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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You can simply put the flash drive into a PC/Mac and copy all the files off it onto the PC/Mac.
  2. It should have worked if you actually set each disk explicitly rather than simply left it at its default value. Having said that I have a feeling that there may be a bug in 6.9.2 around setting individual drives to drive specific values but I am not sure about that.
  3. The UD plugin gives the option to share the whole disk under a network share name of your own choosing
  4. Not quite the question you asked but is there any reason to not use the WireGuard VPN that is built into recent UnRaid releases. That can be used regardless of whether the array is started or not.
  5. Yes - that is the standard message if there is not a balance currently running.
  6. you can achieve this in 2 ways: if the are going to be dedicated to the VM then simply pass them through so they are seen as ‘local’ hard disks inside the VM. Their contents are then not visible at the Unraid level while the VM is running. access them as network shares - their contents are then also visible at the UnRaid level.
  7. It looks as if your flash drive dropped offline (or failed). If that happens then symptoms can be a bit unpredictable. If you have one then put it into a USB2 port.
  8. You need to clear your browser’s cache and this will fix this error.
  9. Just to clarify there is a bug in the plugin in that you have never gone into Settings->Disk Settings and hit Apply from that screen then there is no value set for at the UnRaid level for the Disk Warning temperature value and this results in the plugin thinking it is 0C rather than the default of 45C. A workaround is to ensure that you have set a value, but the next update to the plugin will handle this setting being missing and will then apply the default of 45C. I suspect in practice most users HAVE set something via Settings->Disk Settings for some reason or other and as a result not encountered this bug.
  10. You will not lose any data - just any settings you have customised from their defaults. The Troubleshooting section of the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the UnRaid GUI has a procedure to follow if you are not sure of drive assignments.
  11. The problem is that the values set at the Unraid level for the temperature warning threshold is not being picked up and is being treated as 0C. I did make a post asking for some specific files to try and work out why but I cannot find that post - it seems to have gone AWOL Anyway files I would be interested in having copies of are: Flash Drive: config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.cfg config/disk.cfg config/smart-all.cfg config/smart-one.cfg The last 2 may not exist - if so just say so It would also be useful to have some runtime files: /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini /var/local/emhttp/var.ini You will probably need to go to a command line to get these files.
  12. The cache will only start being by-passed and the array selected for new files when the free space falls below the Minimum Free Space value. You should set that to be larger than the biggest file you expect to transfer for this to work as you want.
  13. You should provide your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) so we can get a better idea of what is going on. mover will never change the path of a file so not sure why you think mover should be taking files out of the Downloads share? I would have thought that was sonarr’s responsibility?
  14. Yes - they are merged into a single view. The view will include any files in the same folder located on any array disk and any pool (cache). The details of how this is managed are not really relevant unless you are a programmer - in which case look into Linux Fuse support.
  15. I thought you said you could successfully boot into GUI Safe mode? Is that still true? Booting into normal GUI mode with all plugins disabled should effectively be the same. You do not want to do this as you would disable some standard built-in functionality.
  16. That suggests you have a plugin causing a problem as Safe Mode disables installation of any plugins. It is going to be a trial and error exercise to work out the culprit. The easiest thing to do is to start by renaming all the .plg files in the config/plugins folder on the flash to have a different extension as those are the files that control the loading of each plugin. You can now start renaming them back one at a time to the .plg extension and then rebooting until you find the problem One.
  17. If xfs_repair has created a lost+found folder then you will find that you have a folder of this name on the dtive, and also as a result a share of that name. Not having one is a good sign that the repair process did not find any disconnected files/folders.
  18. Handling of failed/disabled disks is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the UnRaid GUI.
  19. It IS documented in the online documentation that can be accessed via the 'Manual' link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  20. Use any syncing software you like . I personally use FreeFileSync although there are lots of other similar solutions.
  21. In which case the speed that shows in the History and any notifications from the plugin will be correct. The builtin Unraid code gets the speed that it displays on the Main and Dashboard tabs wrong if there were any pause/resume during a parity check.
  22. If you are working at the command line are you sure you do not have a terminal session open with the current working directory set to a location on any pool/cache or array drives/. Either of these will stop the unmounts from completing successfully and the array being stopped cleanly.
  23. How are you installing these? If you are doing it via Community Applications (the Apps tab) then it should be persistent. If you are doing it manually it is probably only being installed into RAM as Unraid runs from RAM after loading there via the boot process.
  24. This is showing in the SMART information for disk1, and it is suggesting that failure of that disk is imminent so it should be replaced ASAP. You can see this SMART info if you click on disk1 on the Main tab.
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