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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Not quite sure what question you are asking? If it is the very large value in the Errors column then this might be due to the part of the parity drive beyond the size of the previous one not being correctly zeroed by Unraid when the new one was added (there have been reports of this happening). These errors would keep being reported until you run a correcting check after which the count should return to zero for subsequent runs. If you use the History button on the Main tab that data will be better formatted The entries with the extra fields are ones where you have had the Parity Check Tuning plugin active and it has added to the entry with information it has gathered.
  2. You can get 6.9.0-rc2 either by upgrading from unRaid via Tools->Update OS and then selecting the “next” branch or by using the USB Creator tool and selecting the Next” branch.
  3. On most cases parity-check is input/output limited by the speeds of the disks rather than limitations of the CPU.
  4. Has anyone tried out the Parity Problems Assistant? At the moment I have set it up to not allow you to do anything if there is no parity disk present. It occurred to me that in such a case I could allow a partial read-check rather than a parity-check. Not sure if there are real-world scenarios where this might be useful?
  5. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your NEXT post in this thread
  6. I have no experience of Minio but some comments that might help: you can directly refer to individual drives by using paths that start with /mnt/diskX (where X is the drive number) referencing a drive directly tends to be more efficient from a performance perspective than going through a user share. any top level folders you create on any drive will automatically be treated as a User Share (if you have that feature enabled) with default settings which you can then (optionally) configure as you want it is not clear to me whether you are actually going to want User Shares at all for your Use Case? You can control this from Settings -> Global Share Settings.
  7. At the start of the boot process you would have been presented with a menu that allows you to select the boot mode. There is a timeout that kicks in if you do not actively select an option and then whatever is the current default is activated. The initial default is appropriate for ‘headless’ servers. As well as doing it via the GUI it is also possible to edit the file syslinux/syslinux.cfg on the USB stick and move the default entry to be one of the other options.
  8. I would think your best chance is to use something like UFS explorer under Windows to see what data it can find on the drive. It would take sometime as you have certainly bad;y damaged the file system control structures that are at the start of the disk so the whole disk will have to be scanned looking for potential files. The trial version of UFS explorer can be used for free and that would at least let you know what it might be able to recover, but you have to pay to use the version that will recover any useful data as the trial version has a file size limit on files it can recover. others may have other suggestions for recovery software but that is the only one that I have experience of using. worth re-iterating the point (which I think you recognise) that Unraid should never be considered as an alternative to having a proper backup strategy for important data - there are all sorts of ways to lose data other than drive failures.
  9. Thanks for the information. Glad to hear that going through the settings screen seems to have fixed the issue. There was an internal change to the way that the configuration information was stored. I can see that the .cfg file you posted is still in the old format. I thought I had put in place the code that migrated old format to new one but it looks like I missed an entry that affects the generation of the cron entries. Using the information you have provided I can fix this but hopefully it is a short term issue.
  10. Strange - that looks like a valid command Are you sure it is 15 minutes? There should not be anything at exactly that interval (although 17 minutes is a possibility but that should not be a “pause” type entry). Can you supply a copy of the file parity.tuning.cron from the plugins folder on your flash drive? That contains the entries that are used for the plugin to work with cron. It is regenerated any time you make a change in the plugin’s settings to be appropriate for the current settings so it might be worth doing that to see if it magically ‘cures’ the problem. The parity.tuning.cfg file would also be useful to show exactly what settings you are running with to help with trying to recreate your exact scenario on my test systems. In fact the other files in that folder (except the txz one) could all help give a better idea of what exactly is happening.
  11. Those are all standard Unraid events and have not changed in a long time. I would not suggest you change them as that could have unforeseen side-effects - you should be able to what you want via the ‘go’ file I think
  12. Do you have Turbo write enabled? If not then 30-35 MB/s is not that atypical for writing files to the parity protected array.
  13. It is interesting that fdisk does not show any of the partitions as being a FAT type. Maybe you would have better luck if you used Windows to delete the existing partitions and then created a new FAT/FAT32 one and formatted the drive on Windows?
  14. A transfer to an Unassigned Device does not go via the cache so that is not your problem. I am a bit confused by the path you are giving for the Windows machine. I would expect it to be something like \\unraid\NVME\downloads assuming NVME is the name that you have specified in UD for the share name to be used for the NVME drive, and you want to be copying to a 'downloads' folder on that drive.
  15. Exactly what was the command you used? Did you remember to include the partition number (e.g. something like /dev/sdX1) if using that form of device name.
  16. Unfortunately that is the only way to pin down the culprit. you could try listing them here to see if anyone can point at a likely suspect.
  17. If you email Limetech support describing the problem and with enough information for them to locate you original purchase (e.g. email address) and the GUID of the new USB stick you want to use then they should email back the key required.
  18. itimpi


    If you log in and use the ‘df’ command do you see anything being mounted at /boot? Your symptoms would be consistent with the USB drive not being mounted at the later stages of the boot process as that would mean no network drivers would be loaded.
  19. FI have just put out a new release. I think I have fixed all the issues reported against the last few releases and (hopefully) not introduced any new ones. For those running unRaid 6.9.0 rc2 (or later) this release also includes the first version of the Parity Problems Assistant (under the Tools tab) . Anyone running 6.8.3 will still have the entry but on selecting it will get the message about the required minimum unRaid release to use this feature. I will be interested in whether users think that the Parity Problems Assistant looks like something that would prove to be of use and feedback is welcomed. I have some ideas for improving its usability but thought I should get some feedback on what has been done so far before spending too much effort on taking it further.
  20. There are multiple drives (ata9-ata12) reporting problems so probably controller related.
  21. Safe mode just stops plugins from running. Have you tried disabling the Docker and VM services so that you are running as a basic NAS? I have always wondered if those services should also be stopped from running in Safe Mode.
  22. The only thing that I can see is that I would not expect to see \\TOWER as part of the Store Directory (you have already specified the server via its IP address). I would expect that field to just contain "scans" assuming that is the name of the share on the Unraid server.
  23. I wonder if you have a PSU issue. Starting a parity check is quite likely to put extra stress on the PSU and PSU’s frequently degrade with age. Do you have another one you can try? The other possibility that springs to mind is a problem with the CPU cooling causing thermal shutdown to occur.
  24. Do you have the VM service enabled? Doing so will create the libvirt.img file regardless of whether you have yet created any VMs.
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