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  1. All tags only show server 1.19.3 when booted
  2. Just like @tomwhi The use of variables are needed like VNC stuff Link to https://github.com/marthoc/docker-deconz for variables DECONZ_VNC_MODE=1 Set this option to enable VNC access to the container to view the deCONZ ZigBee mesh DECONZ_VNC_PORT=5900 Default port for VNC mode is 5900; this option can be used to change this port DECONZ_VNC_PASSWORD=changeme Default password for VNC mode is 'changeme'; this option can (should) be used to change the default password DECONZ_UPNP=1 Set this option to 0 to disable uPNP, see: https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/issues/274 The UPNP maybe necessary for gwid to work also But so far so good! hope it helps
  3. @Jokerigno Those two are not in the current template but are as follows 1. Device with a value of "/dev/ttyACM0" 2. Variable with a key of "DECONZ_DEVICE" and value of "/dev/ttyACM0" Hope that helps!
  4. For the time being, in HomeBridge I just used apt-get update && apt-get -y install ffmpeg It works for camera install I did this from the command line of course.
  5. Any way to add ffmpeg to the HomeBridge container? Need to add cameras but need ffmpeg
  6. @Siwat2545 where are the log files for HomeBridge with GUI I want to add them to the frontend of the GUI, I know how to get the from unraid GUI or Command line via Dockers but I want them in front end gui on HomeBridge. Also Did you get the restart command to work on the gui?
  7. Cool I have the hardest time changing from the text base config file from IPfire to the gui setup on OPNsense.
  8. Hey @Siwat2545 Do you run HAProxy on unraid or another box? Docker or VM or Router?
  9. Thanks @jbrodriguez thats exactly what I did! I assumed that was the solution for now but was wondering if there was another way.
  10. The app is trying to connect to my server via port 88 not 80 I remember changing my server to 88 a while back but it is set as standard in the "go" file #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & #crontab -l | { cat; echo "30 11 * * 1,5 docker exec plexReport plexreport -n -d"; } | crontab - ##change port 80 to 88 #/usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 88 & #The following line is not stock; but it makes safemode work with go file additions. #if grep -wq unraidsafemode /proc/cmdline ; then exit ; fi #Additional go file modifications below this line. But somehow in the controlr startup it still is trying port 88 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr# ./controlr I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 app.go:57: controlr v2.0.5-201.f78ee85 starting ... I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ... I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 app.go:74: Connections to emhttp via http:88 ... I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 unraid.go:61: starting service Unraid ... I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 server.go:70: Starting service Server ... I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 server.go:90: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 server.go:136: Server started listening http on :2378 I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 proxy.go:48: Starting service Proxy ... I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 proxy.go:91: Proxy started listening http on :2382 I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 proxy.go:92: Proxy started listening https on :2383 I: 2017/06/26 23:54:15 app.go:104: Press Ctrl+C to stop ... How can I change this? Where is the app picking up the emhttp address? Thanks, Jeff
  11. OwnCloud Login loop can be fixed! OK I found the file and the fix! login into the docker bash from the terminal with this command docker exec -it owncloud /bin/bash Now you are inside of the docker. Time to edit the request.php file with nano nano /config/www/owncloud/lib/private/appframework/http/request.php When you get the file open use CTRL + W to find this string public function __isset($name) { Then after that line add these 3 lines, of perfection! if (in_array($name, $this->allowedKeys, true)) { return true; } Have Fun!
  12. I have the exact same problem! How Did you fix this? Im running Linuxserver.io version. Thanks
  13. I think you are using chrome browser?? You are probably being asked for your user pass to login to Google Drive. -Jeff
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