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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Really strange then since you mention that even with LAN disconnected the system reboots which means it is not external to the server. It is almost as if something is actually issuing a reboot command rather than simple shutdown
  2. When you run the xfs_repair parity is updated in real-time with the results of the repair so parity cannot help with recovery. Files /folder in the lost+found folder are ones where the repair process could not retrieve all the path information and has assigned a cryptic number instead. You can only figure out the original names by manually examining the contents (the ‘files’ command can help to get the file type (I.e. extension) to see if you can work out what they were. In most cases it is easier to recover files from backups (if you have them).
  3. Good chance the error was a CRC error which indicates a connection issue caused a failed transfer initiating a repeat, Chances are you changing canoes has resolved the issue. Since CRC errors are recorded on the drive and never rest to 0, if you click on the thumbs down symbol and select Acknowledge from the displayed menu Unraid will only warn you again if the value increases. Occasional CRC errors are nothing to worry about but if they occur regularly you want to look into it as they slow down transfer speeds.
  4. Did you actually disable the services under Settings rather than just stopping any running VMs or Docker containers? This is required to get the system folder to move.
  5. Even though you triggered the reboot from the GUI it looks as though the shutdown of the array was not successful as the syslog contains Jul 1 16:15:41 Tower emhttpd: unclean shutdown detected
  6. If starting a parity check causes a problem then I would be suspicious of the PSU as that is when it is likely to be under maximum load. Do you have another one you could try?
  7. There is often a BIOS setting that is about automatically starting when power is applied - if you have that it will need to be off.
  8. To speed things up it is worth checking in the release notes for plugis known to cause problems in the 6.12 releases, and in quite a few cases where the origin info version is now deprecated and replacement version is available via the Apps tab.
  9. You simply need to rerun without -n and supplying the -L option.
  10. My guess is that was the fact of rewriting the system (bz*) files. Seen in the past where simply rewriting these files have helped. It is as though somehow the previous copy written could not be read reliably and the new copy can - but no obvious reason why this should be the case.
  11. The Use Cache Pool option has been replaced by the concepts of Primary and Secondary storage and Mover Action as described in 6.12 release notes. The same capabilities are available as in earlier releases using different (and it is believed clearer) terminology. If after reading the release notes you are still confused feel free to ask further questions.
  12. There should be no limits via SMB that I am aware of. I have some shares that have millions of files and that are accessed over SMB without problems. in terms of allocation methods, the Most Free allocation scheme tends to be the least efficient as it tends to scatter files across drives keeping them all spun up.. The default of high-water is better at keeping related files on the same drive and providing a better balance than the fill-up one. The aim is to improve the chances of drives not being used being spun down to save power.
  13. The commonest interval is monthly with many having it even less frequently.
  14. That explains it. I had run a few of the beta releases in my Unraid development environment.
  15. If your cache is not redundant and the folder for the share exists there it will show as unprotected (even if the folder is empty). It is also worth checking that there are no duplicate files as mover will not overwrite existing files on the array.
  16. I agree that "Highly likely" is probably an overstatement Perhaps the best thing in the short term is to merely add a warning that this can happen to the release notes? I noticed that the 6.12.2 release did not seem to have the checkbox to confirm you have read the release notes? Is this intentional as I thought it was a good idea?
  17. You can get away with using Firefox if you press Cancel when it suggest you resubmit a form. Still can be easier to avoid Firefox in the first place
  18. The log filling up is abnormal behaviour. Have you looked in the /var/log folder to see what is taking up too much space? If it is the syslog file then you should look at the contents of that file to see if you have some sort of error message being continually repeated? Without knowing the answer to those questions nobody is going to be able to know if the update might have addressed your issue.
  19. If you turn on User Shares then all top level folders of the same name on any array or pool drive are automatically treated as a User Share with the name of the folder and the share covers all drives containing that folder. Note that this is just another view of your files - nothing is actually changed under the covers.
  20. To get persistent logs you need to use the syslog server.
  21. Not sure why the clear is going so slowly I would normally expect it take something like ~2 hours per TB. I see hundreds of lines in the syslog of the form: Jun 24 15:12:56 Galaxy nginx: 2023/06/24 15:12:56 [alert] 4997#4997: worker process 8572 exited on signal 6 Jun 24 15:12:57 Galaxy nginx: 2023/06/24 15:12:57 [alert] 4997#4997: worker process 8573 exited on signal 6 not sure what is causing them but they are not normal.
  22. All the steps do that you outline is create the partition structure correctly - it does not create the empty file system so you still have to issue the format to actually create the file system. I can see a case for an auto format occurring, but I can also see a strong case against it from a support perspective at it would make it rather easy to end up with data loss.
  23. Since it is highly likely that hardware IDs might change after an Unraid upgrade I wonder if there is anything that can be done automatically to allow for this.
  24. I got the impression that what was looked for was the ability to disable plugins selectively, not the all or nothing approach. In other words something that might rename the ,plg file for any specific plugin to something else with an option to layer rename it back. I know this can be done manually but I thought the request was looking for something GUI based.
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