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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. It is unusual not to get a reply in the forum quite quickly unless your problem is very obscure so that nobody has any idea.
  2. Since it is about 5 days since I pushed the last update does the lack of reports indicate that those that had reported issues no longer have them or simply that nobody has got around to using this release yet? I would welcome feedback either way.
  3. In which case whatever was doing the copy is almost certainly the culprit.
  4. PHP runs server side so is run before the page is sent to the browser. It is widely used to populate/generate many of the pages in the web GUI. What are you actually trying to use PHP to do? Knowing that might mean you get some pointers.
  5. Rebooting the system is the normal way to clear it. Not sure if it ever goes back down by itself.
  6. Those are all basically different views of the same data! /mnt/cache and /mnt/disk1 refer to the physical drives and thus show files that are on that specific drive. /mnt/user is the User Share view that can span multiple drives including all array disks and the cache. /mnt/user0 is a User Shate view that spans all array drives but omits any files that are on the cache.
  7. True - but that is what it is with the latest releases of the Linux XFS drivers and is is more than used to be the case. I believe there are new features available, but exactly what they are and whether unRaid can use them I have no idea.
  8. You seem to have mover logging enabled. You do not want this unless you are investigating a mover related issue as it can generate a lot of output.
  9. You did not mention what the owner and permissions were changing to. There is no way they should change without an application actually changing them. Using the ‘ls -l’ command might provide more information.
  10. Unraid will attempt to raise a notification whenever an attribute that is being monitored changes value. It is up to you to configure now you want such notifications to be handled. Anything configured via the GUI will stick. Unraid stores such configuration information on the flash drive and re-applies it any time the system is booted. Changes made by the command line by-passing the GUI need some additional action to make them stick as such changes are only made on the running copy of unRaid that is in RAM.
  11. If you ever have an unclean shutdown or a write to an array drive fails then parity is probably going to be out-of-sync with the array drives. You are correct that most of the time a hardware error will detect a problem has occurred. However many people basically run their servers with minimal attention so often miss or ignore an error message and the periodic parity check stops such errors accumulating over time without the user being aware. s such you can consider it a form of preventive maintenance. The impact on daily use can be minimised by using the Parity Check Tuning plugin to run such checks in increments outside prime time.
  12. easy enough to do: Stop array unassigned parity disk start array to ‘forget’ parity disk assignment.
  13. this is frequently recommended as any file being held open by a docker container (or the Docker sub-system) will be ignored by mover. Disabling the Docker service means you will not encounter any problems while files are being moved between drives.
  14. Yes - it is that simple. The preclear is strictly not necessary as parity build rewrites every sector on the drive but no harm in doing it if you want to do an initial stress test of the drive. Any other disk I/O at the same time as a parity build will adversely affect its speed (so it takes longer) but if you are happy with that you can use applications at the same time.
  15. It is not clear to me if you have ever formatted the 8TB drive? If you have not then that will be required before you can use it.
  16. I like the idea of adding a warning - needs some server side code to implement it but may not be too hard to do.
  17. They DO. There is a Use Case bought up in the past for having the Use Cache set to No with files deliberately kept on the cache.
  18. Not had experience of them but 2 show up for me! Have you enabled the option to show additional dockerhub containers in the CA settings?
  19. What are the paths for the problem files/folders and what owner and permissions are they being changed to? I would suspect it is one of your docker containers doing this.
  20. If the disk is not disabled (shows a red 'x' then it will not be being emulated. You might want to look at this section of the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the unraid GUI. It also looks as if there are issues with your cache drive. Probably worth waiting until @JorgeB can chime in on that.
  21. You could try removing the trailing ‘~’ character and see if you can then boot in UEFI mode.
  22. The diagnostics are a ZIP file created via Tools -> Diagnostics and contain a lot more information about your system.
  23. You are making assumptions that the recovery software is running on Linux I think? If for instance it is running on Windows I expect it IS aware of the encryption layer (although I could be wrong )
  24. I agree there is no problem if the rebuild has worked as expected. that is true if the recovery software you use knows how to recover encrypted volumes. Not sure this is always the case. unRaid does not use the 2nd parity to identify the failed drive after a parity check fails. Not knowing the algorithms involved I do not know whether this is not done because it is computationally too expensive or because there is too much chance of a false positive. I agree as good backups makes any discussion about recovery of data almost moot - but many people do not have that sort of backup. The question many people do not think to even ask themselves is why they need encryption in the first place. They simply assume it must be a 'good thing' to have.
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