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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Not unless you have explicitly set something up seems more likely it is something on the PC in question - although what it might be I have no idea.
  2. Might just be a browser refresh problem? Try clicking on the Main tab to see if it corrects itself.
  3. if you eant tge cache to be encrypted you nee to spciy this when formatting it. ouns as if this eas not the cae?
  4. Probably means there is a problem reading from the USB drive. it might be worth backing it up and then rewriting its contents.
  5. I have found that it can also help to use electronic contact cleaner on the plugs at the two ends make sure the contact is as good as possible.
  6. Since you had ticked the 'parity is already valid' box (thus laving parity intact) It might have also been possible to recover with some careful next steps if you had not formatted the drive (which also puts up a warning about this not being appropriate if you are attempting recovery) which then caused parity to be updated.
  7. I suspect that the culprit is you TV share that has a split level of 1. This means that once a folder has been created under that share all further files/folders within that share will be constrained to the disk where the folder is first created.
  8. Not sure as it is normally there by default. You could try going to Settings -> Global Share settings and making any change and pressing Apply as that files stores settings associated with that page in the GUI.
  9. Not sure how that can happen as a list of icons at the top right is part of the standard GUI. Have you tried widening the browser window in case they have been pushed of the edge? Do you have plugin that tries to add icons - the three 'dot' type icons in your screenshot are not ones that are there by default. As an example I have the following (the red one is an additional one inserted by a plugin):
  10. The '?' icon at the top right of the GUI is a toggle for that help display - you must have hit in inadvertently.
  11. That is the correct thing to a disk showing as ‘unmountable’. However you said the disk was showing as ‘disabled’ - not as unmountable? They are different independent conditions.
  12. The whole zip is what is normally wanted. However there appears to be something wrong as it cannot be downloaded.
  13. The only way to clear the ‘Disabled’’ staus is to rebuild the drive as described here in the online documentation available via the Manual link at the bottom of the unRaid GUI. If you think the drive is fine you can use the option to rebuild onto itself. Was there a specific reason you ran the xfs_repair? It did not indicate any obvious problem, but since the ‘no modify’ flag was set it would have run in read-only mode and made no changes. The commonest reason would be because a drive suddenly showed as ‘unmountable’ indicating it was likely some file system corruption had occurred.
  14. The Basic licence allows for up to 6 attached drives and it appears that you are already using that many so you would need to upgrade the licence to add any more drives.
  15. Are you saying you want to end up with 9 data drives in server A and 20 in server B? you would be able to do this if you did Tools->New Config on both servers; assigned the data drives as required; and then started the array to rebuild parity based on the new drive set. what you must NOT do is try and add the drives from server A to server B without going via New Config as if you did that unRaid would treat them as ‘New’ drives and start clearing them thus erasing their current contents.
  16. Not quite - I am saying that affects core 0 in the host, which you wanted to be reserved for your VM.
  17. Yes. I would think the Getting Started section of the online documentation is the place to go?
  18. I there is this page in the wiki that covers this. having said that since you have not used the server for several years maybe it is worth approaching it as a new install? Going that route the only thing you must make sure you keep is the licence key file from the old install. Make a backup of your current flash drive before attempting anything in case you later want something off that drive. If you want to keep your disk drive assignments copy across the super.dat file on the config folder to the new install. V5 plugins are not compatible with v6 so there is not much else worth keeping.
  19. No idea really as it is not something I would try. One thing I did notice from what you wanted to do - core 0 (and any associated hyper thread core) will always be used when running KVM on unRaid as the main core for handling I/O to VMs.
  20. Have you actually set a password for the unRaid GUI (via the Users tab)? It ships initially with no password set.
  21. If you have done a reboot and the folder does not reappear then it sounds as if you DID correct the root cause. It was not clear to me that you had done the final reboot to confirm this was the case.
  22. You have used the wrong device name in the xfs_repair command. If using raw device names you need to include the partition number (e.g. /dev/sdh1). You can only omit the partition number if using the /dev/mdX type device names. Also note that raw device names will invalidate parity whereas the /dev/mdX type names do not. Earlier you were talking about a BTRFS format drive while now it is an XFS one you seem to be trying to fix - just checking this is intentional.
  23. Not sure many people will be able to answer as trying to run ESXi under KVM on unRaid is an very unusual setup (if it even works). Normally if ESXi is involved then it is the host and unRaid runs under it, and any other VMs run directly under ESXi.
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