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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. sorry - missed thos earlier diagnostics. Looking at the diagnostics it seems you have 4x1Gb Ethernet ports -,is that correct? They also show that there does not appear to be a cable connected to the port that UnRaid is trying to use. Have you tried all the ports?
  2. Parity has no concept of ‘data’ in the way you seem to be describing it. It works at the raw sector level hand has no idea of the meaning of the contents of each sector, just that it is a specific bit,pattern. It is therefore irrelevant on which drives any particular item of data resides - it is just the totality of the corresponding sector across all data drives that matters.
  3. Using a ‘slow’ USB drive only means the boot process takes longer. Once the boot has finished the speed of the USB drive is almost irrelevant as Unraid runs from RAM with only occasional small writes of configuration related data to the USB drive. However I would have expected boot times to be consistent - no obvious reason why the second boot should be faster than the first.
  4. Sounds if the logical size of the vdisk is larger than the available space to store it? If so the VM will pause when the physical space used by the vdisk file uses up all the free space on the drive where it is located. It is not good practice to ‘over-commit’ the vdisk file although there are Use Cases where it can make sense. Was it deliberate to put it on a drive that was smaller than the logical size of the drive?
  5. Ok - that shows that the flash drive `has been mounted. On that basis I would expect the network connection to be active. You mentioned trying the IP address - what IP address was that? If there is no network I would expect it to be one of the form 169.x.x.x which is what you get if no DHCP server can be contacted because there is no active network. you could now try the ‘diagnostics’ command from the command line which will create a diagnostics zip file in the logs folder on the flash drive. Posting that should allow us to see why you are not getting a network connection. Just checking - can you successfully boot in GUI mode, or are you only able to boot in non-GUI mode to the command line?
  6. It would not be possible to set up and start the array unless you have successfully obtained at the minimum a trial licence. the reason I was interested in the output of the ‘df’ command was if the flash drive is not successfully being mounted at /boot in the later stages of the boot sequence then you would not get any network drivers loaded. In case you are interested more information about the Unraid boot process can be found here in the online documentation.
  7. Not sure where you saw this - networking should be available from the outset. If you login at the console and use the ‘df’ command does it show the flash drive mounted as /boot ?
  8. What version of Unraid were you trying to use?
  9. yes. For a long time it was the only way to upgrade UnRaid.
  10. No idea then Have you tried asking in the support thread for that plugin if anyone else has succeeded with a similar setup.
  11. This is really a decision you have to make for yourself on a cost/benefit/risk basis. Adding a second parity protects against having 2 simultaneous dish failures, but if you have a good backup strategy you may decide the benefits do not outweigh the cost. It is always worth remembering that extra parity is about high availability and is not a guarantee against data loss so anything important should always be backed up elsewhere.
  12. Fan monitoring is not part of standard Unraid, but have you tried using the Dynamix System Autofan plugin?
  13. According to your diagnostics you seem to be getting read errors on multiple disks. I would carefully check the power and SATA cables on all drives, and also run a file system check on each of the array drives.
  14. You get an automatic parity check if the array was not stopped cleanly during the reboot process. there have been reports that UnRaid 6.9.2 is not always correctly honouring the timeouts for stopping VMs and Docker containers, You might want to try manually stopping the array to see how long it takes. You can then go to the settings for Docker and VMs to check the timeouts are long enough. Even if they are try making a trivial change and re-applying them as this seems to help with UnRaid honouring them.
  15. There was a bug reported in the plugin that could cause this but I thought it was now fixed. Are you sure you are on the latest version of the plugin?
  16. According to the diagnostics the system had not finished initialising at the point the diagnostics were taken, so not much in the way of conclusions can be drawn.
  17. No. The rebuild simply makes the physical disk match the emulated one (which is why a rebuild does not clear an unmountable state). you need to run the file system repair process on the drive to get it to mount.
  18. Was it showing as unmountable before the rebuild? A rebuild does not fix an unmountable status if the emulated drive was unmountable before the rebuild. Handling of unmountable drives is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the UnRaid GUI.
  19. Yes, but the latest releases are larger than earlier ones and more RAM demanding. The current recommendation for minimum RAM is now 4GB even though you can run the basic NAS capability in 2GB.
  20. This is covered here in the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI. It is up to you whether you use the option to rebuild to a spare drive (safest) or the one to rebuild the disk to itself.
  21. Option a) is a possibility. If the server powered off with only this running it definitely points at a hardware issue - have you checked thermals (cooling)?
  22. If you want anyone to look at your diagnostics you will actually have to attach them to a post
  23. That is not enough to upgrade the OS via the GUI. You would need to do it manually using the legacy method.
  24. Yes. After coping across the config folder you should delete the licence .key file that applies to the other USB drive leaving only the one relevant to this drive to avoid any confusion later.
  25. How much RAM do you have on your UnRaid server?
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