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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file as well.
  2. Do you have the CA Backup plugin installed? You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file.
  3. That would be expected as every sector written to an array data can be expected to generate corresponding sector writes to each parity drive.
  4. You kmay also find this item from the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI to be of use?
  5. If you started rsync from the command line then by default the rsync command terminates when the console session is closed. To avoid this install the 'screen' app (using the Nerd Tools plugin) and first start a screen session from the command line, and then run rsync under that.
  6. You would also have got away with just * - adding the leading / made it an absolute path rather than one relative to the current folder. I always tend to do a ls command before using a rm command as a check on what the rm command will operate on.
  7. Click on the pool on the Main tab.
  8. There is a btrfs bug in reporting the size when you have different sized devices
  9. It depends on the BTRFS profile they are set to use. The default is raid1 and that means they are protected, but the usable space is only that of the smaller device.
  10. It seems to happen more often that it should after doing an upgrade, not sure why. Having a spare, though, is never a bad idea as if the USB is going to fail it always seems to do it at the worst possible time.
  11. The problem is that licensing issues do not allow the later versions to be included. I think it would be a good idea to make it more obvious that a later version can be downloaded and used for free (for personal use).
  12. Make sure all cables are properly seated.
  13. You might want to also carefully check your power/SATA cabling. Your syslog is full of resets on device ata6 (logs do not go back far enough to identify the exact device)
  14. did you reuse the existing USB stick? Often this fixes an issue of the sort you describe and avoids a licence transfer.
  15. Since you are starting by getting the data off the emulated drive, then a faster set of steps would be: 2. Stop array 3. Plugin in new drive 4. Boot the system and make sure array is not started. 5. Use the New Config tool to reset the array. Use the option to keep all assignments (not compulsory but minimises chance of error) 6. Return to Main tab and assign new parity drive, and also old parity drive to array (probably to replace removed drive). Make any other changes to array drives you might want such as re-order them 7. Start array to commit new assignments and build parity based on the current set of array drives 8. Format old parity drive to make it usable (it will start off unmountable). This only takes a minute or so and can be done while the parity rebuild is in progress. this avoids the lengthy clear process that would take place in your original step 6.
  16. Are you using the memtest that comes with Unraid or did you download a version from memtest86.com that can test ECC ram?
  17. Which share do you think should be moving files to the array and from which device? in the syslog I can see mover trying to move files off ssdone but failing because it says the files already exist. Mover will not overwrite existing files. I can see reference to several shares having files on both ssdone, and on ssdcache which may be confusing things if the same files exists at both locations. Have you tried to move files from one to the other manually at some point and left the original behind so you have duplicates. I also do not see ssdcache being listed in the output of the ‘df’ command which I find strange.as it appears to be mounted in the syslog.
  18. True, but if you are not going to use it for storage could just be small thumb drive to satisfy the requirement of at least 1 drive in the array.
  19. Known bug with rc5 where size units are off by approx 1000 (I.e. PB when it should be TB).
  20. Do you have the CABackup plugin installed? You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file.
  21. Anything other than 0 for Pending Sectors is never a good sign, and with the number you have I would think the drive could fail completely any time now.
  22. Safe Boot stops any plugins from being installed.
  23. I would not bother - the parity check already reads every sector on all the drives so is equivalent to the SMART long test
  24. Have you checked under Settings->Docker that the path for the docker.img file is valid? You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your systems diagnostics zip file so we can see how your system is set up.
  25. For the array disks you normally want a periodic parity check (Settings->Scheduler). A monthly schedule is not atypical, and it is recommended that you set such checks to be non-correcting to avoid a disk exhibiting problems ending up meaning parity is not completely valid (only run correcting checks if you are reasonably certain you do not have any drives mis-behaving). You may also want the Parity Check Tuning plugin to give more control over such checks. I think the I think that basically all this is doing is telling you that no drive is currently showing read or write errors. I am reasonably certain it does NOT mean that all drives would pass short or extended SMART tests if you ran them.
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