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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Rebuilding a disk to itself is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the UnRaid GUI.
  2. How long has it been stuck? Running an extended test will take many hours and I think it only updates every 10% of so it could stick on a particular value for quite some time.
  3. Note that although cables can cause CRC errors (and eventual read errors) they cannot cause Reallocated Sectors to happen as that happens completely internally to the drive.
  4. It is highly probable that everything if fine if we can sort your immediate problem I assume that you are actually successfully booting Unraid so you are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics or by using 'diagnostics' from the command line) to your NEXT post.
  5. You can transfer a licence to a new USB drive, but doing so blacklists the old one. This is a separate activity to copying configuration information across.
  6. The config folder on the flash drive holds all the configuration settings. Copying this across to a newly licensed USB drive will transfer all the settings to that drive.
  7. Reallocated sectors are not in themselves a bad thing as long as the number is not continually increasing (which probably means the disk could die at any time). Having said that anything other than a small number would make me uncomfortable with continuing to use a drive. your parity drive has a LOT of reallocated sectors. Disks 1 and 5 have smaller numbers of reallocated sectors and should be kept an eye on to see if the number is stable or increasing. which drive is showing as disabled?
  8. Just to clarify - this actually built 12TB of parity since that is the size of the parity disk. It basically makes no difference how much data is being protected by this parity - the time to build parity is almost completely governed by the size of the parity drive.
  9. UnRaid always has an Unassigned Devices section in the GUI, but without the plugin installed it does not have much functionality beyond listing the devices.
  10. Mover SHOULD now be moving files for those shares to the array. Did you also check that the cache drive has its Minimum Free Space setting set (a value of twice the size of your largest file is recommended). This makes sure UnRaid will not try and put new files on the cache once the Free Space falls below this value. You could turn on mover logging to see if it is actually doing anything.
  11. A share is automatically created from any top level folder on the array or the pools so it is quite easy for a Docker to create a share
  12. What version of Unraid are you using? Recent motherboards are likely to need the 6.9.x release to have the needed NIC drivers.
  13. Did you make sure the Docker and VM services were disabled while you wanted the System share moved? The services will hold files open thus stopping mover from taking action on them.
  14. us9ng Only will not get the files that are on the array moved to the pool as mover ignores any shares which are set to Only (or No). You need Prefer go make this happen.
  15. Every error indicates a possibly corrupt sector on the rebuilt disk so not a good sign. Whether those sectors are within files, metadata or free space is impossible to tell. Do you have backups os anything important or hard to replace?
  16. No - you really want 0 errors. Was it a parity sync or a data rebuild that was running?
  17. You have 2cshares (S….e and H….e) set to Use Cache=Prefer. This means you want the contents moved to the cache. I suspect you really want the Use Cache=yes setting to get the contents moved from cache to array.
  18. I think you misunderstand that setting completely. It is the amount of free space that allows UnRaid to select the disk for a new file. There is a longer write up here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the UnRaid GUI
  19. Not quite sure what you are trying to say :(. The UnRaid GUI is just a graphical front-end to help with setting up the parameters to be passed to a Docker run command. I believe the DockerFile you mention in the link is what is used to create the container that is later used with the Docker run command so is not really relevant to the UnRaid side of things.
  20. Unassigned/external drives DO count towards the attached devices limit if they are present at the time you try to start the array. Once the array is started then you can plug in additional (I.e. removable) drives, but if that would take you over the limit they would have to be removed next time you did something (e.g. reboot) that meant the array had to be started again.
  21. what you describe is what I would expect? The /config folder is mapped to an external location but until a file is put into that folder within the container it will not appear at the host level.
  22. As well as the cache drives it also includes any attached drives even if they have not been assigned to UnRaid.
  23. in the main Unraid array the supported file systems are XFS and BTRFS. You can mix and match these as desired as each drive is a self-contained file system (which means no striping of individual files across multiple disks) and can be read as such if removed from the array. 1. Maximum fault tolerance with the main Unraid array is 2 drives. There have been rumours of allowing 3 but no confirmation or ETA for this. 2. UnRaid supports a maximum of 30 drives (28 x data + 2 x parity) in its main array. 3. You always lose the number of drives dedicated to parity. Parity drives can never be smaller than the largest data drive. you can add extra drives as pools using the BTRFS specific implementation of RAID support and each pool can support up to 30 drives. The number of drives you lose to parity information depends on the RAID variant supported but it tends to be at least half if you want redundancy so much more than in the main array. there have been cases of users running 2 instances of UnRaid on the same hardware with one instance running in a VM to get extra drives but this requires separate UnRaid licences for each instance.
  24. The moment you do New Config you invalidate parity and thus have to rebuild parity from the remaining disks. On that basis you might as well immediately after the New Config put all the disks into the configuration you want to end up with and then build parity based on that configuration.
  25. Running a file system repair does not re-enable a disabled disk. Since the disk is disabled UnRaid will be ‘emulating’ it against the repair would have run against the emulated drive rather than the physical drive. It is most commonly used to clear an’ unmountable’ state resulting from file system corruption. the standard way to clear a disabled state is to rebuild the contents of the ‘emulated’ drive onto a physical drive. Before doing so you should check that the contents of the emulated drive are what you expect as what you see on the emulated drive is what you will see on the rebuilt one.
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