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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. As I said, you are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your systems diagnostics zip file. Without that we are just guessing.
  2. Unraid should be able to see all drives unless you have hidden them so they can be passed to a VM. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system's diagnostics zip file so we can see what is going on.
  3. Looking at that application it does not look like something that can easily run in a docker container and is probably more suitable to being run in a VM.
  4. Thanks for the feedback and the file for me to check. It confirms what I thought I saw in the diagnostics. I might be able to make some small tweaks to improve logging but unless I hear otherwise I will assume that I have now got the logic correct. Next time you get around to running a check you might want to try with one of the less verbose logging options to see if the amount of detail they give feels about right to you.
  5. You can do this using the custom option.
  6. This is incorrect - the correct location is within /mnt/user. Maybe that is what you meant but I thought it was worth checking.
  7. If you look at the contents of /mnt/appdata it might give you a clue as to which docker you have misconfigured to create it.
  8. This will happen with the memtest on the Unraid boot menu if you are booting in UEFI mode rather than legacy mode. You can download a version of memtest that works in UEFI mode from memtest86.com.
  9. If the folder really is empty then you can safely delete it. Nod sure why it was created in the first place if it really is empty. It should also get removed if you: Disable the Docker service (under Settings->Docker) to ensure it is not holding anything open at that location Run mover manually from the Main tab to move any files that might be there to the cache. Re-enable the Docker service.
  10. Have you checked out all the items mentioned in this section of the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the GUI?
  11. There is more detail 0n the New Config tool here in the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI.
  12. When using the New Config tool it is completely optional whether you preserve assignments or not - the key thing is to have the assignments as you want them before starting the array. The one mistake you do NOT want to make is to accidentally assign a data drive to a parity slot as if you do so then starting the array will destroy its contents. The advantage of preserving assignments is that it often reduces the chances of user error but as I said it is optional.
  13. You can use Tools->New Config to reset the array and assign the surviving array drives as you want them. When you start the array then these assignments are committed and parity (if you have assigned one) is rebuilt from the remaining drives. Unraid will recognise the drives that have previously been used by Unraid and will leave their data intact. Since each drive in an Unraid array is a free-standing file system they can also be read individually when not part of the array. Easiest is some sort of Linux system as it will have built in support for the file systems used by Unraid.
  14. If you still have the physical drives intact then you could see if specialist disk recovery software such as UFS Explorer on Windows may be able to do a better job of recovering the contents intact. That software is not free, but you CAN use it for free in scan mode to see what it might be able to recover. There are probably other software options (possibly even free ones) with similar capability but that is the only one I have experience of using. it is worth pointing out that parity can only handle recovering from disk failures - it cannot handle other issues such as file system corruption that can lead to data loss. Parity works at the physical sector level and has no idea what is the meaning of the contents of such sectors. You still need a good backup strategy for any important data since (as you have unfortunately found) there are other ways of losing data than simple disk failure.
  15. This will not work as you cannot expose the raw disk over the network.
  16. Handling of unmountable disks is covered here in the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the GUI.
  17. I will look through the log information to see if I spot anything. Any feedback as to whether it is now behaving as expected or was there still unexpected behavior? Also, I would appreciate it of you can provide copies of the .progress or .progress.save type files from the plugin's folder on the flash drive as this will help with identifying key points in the syslog.
  18. This disk looks a bit sick going by the SMART information: Apr 15 16:02:12 preclear_disk_ZL24A79Y_23305: S.M.A.R.T.: Apr 15 16:02:12 preclear_disk_ZL24A79Y_23305: S.M.A.R.T.: ATTRIBUTE INITIAL NOW STATUS Apr 15 16:02:12 preclear_disk_ZL24A79Y_23305: S.M.A.R.T.: Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0 24 Up 24 Apr 15 16:02:12 preclear_disk_ZL24A79Y_23305: S.M.A.R.T.: Power_On_Hours 22 67 Up 45 Apr 15 16:02:12 preclear_disk_ZL24A79Y_23305: S.M.A.R.T.: Reported_Uncorrect 0 9 Up 9 Apr 15 16:02:12 preclear_disk_ZL24A79Y_23305: S.M.A.R.T.: Airflow_Temperature_Cel 28 30 Up 2 Apr 15 16:02:12 preclear_disk_ZL24A79Y_23305: S.M.A.R.T.: Current_Pending_Sector 0 8 Up 8 Apr 15 16:02:12 preclear_disk_ZL24A79Y_23305: S.M.A.R.T.: Offline_Uncorrectable 0 8 Up 8 As this is a new disk then it sounds as if it was damaged in transit and you should RMA it. For instance on a new drive you would expect Reallocated Sectors and Pending Sectors to be 0.
  19. that does not sound right There are 2 separate attributes, 1 and 200 to be monitored
  20. Have you tried going into your forum account settings and changing the Display Name value?
  21. You need to put quotes around any path that includes spaces, or precede the spaces with \ characters. By default spaces are treated as parameter seperators.
  22. If you want to sort out lost+found I would suggest start by running the Linux ‘file’ command against its content. That will at least give you the content type for each file (and thus it’s probable file extension). Updating the OS does not touch the content of the drives so something else must have happened.
  23. If you pass the GPU through to a VM then it is no longer visible to Unraid.
  24. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file so we can see how you have things configured.
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