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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Good idea. Not sure whether it fits into one of the existing sections or whether it should become a top level section in its own right?
  2. The moment you have files for the 'appdata' and 'system' shares on disk1 when you really want them on the cache to avoid spinning up array drives. The following should rectify this: Set the 'appdata' Use Cache setting to Prefer. (you may want the Domains share set to Prefer as well to put VM related vdisk files on the cache). Disable the VM and Docker Services so they do not hold files open (which stops them being moved) Run Mover by clicking on it on the Main tab to get files moved to the cache. When mover completes re-enable the Docker and VM services
  3. Also. if those are 'shucked' drives then you might be falling foul of the 3.3v power issue where a pin needs masking off.
  4. I've had another go at improving the wording Do you think this is now clearer or do you think it is still a little confusing and could be improved further. I think getting it as clear as possible will pay of going forward.
  5. The vast majority of people have no issues using NVME drives with Unraid. If it drops offline it suggests a problem at the hardware level in your particular configuration.
  6. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file attached to a NEW post in this thread.
  7. I reworked the wording (as well as correcting the mount point) to point out it is not normally what we consider as a Disk Share, so see what you think. I think there is a benefit to mentioning it somewhere in the discussion around shares if only to help users find out how to get at it over the network.
  8. Not sure then quite how well the code I have put in place to handle spin downs will work. At least what I have implemented will not attempt to resume the check until the drives HAVE cooled down sufficiently although it might spin them up and then find the drives are still too hot and will continue waiting (and possibly another spindown/spinup sequence will happen). I guess it is going to be a case of releasing this change (after a bit more testing) to see what happens
  9. As well as the option to remove it to another machine you can also make it visible over the network as the ‘flash’ share by clicking on it on the Main tab and changing its sharing properties. However be aware that this could be considered a small security risk.
  10. Easy. Stop array; unassigned unwanted parity drive: start array
  11. As well as the main array you can have btrfs pools (up to 30) that can utilise btrfs raid. These are what most Unraid users would use to host VMs.
  12. You can get the 'stable' releases from the Unraid download page. For the latest 6.10.0-rc4 the link is https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/next/unRAIDServer-6.10.0-rc4-x86_64.zip
  13. I wonder if it is worth adding 'User Share' and 'Disk Share' as phrases that in posts automatically link to the relevant point in the online documentation?
  14. That can mean that the system is having problems reading one of the bz* type files on the flash drive. Typically the fix is to download the .zip file for the release and then extract all the bz* type files overwriting the ones on the flash drive.
  15. A disk Share is one that refers to a physical device (e.g. disk1, cache. poolname) whereas a User Share refers to top level folders on the drives. At the Linux/Command Line level the disk shares appear directly under /mnt while the User Shares exist under /mnt/user. They are also listed separately on the Shares tab.
  16. This is fine if both shares are of the same type, The problem arises when when you mix a disk share and a user share in the same copy/move operation.
  17. Have you checked the new USB stick has a unique GUID? What brand/model is it? If the automated replacement does not work you will need to contact Limetech by email giving them the details.
  18. I normally change this to something like 300 to get 5 minutes rather than 30 minutes as the interval
  19. Do your disks cool down if they are spun up and idling? If so my idea for spinning them up when I find they are spun down so that I can read their temperatures is not going to work very well. Your diagnostics suggest they might but I am not certain it is enough? I am assuming they do as otherwise they would be overheating even when not doing a parity check
  20. That speed seems very reasonable. I think a lot of people get significantly less than you are getting. It is also worth noting that all other things being equal it is the slowest drive involved in the current point in the check that determines the speed you will be getting.
  21. Did you try toggling into Advanced mode (via switch at top right).
  22. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file.
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