, but an indication of how much of the RAM allocated for ARC use is being used.
  3. The parity swap procedure is identical regardless of whether you have single or dual parity. The important point is that with dual parity both drives have to be upgraded to a larger size before you can use larger drives in the array. It is not a requirement that the parity drives be the same size, but neither one can be smaller than the largest data drive.
  4. Have you set a Minimum Free Space value on the cache pool to stop it getting too full?
  5. Once you get parity errors then the only way to clear them is to run a correcting check, and the correcting check will report the number of errors corrected. It is only the next check that will show 0 errors. the syslog snippet you posted suggests you may have a cabling issue (either SATA or power) to whatever drive is ata6 as you are getting resets happening.
  6. Mover can be executed manually by using the Mover button on the Main tab. It is also normally set to be executed automatically overnight (at time under Settings->Scheduler). Note that files for the system and domains shares will only be moved if the Docker and VM services are disabled.
  7. There is something going wrong! You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  8. IYou are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread so that we can check your share settings.
  9. It is worth pointing out that falling back to 100Mbps is quite normal if any of the connections are not solid end-to-end. Can be caused by a cabling issue, a port issue or even just a pin in a port not connecting. A way to check if it is hardware or software is to boot a different OS (such as a Linux Live distribution) to see if that also operates at 100 Mbps.
  10. You have the Parity Check Tuning plugin installed so it is almost certain that the interruptions are not random and are being initiated by this plugin. You should check its settings under Settings->Scheduler->Parity Check Tuning.
  11. If you are booting in UEFI mode then the normal recommendation is to download the latest version from memtest86.com which is UEFI compatible (but for licencing reasons cannot be included in the Unraid distribution). I suspect that is more thorough than will be built into the BIOS of your motherboard.
  12. On a slightly different issue - did you manually start a parity check just before taking the diagnostics? An unclean shutdown was detected which would have an automatic parity check initiated but (unless things have changed) that should be non-correcting. The only parity check I see in the diagnostics is correcting and if this was the automatic one it may be a bug that it is a correcting check
  13. With that mapping it looks like it is looking for a pool called 'docker-aio-config' which seems unlikely. I do not use that nextcloud so not sure what it should be. You probably need to ask in the nextcloud support thread for the container you are trying to use to get an informed answer.
  14. A parity check never writes to data drives - it only attempts to read from them so in that sense it does not touch your data. However if you run a correcting parity check when one or more data drives are playing up then you can end up having invalid parity so that you cannot recover without data loss from a data drive then failing You should post your system's diagnostics zip file so we can get a better idea of the current state of your system.
  15. I think you meant ‘parity check tuning’ plugin rather than the ‘mover tuning’ plugin ? 😊. If it is the Parity Check Tuning plugin then it will put entries in the syslog when it pauses (or resumes) any array operation and (if you have that option enabled) raise notifications as well.
  16. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  17. No. That is the current syslog taken from RAM at the time you create the diagnostics and only has entries from after the reboot. It is not the one from the syslog server which is in the logs folder on the flash drive (assuming you are using the mirror to flash option).
  18. Not completely sure what you mean. You cannot create a btrfs pool on the main array as all drives in the array are a single self contained drive whatever format you use. If you mean a btrfs pool in addition to the main array then yes that is OK.
  19. That is quite normal. Rerun removing the -n option and adding the -L option. If you then restart the array in normal mode I would expect the drive to mount OK.
  20. Btrfs pools do trim - it is just btrfs format drives in the main array that do not trim.
  21. The process for changing the flash drive is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  22. Domains tends to not have small files, system has small files if you are using a folder for docker rather than an image file, and appdata frequently has LOTS of small files. Using mover is the 'safe' option but as you have found can be slow.
  23. What exactly are you moving? Mover is very slow when copying lots of small files due to the overheads of the checks it does before moving each file. In such cases a manual move (using something like Dynamix File Manager) can be much faster.
  24. There is on the current release, but this is likely to change later to allow for ZFS file systems on partition 2.
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